Your weekly tarot card reading, according to your zodiac sign

Your weekly tarot card reading, according to your zodiac sign

You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card spread and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your sun sign! Here’s what I do: I shuffle my tarot deck and draw the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so you can get specific advice about your personality. Here we go!


Knight of Wands Tarot Card

Margie Rischiotto and Rider-Waite

Leo season is here and with it comes the perfect person for this fiery and adventurous time: the Knight of Wands. He represents the sign’s fire element and embodies its key traits: passion, spontaneity, courage, confidence and the desire to explore. This week is a great time to travel, start something new, experiment and challenge yourself. What do you have to lose? Every experience is valuable. Go out and have an adventure.


Page of pentacles, tarot card

Margie Rischiotto and Rider-Waite

Career advancement happens in many ways and with many different influences. However, one proven technique is to learn new skills, figure out how to make the most of them at work, and then share them with others. Easy, right? The Page of Pentacles wants you to do this if you want to advance your career path. So… learn, make the most of it, and share. Who knows where this knowledge can take you? (It’s likely up!)


The Tarot Card of the World

Margie Rischiotto and Rider-Waite

The World card is always a nudge to broaden your horizons, explore, travel, and experience more of the world. New landscapes = new opportunities. Changing your location or even your daily route can change your perspective. It’s the quickest and easiest way to shift a negative mindset and reset your mood. So, Taurus, get out into the world (even if it’s just the next neighborhood). Make it your mission to explore places you’ve never been.


The Moon Tarot Card

Margie Rischiotto and Rider-Waite

Everyone sees you as the sign with the most information at their fingertips, from data to news to gossip. Your ruling planet, Mercury, makes you adept at spotting what matters and what’s changing. The Moon brings you a new mystery to solve this week, so get your detective gear ready. Ask questions, check the facts, and investigate. The information you uncover this week will make all the difference in your future.


Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card

Margie Rischiotto and Rider-Waite

Although this tarot queen is associated with earth signs, she is also a great ally for you, Cancer. Like you, she is a great advocate of security, certainty, and peace of mind. Her presence in your tarot reading urges you to do things to strengthen and repair your foundations. I’m talking about the fundamentals: health, wealth, work, and home. Focus on these areas and take responsibility for making a positive change, even if it’s just to plan something. Take good care of yourself, as this queen does.


Knight of Swords Tarot Card

Margie Rischiotto/Rider-Waite

Leos are made for battle. Fighting, defending yourself (or others), fighting back – you’re used to it. The Knight of Swords sees you leading an offensive this week, no doubt to establish or re-establish a boundary. It’s important to be clear and firm about your position and what you will and won’t accept. Ultimatums are pointless. Take the initiative.


ten of pentacles

Margie Rischiotto and Rider-Waite

You could win an Olympic medal for long-term planning. You love to sit down with your journal and some sticky notes and map out a path toward whatever goal is on your radar at the moment. The Ten of Pentacles invites you to do just that this week. This card asks you to focus on a ten-year period and consider health, wealth, work, or home. What long-term ambitions or ideals do you aspire to? And what action could you take in the present to help lay the groundwork for the future?


A poster of a person holding an item of clothing.

Margie Rischiotto and Rider-Waite

The Fool is a positive card. It’s the first card in the tarot deck and represents new beginnings and blank pages. It’s linked to the planet Uranus, so these new beginnings are often unexpected, a little radical, very forward-thinking, and not THAT well thought out. Don’t worry too much about the long term this week; just focus on your first steps in whatever new adventure you’re thinking of taking on. Let it be inspiring, fun, and just for YOU. No one has to give you permission. Go for it.


Tarot card of strength

Margie Rischiotto and Rider-Waite

You are known to be powerful, courageous, and self-sufficient. Some might even call you the ultimate warrior of the zodiac. Strength is with you this week as a reminder of your power and a push to use it with judgment, wisdom, and mercy. Strength is not about brute force or aggression. Instead, it is about mercy, patience, endurance, resilience, and bravery. These are the true tests of your character, and you are currently going through something that ignites one of them. Know that you have support. You will come out of this stronger.


The Hierophant Tarot Card

Margie Rischiotto and Rider-Waite

You’ve always loved philosophy. You like to examine how the world works, what makes people tick, and what’s really going on beneath all the noise. The Hierophant sees you on a quest for knowledge this week, seeking answers to really important questions. This can be through formal or informal education, or simply through debate and discussion. Reach out to your knowledgeable, opinionated friends and family and spark lively debates. Learn from other people. Try out new ideas. Expand your mind and you’ll expand your outlook on life, too.


The devil tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Wait

Did you know that the Devil is your tarot card? Don’t worry, it’s not all bad. This card represents a worldly, sophisticated, materialistic energy; the mantra of “greed is good,” and you’re no stranger to those vibes. All Capricorns are ambitious. You want to succeed and live well. This is a powerful week for you and your ambitions. An opportunity to take a leap to get closer to the prize may present itself, but it may also involve some risk. Look before you leap. Know the consequences before you take the shortcut.


queen of cups tarot card

Margie Rischiotto and Rider-Waite

Your emotional landscape can get a little out of whack because you’re more firmly rooted in brain analysis. The Queen of Cups asks you to take stock with your heart this week. How are you doing? What feelings are swirling around in your mind and what sensations are going through your body? Take some time to think, meditate, daydream, reflect, and talk about your emotional responses with loved ones. Pause, understand how you’re doing and what might need attention, and then get on with it. This is an important little break.


Tarot card eight of wands

Margie Rischiotto and Rider-Waite

You are entering a very busy and fortunate phase for the next few months, in which you seem to be in great demand and at the centre of things. You are in the right place, at the right time. Make the most of this energy because many invitations and opportunities will come your way that you won’t want to miss. Keep busy, be social, be active and stay motivated. This summer could be a real turning point for you.

Portrait of Kerry Ward

Kerry Ward has been reading, teaching and creating tarot decks, books and content for over 25 years, and is a horoscope contributor for Cosmopolitan UK and Cosmopolitan US. You can book an appointment Personal and written tarot reading with her, which is presented in a beautifully illustrated booklet. She is also a published author of Practice of the purpose of power, Tarot Card of the Day and Tarot without cardsShe also created the Good Karma, Crystal magic, and Taroscopes Tarot decks. She enjoys self-publishing unique magazines in her spare time, such as The guided magic manifestation journal and the last Haunted House DiaryShe is a Gemini, so writing is her favorite activity.
Follow her on Instagram for weekly predictions, information, and tarot teachings, or find her on LinkedIn.

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