[Music] well i’ve just been chilling this morning a long line and uh i’m very hungry so i’m gonna go on a search for some food let’s see if we can find any food over here welcome this is a stir fry with vegetables spinach potentially mushroom um we sell that my retail store can i order a portion of your delicious uh stir fries you’re more than welcome frying sandwich [Music] i decided to come and chill by the pool for a little bit and soak up some sun such a glorious day [Music] well i’ll just spend the last 45 minutes in the hot tub pretty awesome and i’m now strolling back to kate’s apartment and we’re gonna go on a bit of an adventure to this really tall rock nearby like a mountain [Music] okay is styling his hair right now come on don’t make me walk that’s perfect it looks good yeah i’m supposed to look handsome you look so handsome how handsome to see you look guys let’s know from one to ten in the comments oh no really i don’t care i like i don’t i really don’t care i just like just don’t mess up we’re trying to figure out what we want to name our new apartment so what do you think pound town drill bill smash bill uh what was the other one smash pad the smash bros yeah what do you guys think i’m gonna go with drill bill or pound town i like those okay hey what’s your vote is there all our options those are terrible options one no no no all in honor will be [Music] [Music] we’ve arrived at the rock we’re gonna climb it [Music] right apparently this next part of the climb is pretty intense i’m excited [Music] that’s kate’s car just there what a view guys i really want to climb this rock but it looks quite hard to climb check it [Music] all right we’re starting to make our way back it’s getting dark we’d only get stuck up here in the dark apparently it’s very dangerous [Music] we have an injury guys what happened it’s good i was i was like jumping up and there was a curve like an oval shape and i just knead it [Music] all right we’re going for some food at super wok i love chinese food we have a feast this is called chicken chow fun very fun the yellow one is like that what does your fortune cookie say garrett oh it’s pretty surprised for this an enjoyable vacation is awaiting you you’ll be great success both in business and socially that’s nice mine is the the sun will shine through your heart and warm your soul oh it’s amazing oh that’s nice would you say adrian good things come to those who wait be patient okay i’ve been patient [Music] guys it’s hot tub time again oh so excited [Music] that was a lovely uh hot tub session and now we’re going out for some food i’m with mahogany and her cousin august hey what’s this what is it it’s a build your own sundae oh wow and i’ve got some apple crisp caramel things we call this apple crumble in england just got back and before denny’s i put my towel and swimming shorts down on kate’s car and it got stolen wait did you guys steal him yeah you did yeah you guys you guys right where are we going nowadays we’re going over to caleb we’re gonna do a little impromptu video out of frank kayla’s still awake we’re going to shoot a youtube video a little late but we’re going to get right right so we’re just setting up for our video this video is how to speak spanish there might be a twist to it i don’t really know yet when are you putting this up tomorrow tuesday today oh cool brilliant oh so the video should be ready for you guys to watch well it’s ten to three in the morning and like i said yesterday i’m going to give you guys some small nuggets of travel advice um best i can i mean it’s a bit difficult because i travel quite in quite a unique way and especially at the moment with the youtube stuff going on and some support from tourism boards in the last few months i’m in a very unique position but i’m going to try and think back to a few years back maybe when i wasn’t in this unique position and how i managed to travel so much because i’ve always traveled even before i started this channel um i’ve been traveling since i was a teenager and it’s incredible and a lot of you have asked over the last few weeks and months how can you guys travel easily and without spending tons of cash and um i’ve got a few ideas i’ve been thinking about one probably the first time i was traveling a lot with friends um we were driving places and i bought a mini bus and between me and a lot of friends i think sometimes between like eight to fourteen friends we would chip in for fuel costs and the different costs involved with traveling and we’d actually sleep in the vehicle we had hammocks and all sorts now this might not be everyone’s cup of tea you might prefer to stay in hotels and stuff but i’m just telling you the way to travel cheap um so yeah we did road trips all over europe and um it was like a annual tradition we had and that was like a really cheap way of traveling and seeing a load of cool stuff and not doing doing the traditional thing i think if you’re more into package holidays and staying in nice places with um luxuries and stuff then it’s gonna be more pricey to travel um something else which i’ve not done for long periods of time but you don’t have to save up tons and tons and tons of money and then go and just have a holiday for months on end and there are ways you can travel to places and work there so for instance i’ve just come from australia australia offer this working holiday visa for various countries definitely the uk maybe america but what you can do is you can go out there and if you’re between the age of 18 and 30 um you can basically work and that will cover your costs whilst you’re there so you as long as you can like afford the flight and a little bit money you can go out and experience these other countries australia or whatever and fund on the go which i think is quite an incredible opportunity and i’d highly recommend it if you guys are in that age bracket maybe you’ve left school you’re in your gap year um definitely look into that i’ll leave a link in the description for you to look into that um yeah i guess other advice is just try to challenge yourself on what’s like completely necessary you might have a very expensive taste in food or you might like staying at five star hotels challenge all of that and say okay what would you sacrifice in order to travel and see the world um would you be willing to eat really cheap food like i went to rome once with my friends and we basically just slept out we took a tent and we slept outside and we bought like the cheapest bread and we did it and we like squatted in buildings i mean stay safe i’m saying you should stay safe definitely but um yeah i think you just need to think outside the box when you’re traveling i love to meet locals sometimes stay with locals if that’s an opportunity and get shown around and try not to get conned by tourist traps there’s plenty of other advice i could give you but maybe we should open this up to have a q a so if you guys want to ask more specific questions in the comments i could answer those in the next couple of days um or maybe do some kind of live stream or something i hope that’s been helpful and uh tomorrow i’m helping kate and sarah and edwin move house and we’ve got a lot of heavy lifting to do so we should probably get some rest i’ll catch you then peace out enjoy life and live the adventure boom [Music] you


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Alex Lorel

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