My Scariest Travel Stories (Almost Died)

hello everyone drewbinsky here from my quarantine department in Los Angeles California I hope you’re all doing well and staying safe due to popular demand I’ve decided to make a third sequel of my scariest travel stories that have happened to me across 191 countries I must remind you guys of the quick disclaimer that I do not hate these countries in fact it’s quite the opposite these stories are based entirely off my own personal travel experiences AKA being in the wrong place at the wrong time so with that being said we head over to the Philippines to hear about the first of three scary travel stories alright so six and a half years ago when I was teaching English in South Korea I took a trip down to the Philippines for my first time in the country and now I’ve been there like 50 times and it’s my home but I was traveling with a friend at the time and we were in siki Horror Island the trip was going great I fell in love with the Philippines it’s obviously my favorite country in the world as you guys already know but on the last day in sikihor something really scary happened to me so that night at 8pm we had a flight from Cebu City to Brunei but to get to Cebu City from sikihor it takes all day and the first step was getting on a three-hour boat to another city called Dumaguete so we show up to the dock at 6am and they break the bad news that because of the weather currents and the tides all of the boat ferries were canceled so obviously we were freaking out we needed to find a way to get to Dumaguete City so I made a local friend and I told them we need to find a private boat driver to take us across so we walked around these little Villages and sure enough there was a fat guy with a cigarette dangling from his lips and I told them that we need to get across he told me that he has a boat that can fit six people and I went to go look at the boat and it was a small little bamboo boat that I had never seen before and I don’t know it just seemed like the right move to do so we did it and then other locals realized they need to get across so we shoved 10 people on the small boat no life jackets and we were off so the first hour or two was fine you know the sea was really calm the Sun was shining and everything was fine and then the weather came in and the wind started to pick up and it started raining and this boat is so small that our feet were like dangling in the water there’s a small motor in the back and I was pivoting left and right as the waves were coming coming over my shoulder luckily I had a waterproof backpack on so my computer and my phone stayed dry but everything about me was soaking wet as if I just jumped in the ocean at the beginning they told us the boat ride would take about four hours and it ended up taking eight and it was so scary to be out of the middle of the sea you can’t see any land anywhere and you have these huge waves crashing on us and literally if this boat slips over we’re not gonna make it uh we don’t have life jackets and we would all be dead and this is kind of a story that you hear in the news of stupid Travelers going out and doing things I shouldn’t do so I do not recommend that at all if it was today I would definitely not do it and I would just be happy with my missed flight but it was crazy we ended up getting to the other Dock and then as we’re soaking wet and have salt all over our bodies we have to get on another boat to Cebu Island and then get on a three-hour bus to Cebu City where we arrived 40 five minutes before our flight that was crazy for the next scary travel story we head over to brazzaville in the Republic of Congo where I was about six months ago so before I went one of my travel friends connected me with his local friend there and said hey this guy can take you around and as you guys know I love to have local friends they make me feel comfortable make me feel safe and 99 of the time they’re good people well this is the one percent so the local guy in Congo let’s just call him Jeff he picked me up at the airport in his car and everything was normal and fun and he seemed really cool yo what’s up man I’m here in brazosville Congo yeah drop me off at my hotel I checked in and then we were touring all around together and we had been exchanging messages the last few days and he was happy to host me he said I don’t have to pay him he was happy to show me around to help out a friend and we would get along and we could see all the sides of the city and just have a good day together and that’s really what happened for the first few hours we’re going around he brought his other local friend who could speak better English because I don’t really speak French unfortunately so there were three of us in car and then all of a sudden we were at a restaurant by the river and he looked at me and he basically said where’s my tip like kind of with a serious face and I was like what do you mean where’s your tip you said you would show me around and by the way I was covering all the gas uh covering the food and covering any other activities that we did I always do that I want to help out the locals and they help me by showing me around I was buying him beer I was buying him food I’d already paid about 30 or 40 dollars to him which I think was right but he looked at me and he was like where’s my tip I need money from you and I was like what are you talking about man I’m not giving you a tip and then he started going crazy on me and I I kind of backed away I thought he was joking at first and he was like I’m taking you around you owe me money you thought this was free I actually recorded our conversation because he was getting so aggressive it’s in French I bought beers I bought food I bought taxis yeah for everyone why no money but when I first met you you said I don’t want your money we just hang out you said it to me before but why do I give you money we’re friends no my friend no no no no no no so you can see how frustrated I was at the situation with this guy and he kept asking me for money so then I finally got him to calm down and take me to my hotel so he took me to my hotel and then about an hour later I get a knock on my hotel door and I open up and it’s him by himself and he’s like give me money and I shut the door I locked it I called the security of the hotel or the lobby and they sent someone and they got him out and I told him to put a security guard at the front of the hotel because this guy’s crazy he’s literally a lunatic an hour goes by and I get a call from the front desk at this guy is running around the hotel trying to get into my room and it was just a nightmare so basically what I have to do is move rooms so the guy didn’t know where I was staying and this is on like the first day I was in Brownsville I was there for a few days so literally the next two or three days I was so scared just to leave my hotel and go see things in the city so I would leave it really the weird times I would leave at like 6 a.m get picked up by a taxi and then go around and tour and then come back I just had to avoid seeing this guy it could have turned aggressive if I didn’t have my English speaking friend there to be a translator and kind of calm the situation down but he really did seem like a criminal and you got to be careful of these guys and I kind of learned my lesson to not go with locals recommended by this traveler alright that leads me into the third and final scary story I’m going to share with you today and it happened in Goa India so right after I finished teaching English in South Korea I went to India for three months on a solo backpacking trip I had long hair I was on a really tight budget of about 700 per month and my very first stop was Goa now I had thought about going vegetarian in India because it’s very easy to go vegetarian there half of the restaurants serve veg food and I was told that a lot of the meat could be bad if they’re not refrigerated properly or whatever but I was with a local friend there and she convinced me to eat at the best chicken curry restaurant so what did I do I ordered chicken and Curry this is like on my second day in India on a three month trip so I ate the chicken curry and it was incredible I was loving it one of the best meals I’ve had in a long time and then about three hours later I found myself in my hotel room with the worst food poisoning I’ve ever had there’s like food poisoning that I’ve gotten in Yemen that I’ve gotten in Pakistan in Libya and then there’s food poisoning in India and that was like times 10. basically long story short I was on my hands and knees naked in my hotel room I was so weak that I couldn’t even crawl to the toilet so I ended up on the floor sorry for the visuals guys but this is just a real life situation I think that you’re all adults here uh it was coming out of both ends and I finally was able to get to the bathroom and I then I had to crawl back to the phone because I was by myself I had to call the lobby and see if they could bring me some medicine that whole scene that I just described was about three hours okay that’s how slow I was able to crawl across I was sweating it was like the most horrible I just like you know was curled over in a ball and I could barely breathe and it was horrible like I thought it was dying I literally thought I was dying so finally they brought me medicine from the pharmacy and it worked slowly so the whole day I was pretty much out the next day I couldn’t even get out of bed but I was feeling a little bit better and I was trying to get some fluids in me and I don’t know this story could literally happen anyway I’m not picking on India but I just happened to get the worst case of food poisoning in Goa and it knocked out three of my seven days planned in Goa and even on the fourth day I was still like really weak I had lost maybe 15 pounds I don’t think I need to go too much more in detail because I’m sure a lot of you guys have had food poisoning so you know what it’s like but to this day whenever someone says where’s the worst food poisoning you’ve ever had it is absolutely in Goa India and I tried to go vegetarian after that for the rest of the trip and I succeeded pretty well ate meat a few times but I kind of learned my lesson from the beginning alright so with that I conclude the third sequel of this scary travel stories video I’m sure there will be many more because it seems to be a pretty popular series you guys enjoy hearing me freestyle obviously these are not scripted I’m just recalling my memories from these countries I have a lot more to tell you hope you guys enjoyed sorry for the negative video it really has nothing to do with the countries it really is just bad experiences from traveling because these happen a lot so with that being said have an awesome day guys and I will see you soon I’m drewbinsky and if you like my travel videos please click subscribe and join me as I plan to visit every country in the world


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