WWE SmackDown results – 7/26/24 (Gauntlet Match, LA Knight)

WWE SmackDown results – 7/26/24 (Gauntlet Match, LA Knight)

WWE SmackDown results – 7/26/24 (Gauntlet Match, LA Knight)

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results
July 26, 2024
CHI Health Center in Omaha, Nebraska.
Commentary: Corey Graves and Wade Barrett
Results by: Roy Nemer of Wrestleview.com

WWE SmackDown kicks off with clips from last week’s show where The Bloodline attacked Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens.

Back in the arena, The Bloodline are with Nick Aldis backstage. We see Tonga Loa with an eye patch on and Aldis tells them that Tonga Loa is not cleared to compete and that they will have to give up their spot in the Gauntlet. He just tells him that The Bloodline will not be giving up anything. He says that The Bloodline will be represented by Tama Tonga and Jacob Fatu if Aldis is okay with it and Aldis says yes. He just tells Jacob Fatu to bring the titles home.

LA Knight vs. Santos Escobar with Elektra Lopez

The bell rings and we’re off and running. A hip toss from LA Knight followed by an arm drag take down. Escobar gets to his feet and rolls out of the ring but LA Knight with an arm lock. He throws Escobar into the ropes and hits him with an elbow to the face. He takes Escobar to the corner and climbs to the second rope, hitting him with right hands but Escobar trips him up in the corner. A chop to the chest from Escobar on LA Knight in the corner. A snap suplex from Escobar and he puts LA Knight in a modified sharpshooter but LA Knight makes it to the ropes. Escobar distracts the ref and Lopez hits LA Knight with a right hand and Escobar hits him with a 619.

-Commercial break-

Back from commercials, LA Knight with a powerslam. Elektra Lopez climbs onto the ring apron and that distracts the referee. Logan Paul runs and climbs onto the ring apron. He goes for a right hand but LA Knight ducks and hits him with a clothesline. LA Knight turns around and Escobar with a kick to the face. He goes for the Phantom Driver but LA Knight lands on his feet and hits him with the BFT. He goes for the three count and gets the pinfall.

Winner: L.A. Knight

Logan Paul enters the ring after the match and attacks LA Knight. He stomps and grabs him, but LA Knight pushes him into the corner and stomps him. Escobar hits LA Knight with a flying knee to the face and helps Logan Paul up. Both men double-team LA Knight, who is on the floor. Logan Paul climbs to the top rope and hits LA Knight with a frog splash.

We cut to the back and Naomi tells Byron that she doesn’t know what Blair Davenport’s problem is with her. Enter Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill, who cheer her up and tell her that they have to go take care of their own business.

-Commercial break-

Logan Paul is backstage and is stopped by Byron Saxton. Paul tells him that he spoke to Mr. Cleveland and that he has a surprise waiting for him at SummerSlam. He tells LA Knight that at SummerSlam he will be fighting the pride of Cleveland.

Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair come out to the ring. Bianca says she’ll get right to it. Alba and Dawn have been ignoring them and ask where the Women’s Tag Team Champions are. Jade tells them to stop avoiding them.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn’s music hits and they attack Bianca and Cargill from behind. Bianca tosses Dawn to the outside and Jade Gorilla presses Alba Fyre over the top rope into Dawn.

-Commercial break-

Tiffany is backstage with a briefcase taped shut and Nia Jax comes in, telling her she’ll get her a new briefcase. Tiffany says she wants revenge on Bayley tonight.

Tag Team Gauntlet Match: Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews vs. Legado Del Fantasma

The bell rings and we’re off and running. Angel goes for a splash on Corbin, but Corbin moves out of the way and hits Angel with a clothesline. He grabs Angel, but Angel hits a right hand and Humberto tags in. They double team Corbin to the outside and Humberto hits a suicide dive on Corbin.

-Commercial break-

Back from commercial, Apollo and Angel enter the ring. Apollo with a kick to the side of the head. Apollo with three German suplexes. Apollo climbs to the top rope and jumps off, but Angel knees him in the face. Angel hits a back breaker. He goes for the cover, but Corbin breaks up. Humberto clotheslines Corbin out of the ring, but Corbin drags him out. He throws Humberto into the ring steps. Corbin tags in and hits Angel with End of Days. He goes for the cover and gets the three count.

Legacy of the Phantom are eliminated.

The Street Profits are out.

Ford starts the match with Apollo. Ford runs to the ropes and Apollo with a dropkick. He goes for a vertical suplex but Ford lands on his feet and hits Apollo with a back drop. Dawkins tags in and hits a double clothesline. Corbin tags in and so does Ford. Right hands from Ford and he gets in the ring but Corbin with a right hand. Corbin runs to the ropes and Apollo throws him over the top rope onto The Street Profits.

-Commercial break-

Back from commercials, Corbin hits a clothesline from the top rope on Ford. He grabs Ford but Ford hits him with a kick to the side of the head and both men go down. Dawkins and Apollo enter the ring. Dawkins hits a clothesline followed by a suplex. He goes for the count but Corbin breaks him up. Corbin goes for a spear in the corner on Ford but Ford moves out of the way. Apollo tosses Dawkins to the outside. Apollo and Ford stare each other down and run to opposite ends of the ring and land splashes on Dawkins and Corbin. Apollo and Dawkins enter the ring and Dawkins with a right hand. Ford tags in and hits him with The Revelation. Ford goes for the count and gets the pin.

Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews are eliminated.

Pretty Deadly tags out for the match. Wilson rolls Dawkins up from behind but Dawkins breaks free. Dawkins gets up and slams Wilson face first into the mat. Ford tags in and they double team Wilson. Prince tags in and they slam him into Wilson. Ford throws Wilson into the rope and Prince tags in himself. Prince attacks Ford’s leg from behind. Wilson tags back in and they double team Ford in the corner. Prince tags back in and hits Ford with an uppercut. Wilson tags back in and attacks Ford’s left knee. Ford kicks Wilson into the corner and Prince tags in and so does Dawkins who hits Prince with an elbow. He goes for the cover but Prince breaks free. He throws Prince into the ropes and Wilson tags in himself and Wilson hits him with a DDT. He goes for the cover but Dawkins breaks free.

Prince tags himself in and goes for the three count, but Ford cuts him off. Ford tosses Wilson to the outside. Dawkins hits a right hand and Ford tags in. He gets hit with a Blockbuster. Ford goes for the three count and gets the three count.

Pretty Deadly are eliminated

The OC comes out

-Commercial break-

Anderson and Ford are in the ring. Anderson with a snapmare take down followed by a chin lock. Ford gets to his feet and hits Anderson with elbows, but Anderson with an elbow to the face. He goes for the count, but Ford breaks free. Gallows tags in. Gallows runs to the ropes and hits him with a clothesline. He goes for the count, but Ford breaks free. Gallows hits a body slam and Anderson tags in. He goes for the count, but Ford breaks free. Gallows hits a powerslam. Gallows tags back in and hits Ford with a suplex. He goes for a powerslam, but Ford reverses it into a DDT and both men are down. Anderson tags in and tosses Ford into the corner. He runs at Ford, but Ford tosses him over the top rope and onto the ring apron, but Anderson slips and falls to the outside. Dawkins tags in and Gallows is tossed to the outside. Dawkins with a splash over the top rope onto The OC. He tosses Anderson back in the ring, but Anderson with a Spine Buster. He goes for the cover, but Dawkins breaks free. Gallows tags in. He picks up Dawkins, Anderson runs to the ropes, and Ford grabs Anderson’s leg. Dawkins lands on his feet, rolls Gallows up, and gets the three count.

The OCs are eliminated.

The Bloodline is out.

-Commercial break-

Tama Tonga hits a cannonball on Dawkins in the corner. Fatu tags in and chokes Dawkins on the second rope. The referee stops the match and Fatu distracts the referee, Solo chokes Dawkins on the rope. Dawkins in the corner, Fatu goes for a splash but Dawkins moves out of the way. Ford and Tama Tonga tag in. Ford hits a clothesline and a spin buster. He hits Fatu with a superkick. Ford climbs to the top rope and hits Tama Tonga with a cross body. He goes for the cover but Tama Tonga breaks free. Ford climbs to the top rope but Tama with a right hand and connects with a suplex. Dawkins climbs into the ring but Tama throws him out. Fatu and Tama hit Dawkins on the outside and Ford hits a splash on the turnbuckle on all three men. Ford throws Tama in the ring, he tries a frog splash, Tama moves out of the way and Fatu tags in. Fatu hits a suicide dive on Dawkins on the outside. He gets back in the ring but Ford hits him with a DDT. Fatu gets up immediately and hits Ford with a superkick and a Samoan Drop. Fatu climbs to the top rope and connects with a moonsault. He goes for the three count and gets the pinfall.

Winners: The Bloodline

Only Sikoa and Tonga Loa enter the ring and The Bloodline celebrate.

-Commercial break-

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Alex Lorel

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