and this is how you travel [Music] and a big thank you to norton 360 for sponsoring a portion of this video so i’ve been to shark out three times now i keep coming back because it is my favorite island in one of my favorite travel destinations the philippines and with that it’s got so many signs of what’s going to become a major travel destination in asia shark out is one of those places that’s got the early signs of like a changu or bali before it was developed there’s a lot of excitement and energy here so today i’ve put together the best of shar gao and odds are pretty good after watching this video you’re gonna end up coming here for yourself so what i’ve done is i’ve kind of broken it down into a rough five-day itinerary and i threw in a few key pieces of information that i think will be really beneficial for your upcoming trip it’s inevitable so for day one why don’t we start off at the ma asen bridge it used to be like an instagram little hidden gem the word’s gotten out anymore but it’s still pretty quiet relative to everything it’s not so bad but it’s such a cool spot you have a rope swing here you got this little rafter you can get some photos but you got to pay to do any of these things it’s like between 20 and 50 pesos and you can pay like a few hundred pesos to take a boat around the river so one of the best things about chargow is actually the island itself it’s so beautiful there’s countless palm trees endless places that are yet to be discovered it’s one of those places you can just rent a scooter hey what’s up and get lost that is insane we just saw a lizard cross the water like jesus it was like running on water i’ve never seen any animal do that i’m so excited i know it was amazing a massive thank you to norton 360 for sponsoring this portion of this video today i hate to break it to you cyber threats are continually evolving and antivirus is just simply not enough to keep your data safe to keep everything on your computer to yourself the same way cathy was snooping on my data that could be happening to you right now so to understand what norton 360 can do for you i’ve made some beautiful visual cues so follow with me oh i have a thorn in my head first of all norton 360 helps secure your devices fantastic that’s why i drew a lock secondly it gives you a vpn for online privacy and you also get dark web monitoring powered by lifelock as a traveler we’re continuously exposed to having our data taken and that is where norton 360 comes into all of this now by using all of the multiple layers of protection on norton 360 essentially your life is gonna look more like this which is really cool because this guy’s having a good time use the promo code lost leblanc or check the link down below to save up to 60 percent that’s a great deal [Music] checkmate but it’s important to establish nobody can stop all cyber threats and that right there is the end of the sponsored portion so let’s get back into showing you how to travel shargo about 45 minutes later we have arrived here at pacifico and damn if you were a surfer this will be the day this is the nicest picnic i think i’ve ever had right now we are here on pacifico beach which is kind of like the north east side of charge it’s another really beautiful surfing haven a great place for beginners to come and most of all it’s a beautiful beach that nobody else is on as far as you can see white sand blue water little cute doggies and the best thing about it right now is that night has set us up this insane picnic not everyone’s gonna have this experience but you can have your own picnic pack your own stuff go to a local little shopping center and bring some supplies to the beach this is a worthy day trip right here so we’re now headed back to the resort but there’s actually one amazing spot that’s currently closed today but should be open by the time you come in about a month’s time and that is the magopunko pools you have to make sure you get the right tie because it’ll look completely different during different times but this is where i was able to visit last time i came and it’s really beautiful it gets pretty busy so as usual get there early back to the vehicle we go [Music] welcome back to barefoot living so as for accommodations you have several choices you can go as cheap as 10 to 15 us a night in a surf style hostel you can have a guest house you know between 25 to 40 depending on your location and the style and as far as the upward boundary well i don’t know if there really is one you can kind of spend a lot of money here especially if you get into the ultra luxury properties like nypalad but you get what you pay for and if this is a once in a lifetime opportunity maybe a honeymoon i think it’s worth it so without a doubt the best thing to do in shargao is to get out on the island and this right here is our ride for today all aboard we’re gonna go island hopping [Music] so without a doubt the best thing to do in charge out for a day trip is to go around these beautiful islands and we have just arrived here at naked island his favorite island so nypalat has set us up with a boat but it doesn’t have to be so expensive you can actually get yourself a bunker one of the local boats here split it with a group of people could even be strangers and you can end up doing it for a reasonable place and the cost will be about this much for a group max you know why they call it naked island right why i just realized i put my superstar [Music] where am i oh it’s been a week it’s time to find food i bet i have no energy left i don’t know if i’m gonna make it i don’t know if i’m gonna make it oh thank goodness food cheese and crackers my favorite but there’s no wine the wine is empty so here we are just sitting on the beach when absolute comedy gold just lands right in my lap with perfect delivery and execution i had everyone just breaking down in laughter a second ago it’s probably not gonna be as funny as the first time but it’s still it’s gonna be a classic alright so uh what do you say when your man steals your fruit it’s time to let that mango you’re wondering how he’s not single right now it’s just pure lacquer max gave a good chuckle i laughed we’re right now on dachau island which is like the bigger of the islands near general luna this is normally the place people come for like a lunch stop but for us we’re doing a sunset and wine and cheese stop no complaints i like this we’ve got the entire island to ourselves i’d highly recommend hiring your own banca like those private little local boats because if you come here later in the evening yeah there’s nobody else around one more island just a little further down we’re not gonna go there today is guyam island it’s absolutely beautiful it’s for me the most like photogenic island i think i’ve ever seen knock it off philip we’ve talked about this stay back [Music] that sunset was literally the most unexpected one i think i’ve ever had everything turned pink it was so beautiful out of nowhere it was like gray to just on fire in fact christian said let’s leave because it looks like it’s gonna rain but then boom everything was so beautiful thank you sargo sharkow is unbelievable but if we’re willing to go a little further off the coastline and pay a little bit of money to do so you must check out sohoten sohoten is this epic set of islands where at least a year ago very few people were going from my memory it’s about three to four hours by a little banker it’s about three thousand to four thousand pesos depending on the island package that you choose that’s not that cheap but if you get a bigger group you can of course split that cost there’s also going to be some admission expenses for some of the parks but if you have a look here at some of the incredible shots i was able to get you’ll see for yourself why it might just be worth it for you to spend that money we ended up staying at this hotel right here and granted the view is absolutely spectacular it was actually a rather simple accommodation given how basic it was on the inside i would say the price was pretty darn expensive but you also get to wake up to that view right there and for me that made it all worth it [Music] welcome to general luna this is the most built up side of charge it’s where you’ve got your hostels coffee shops surf camps hotels and just about anything else you’re looking for general luna is without a doubt a baby bali it looks like changu before changu popped off it looks like tulum before tulum became snobby this is such a cool and inviting place and right now you’ll see construction throughout general luna and things will not look the same in a month or in a year from now this is quickly becoming one of the most go-to places in all of the philippines for travelers especially those who like to surf and for better or for worse you’re actually starting to get franchises on the island things that kind of look a lot like a starbucks now before shark out was a up-and-coming destination it was a surf spot it was a total secret among surfers an incredible break where people could just catch some absolutely gnarly waves as you can tell i’m not a surfer today it has the foundation of surf culture mixed in with you know yoga retreats it’s got the incredible beachside access that anybody can enjoy even if they’re not surfing so it’s become so much more than just a surf spot and once again it’s hard not to draw parallels with the early stages of bali sorry i didn’t see you there since you’re here anyways let’s talk about the nightlife shark out is quickly becoming a nightlife capital of the philippines i’ve been told not from my experience but i’ve been told just about every night of the week there is something going on whether it be bravo beach club or whether it be going to the rum bar for a late night drink there’s basically something going on every night our first stop here is a restaurant in general luna that i wanted to show you guys because i’ve only heard good things about it and that is miguel’s taqueria hello 130 pesos for two tacos it’s pretty good i’m into it next stop on the list is we’re doing a little bit of a crepe stop we’re going to get a savory and a sweet crepe all for the tune of 200 pesos per crepe they have sun-dried tomatoes in it which i really love so i give it an 8. so as we’re taste testing our way through shark out today is max’s 20th birthday happy birthday thank you very much and he is on to his second nutella and peanut butter crepe today it’s a good day 20 crepes for your 20th birthday that’s the expression that’s what they say [Music] there was no food left we’re at cook’s cafe and apparently you have to come early otherwise everything sells out that’s a good thing it’s because everything’s made fresh it’s also one of the spots where you can actually bring your laptop plug in and do a bit of work here so it’s kind of like a unofficial co-work space with good food and healthy drinks thank you if you just leave the main road you’re brought onto some beach access resorts hotels and restaurants and right now we’re here at bravo and we’re gonna try out the bravo restaurant we’ve heard good things and we’ve eaten way too much so we’re not gonna get food but the cheesecake sounded awesome so [Music] confirmed it’s awesome trying something random on the menu and finding one of my favorite cheesecakes i’m not gonna sugarcoat it i will coconut cover it though there’s basically four main ways to get around shargau and it’s a pretty big island so you’re not gonna be doing a lot of walking rent a scooter that’s my number one way if you’re comfortable to do it to rinse a scooter is going to cost around 350 pesos per day sometimes upwards of 500 but try to find the cheaper end another awesome way to get around is this right here the handy dandy tricycle drivers and it’s not too too expensive to get around shower gal within general luna is going to cost you about 50 each per person another way to get around is going to be you can rent the car and drive yourself around you could probably negotiate that price and the fourth and final way to get around i just spent everywhere is right there none other than your tourist van basically getting around with a driver so you don’t have to worry about getting yourself look at the smiling face right here that’s the one now as you guys know sharkow is my number one island in the philippines but there is a huge downside to this beautiful paradise and that is going to be that you’re almost entirely disconnected from internet on most parts of the island and even the best pockets of internet on the island are still extremely slow i’m talking just barely being able to post a photo on instagram barely being able to get your stories up you’re gonna have to wait a good 30 seconds to 60 seconds just to get some basic stuff uploaded and if you’re like me and you’re trying to upload gigabytes and sometimes even tens or hundreds of gigabytes not a chance it’s not going to happen here in charge the internet is just probably some of the worst in the philippines at least for a developed island [Music] day five one of my favorite days we’re going to be doing a half day or even full day trip to the sugba lagoon now to get there is a little bit tricky you can either take your scooter or transport truck to del carmen and then from there you can get a boat a private banker for 1600 and that will take you to the magical suba lagoon once in sugba we basically just hung out the whole day swimming around taking out the kayaks jumping off the high dive and it was actually a really social atmosphere so it was awesome for meeting people it’s time to say goodbye it’s been the most incredible stay once again here at night pilate come with me we’ve got to go back to the airport our shoes are back on a very sad sign that our time here at fantasy island is over that right there is how to travel shargao and if you enjoyed today’s video please leave a big thumbs up button it makes a huge difference to these videos and hit the subscribe if you want to see our faces a little bit more alright let’s get lost again in the next one


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Alex Lorel

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