What NOT to do on a Guy’s Trip

What NOT to do on a Guy’s Trip

hey there fellow travelers mark here with walter’s world and today we’re here in new orleans louisiana and i’m actually here with some of my buddies and we’re on a guy’s trip so i thought it’d be a good time for us to give you the don’ts of a guy’s trip okay and you may ask well mark where are your guys where your friends i’ll get to that in a little bit okay now the first don’t though i have for guys trip is don’t just go to vegas look you got to find a place to go but don’t feel you have to go to just the stereotypical oh we’re going to go to vegas we’re going to new orleans and that’s it there are tons and tons of destinations that make great guys trips i’ve done guys trips here in new orleans multiple times yes i’ve done vegas with new york providence rhode island heck we went to carbondale illinois i mean you can go big you can go small you can go wherever but the key thing is you’re getting away you need to get away from the stress of your normal life the stress of the situation that’s why it’s always good to go to another town go to another city so you can kind of be a bit more free than if you’re back home now when you’re planning this out what i want you to think is don’t think everyone has the same budget some people are going to be coming to this they want to spend thousands of dollars and some people look i’m looking to spend a couple hundred dollars you need to discuss the budget before you go i’ve gone on trips we’ve had multiple people on multiple different budgets and it can lead to a lot of headaches because some people want to go and eat charred grilled oysters every single meal and other people like look i can do that once but i can’t do that like six meals it’s too expensive and so you have a little like ill will between the people because of that that’s why it’s really important to discuss how much we’re looking to spend because that will influence what you’re going to do because cities like new orleans you can spend a lot of money or you can speak spend very little money because think about it you come to new orleans you go to an nfl game an nba game go out drinking at the bars on bourbon street and really rack up the bills or you can do it a little bit on the lower key hey you know what you can go drink at the hotel you can walk around with beers and stuff like that in the french quarter you can go and listen to live music for free and then have like a couple beers there to really cut down on the cost but it’s really important that you discuss how much you’re looking to spend so our buddies we all decided what we’re going to spend on this trip we all agreed at a certain price point or kind of spend point and that’s really helped out and the thing is if you have friends that have less money that can’t do as much if you’re okay with helping them out you can do that maybe you get the hotel or you get the flights or something like that you kind of help out a little bit that’s okay but just make sure you’re discussing that budget because that’s where a lot of like frustration might come in and the thing is what kind of leads off of that is realize that don’t think everybody wants to do the same thing so for example some people will be going back to a city for like the fourth or fifth time and for other people it’ll be their first time going there so if you’re coming to new orleans i’ve been to cafe dumont like i don’t know 400 times but my friend that’s been here he’s never been so we’re gonna go there and so you have to kind of make this give and take and so when you go to a place that has a lot of different things on offer like here in new orleans yes you have the bar scene on bourbon street but there’s so much more than that i mean you can go to the zoo you can go to the aquarium you can go see the world war ii history museum you can do voodoo tours and in all cemetery tours and house tours and and there’s all gator tours and go out in the swamp there’s a lot of different things on offer for people and that’s a really great thing so you want to find a destination that has that because yes there will be a lot of playing cards and drinking beer and eating with your buddies but you’re going to need something else to do because you can’t do it all day i mean i guess you could do it all day but you probably want to do more okay and i think the point of doing more goes into our next stone don’t let your guys trip turn into remember that time vacation because usually when you’re going on guys trip you’re meeting up with friends you haven’t seen for a while and you talk about the past which is totally fine our friday night was all about let’s talk about the past but saturday and sunday have been let’s have a good time let’s do some new stuff okay because you really can’t sink into that remember that time in high school when you did this remember that time remember this person i mean that’s cool to go back but you want if you want to keep developing your friendships and making these guys trip really like growing and growing that bond you have with your friends make sure you’re doing something new when you are going and coming to these places and when you come to these places my next tip for you is don’t forget to bring some cash look when you’re going on guys trip yes you’re going for a lot of crappy food like crappy in terms of health quality food you’re probably getting some of that you’re going to going to be drinking and things like that and cash places like new orleans vegas stuff like that yes you can pay cards everywhere but cash makes life a lot easier because you know what when you’re holding up the money at the bar that’s more likely to come get it than the credit card kind of thing because look i can tip you with this these kind of things you want to think about so have cash especially if you need to grab that taxi late night have that cash in case the credit card machine doesn’t work things like that your phone gets stolen or the battery dies you’re taking so many crazy pictures just make sure you do have some cash another little thing to throw in your bag before you leave don’t forget to throw in a deck of cards you’ll be surprised how a deck of cards will really kind of lighten the mood and get everybody talking because think about it when you come here and say hey how are you how’s life how’s the wife how’s the kids how’s your house coming along these kind of questions and things they kind of start but if you want to get past the superficial stuff you start playing cards you start talking crap to each other things like that it really kind of brings down the tension and gets us to share more so make sure you throw some in because you may think oh somebody will bring those they won’t and do you want to spend 20 for a you know new orleans you know souvenir pack probably not okay so make sure you throw some of those in your bag now my next stone for you should be kind of obvious but it is don’t get arrested look if you don’t want to be able to come to the next guy’s trip get arrested on this one no no don’t get arrested i know you’re here having fun and having a great time with your buddies but make sure you’re keeping it smart and not being stupid i mean there’s a lot of people that you know you got a friend that drinks a little bit too much in a little fist cups here and you’re just telling the cops my friend didn’t start anything and you end up in jail too look don’t get arrested i’m just i’m just telling you you don’t want to have to like get bailed out or have your friends bail you out or are you having to go bail your friends out it really puts a damper on the festivities and the thing is that leads into our next stone and that is don’t think what happens on guys trip stays on guys trip look the guys you’re going with they probably have girlfriends or husbands or kids or spouses or whatever and they’re going to tell them what happened on your trip or they’re going to ask what happened on your trip and they’re going to share oh man this crazy stuff that dave did oh my gosh this crazy stuff that mike did oh my goodness i don’t know how we didn’t get arrested that stuff is going to come out okay so don’t be stupid i’m gonna keep it you know relatively clean all right so you don’t get in trouble when you’re back home because it’s not just getting arrested that can get you in trouble and this kind of leads into my next stone and that is don’t feel you have to invite everyone look we all have those friends maybe they’re the ones that like to get into fights or they’re the ones that can’t hold their alcohol or maybe they do have a problem and stuff like that with things you need to think about this do i want my friend who always argues about politics to come on this party yeah they’re my good friends and i want them on guy’s trip but is it really going to mesh with all the people that are there and it’s okay to say you know what i’m not going to invite them i know sometimes it’s kind of hurtful and you’re like man i feel bad not inviting them but think about it do you want to have to babysit them at every single bar because they’re drinking too much or babysit them at a club because they’re always like trying to pick fights or stuff like that you don’t want to do that okay the key thing to guys trip you don’t want any drama in guys trips so those people those guys leave them out okay i know it’s tough but you need to leave them out sometimes and sometimes it’s not like bad stuff sometimes it is if you got a friend that’s super cheap look i mean i don’t want to eat just you know i love crystals but i don’t eat crystals every meal when i’m here in new orleans i want to go and have char grilled oysters i want to have the gumbo i want to go to have some sazeracks and things like that you need that’s why you had that discussion about the budget but it’s another thing you think about it’s like look if i’m going to go to an expensive place and maybe i don’t invite my friend that can’t afford it because what you might be doing is kind of pressure them into coming when they can’t really do it so sometimes easier just don’t invite people that you think might cause drama and when you are planning your guys trip one thing i want to tell you is don’t forget to make reservations obviously for hotels but also restaurants because restaurants don’t usually have oh yeah we have 12 seats open all the time it’s a good idea to book those things so you can get together maybe get asked for their private room if you have enough people because you don’t want to spend half your time looking for a place to eat that can get you in so just make sure you’re planning ahead and booking those things i guess another tip i would say about planning ahead for those things one when you’re booking accommodation make sure you’re planning that everyone has their own bed look we’re not 18 anymore sleeping on the floor hurts okay so make sure everybody’s got a bed has space for you to like chill out during the day to go play cards and things like that another thing i would say is you make like a google doc so everybody’s like what people have bought if they’re if you’re kind of pulling the money together but also i would put in their flight times so you’re not wondering oh what time does mike get in when is mark’s flight like should we try to get together at the airport or should we take off at the same time because having that saves a lot of these asking 10 other times about you know the same kind of stuff so put all that together now remember how i told you before i’m here with my buddies mike and matt i am here with them but they’re not here now and that leads us into the next don’t don’t feel bad if you need some alone time on guys trip especially if you’re gonna go for a longer one because i’ve gone on weekend long guys trips but it’s also gone on like 10 day guy trips and you need a break sometimes because think about it you live on your own you’ve got your family you got your own stuff and so you do have sometimes your own time and you haven’t been spending this much time with them maybe since high school and it can you know a little friction might go here and there so don’t feel bad if you want to do something different so like my buddy brad he’s a big zydeco music fan and he goes once let’s decide to go that’s not my jam so he went to go listen to zydeco music and i went and went and go filming and my other friend went to the world war ii museum so that’s why it’s good to have destinations with multiple things so i’m gonna have alone time you can have a long time and go do something else and then we meet up later so for example i’m filming this early in the morning and so we’re meeting back for breakfast at nine to go do some stuff together that’s okay so don’t feel bad if you’re like man i need a little time away from people all right and the thing is i know that sounds a little bad but my next tone for you is don’t think that you don’t need a guy strip i mean you know me i make videos we travel with my family like 80 and 85 percent of the time i travel my family’s with me and i love trying with my kids i love being with johnson and all these kind of things but i know that i need a guy’s trip i need that chance to bond with my friends or rebond with my friends and reconnect with them because it’s fun to get away and have some fun and drink some beers with your buddies and and go and have silly times together you still need that and it’s tougher to get that when you’re older and so these kind of trips yeah you’re not going to meeting up after school every day like back in high school but having that weekend together really can rekindle those bonds and re-strengthen those bonds which is why guys trip is a really really great thing there’s one more thing i i almost forgot don’t forget to call or write your wife and kids or your spouse or your partner your girlfriend or boyfriend or whatever you need to make sure you’re contacting them let them know hey i got in okay hey we didn’t get arrested last night give them a call so they know you’re having a good time but but don’t let them know you’re having that good of a tie make sure you throw in there oh i miss you honey i miss you kids you know you might not miss them too much because you have such a good time it’s still a good idea to keep in contact with them okay so anyway i hope this helps you have a better time on guys trip if you have any advice or tips or don’ts about guy strip put in the comment section below so other people are going on guys trips can learn some tips and tips tips and tricks because there’s a lot of great destinations out there whether you go to nashville you come here new orleans vegas italy wherever have a great time on guys trip and i wish you all the best bye from new orleans oh and special thanks to our patrons on patreon and our members on youtube who help make videos like this possible y’all are the best bye from new orleans


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Alex Lorel

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