Solo Travel – 5 Things You Will Love & Hate About Traveling By Yourself

Solo Travel – 5 Things You Will Love & Hate About Traveling By Yourself

hey there fellow Travelers Mark here with Walter’s world and I’m on my own this time the wife and kids are home still in school and I’m traveling around all by myself which can be great or it can be something you hate and so today that’s what we have for you is the five things you’re going to love and hate about traveling by yourself or solo traveling now I’m not going to lie to you the first thing you’re going to hate about traveling by yourself is you’re by yourself you get alone you don’t have anybody to share your stories with share the experience es with and sometimes when you’re traveling around you actually can get a little depressed no matter how cool some of the sites are the food is or things like that you are by yourself you know yesterday I was in Prague and this Frank from Panama was there and he’s like hey you’re Walters from Walters room I’m like yeah nice to meet you and so we’re chatting a bit he’s like oh where’s the wife and kids and I said oh they’re at home he’s like oh we chat he’s like okay I got to go now I’m going to go to my girlfriend and my friends and I’m there by myself with my k basa sad mark I’m like oh this sucks so that’s one of the things that does suck about going solo here is you are on your own okay and it can get a little depressing and sad but don’t worry I’m okay now the second thing you’re not going to like about traveling by yourself is it can be more expensive when you do travel solo because think about it if I’m with my friends I can split a room we can get a triple and split the cost by three or a double and split the co cost in half if we go out to eat we can split the food bill if we go to the grocery store we can save money that way and also some sometimes there’s group tickets that can get you a discount on public transport so going by yourself you miss out on all those things so it can be much more expensive going on your own than going with some friends the third thing you’re not going to like about traveling by yourself when you go through Europe is it’s really easy to get off track now when you travel by yourself you’re like seeing all these things you’re go go go but after a while you get kind of tired and it becomes easy to sleep in not get up and go see the museums miss out on some of the sites because you don’t have that push and put that person pushing you to go see the stuff and that can kind of take away from your experience cuz you’ll see actually less things because your friend’s not saying hey let’s get up and go you kind of can get lazy relatively quickly the fourth thing you’re not going to like traveling by yourself is it’s not always the safest way to travel because when you’re on your own well first off I mean you’re on your own so the thieves and the Thugs and stuff like that they see a Solo Traveler they say oh that’s easy prey they see you with two or three other people they’re not going to mess with you okay so one thing is your friends can help you protect you from the bad guys out there also traveling with friends can help protect you from yourself hey maybe you’ve had too many beers hey I think you need to put some sunblock on hello I wish my wife was here to tell me that now so I wouldn’t be fried okay so it can be a little less safe when you do that when you do travel by yourself oh yeah and one more thing that really sucks about traveling by yourself is I have this cool view behind me and all I get are selfie pictures because I don’t have any buddies to take my pictures for me so that kind of sucks up so here’s a little uh selfie Montage from my latest trip without the family yes lots of cool stuff and then my head really close or even get my arm in there sometimes so that’s one thing you’re not going to like about solo travel all the damn selfies at least I don’t do the duck face I hope so we’re back in Cloudy sad looking Vienna but you know what that doesn’t matter that I’m in Cloudy Vienna here by myself because I’m traveling by myself and there’s things that I love about it no matter what you think and the first thing you’re going to love about traveling by yourself is the independence you get to do what you want when you want no one’s saying oh I want to go see this Museum when you don’t want to go it’s that’s one of the great things about it you’re free to do what you want to do you know we started off in berno yeah I literally saw that church and said oh yeah you know what I should go there and I’m not joking either I saw that church from the train and I had to get off because dude that looks so cool and right behind me in this church here they have a CP where they have mummified bodies crazy and that’s because I was free and I could jump off the train whenever I wanted so I can see a cool church and mummified bodies crazy crazy let’s back to our list and that’s the thing is you have this Independence when you go travel on your own so if you meet somebody or you do something say oh that sounds kind of cool you can break off you’re not breaking off you’re just stopping and taking your back hopping off the train getting on a bus going someplace else you have that Independence when you do travel solo that you don’t get obviously when you’re traveling with a group the second thing you’re going to love about traveling by yourself is you get to meet new people I’ve met some fabulous people on my travels you know whether it’s been in St Petersburg or in Brazil or even here in Vienna I’ve met some really great guys and and women around the world and we become really good friends you know a guy I met backpacking by myself in Brazil now I go to Italy every year to go visit him because we’re such good friends you know and you have this chance to meet new people because what happens is if you travel with your friends you only talk to your friends that’s all you ever hang out with if you’re by yourself it forces you to meet new people which means da da da you have a better chance of getting to know some locals and getting to work with them and play with them and do stuff with them so you get to go and find out where the real places are versus just using your guide book the third thing you’re going to love about traveling by yourself in Europe or anywhere is you get to have U time okay I know it’s kind of related to the independence but having the U time to say you know what I do want to take today off you know what today today I’m just going to go eat Greek food you know today I’m I’m by myself you know what I’m doing today I’m just going around to see some of my favorite places here’s the car kukia St Charles Church here in Vienna when I used to study here I used to come do my homework here and so for me it’s like oh going back to the good old days of seeing things so I’m just chilling out having me time so you get to have you time when you are traveling by yourself which is cool because you get to work on a lot of things the fourth thing you love and that goes for that Independence is you can change your your plans at the drop of a hat you know like I said I was going through berno and I saw the church and said that’s really cool I’m going to go do that or you meet some of these people and they say hey you know we’re going to go to Switzerland this weekend oh you know what I will go with them cuz you’re not tied down and you can switch things to the drop of the Hat I’ve known people that literally they’re on the train and they’re like standing by the door and they look out they’re like hm sure why not and they literally like jump off the train I remember one time this one guy he didn’t like the person he was traveling with this will happen watch your thing five things you love and hate about traveling with your buddies he got tired of his buddy so he’s like on the train he just got his backpack and he’s like his Bud like what you doing oh nothing and he standing by the door and it’s like a local train kind of thing and he says so the door opens up at the stop and he goes bye and he hops out door closes his buddy’s like what the hell’s going on it was fantastic but if you travel by yourself you can do those things at a drop of a hat okay and the fifth thing you really like about traveling by yourself is when you do come back and you can tell your stories to your friends you know they’re like oh what you do oh yeah I was backpacking through Europe by myself or I was backpacking through the Middle East by myself and people are very impressed like oh oh wow you and you can tell these stories so you kind of become the man when you go back home and people ask you all these questions hey where should I go what should I do all kinds of stuff like that all right so those are things that I loved and hate about traveling by myself um I prefer actually traveling with friends and family versus by myself but I’ve gone I’ve done it both ways and it’s fantastic um I just prefer having my wife and kids around and my buddies around because then I get to share the stories but hey either way as long as you’re out there traveling it’s a fantastic thing so so if you want to learn more about traveling safety tips for traveling by yourself or whatever check us out at our website at walterworks


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Alex Lorel

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