yo what’s up everybody it’s your boy floss back again with another video and today we’re going to do the Real review for the iPhone 15 Pro Max now I’m going to try to make this video as quick as I can but I think yall know the deal grab your popcorn and your th juice and get comfortable first things first shout out to White Shoes back in the building I love my I Love My White Shoes calm down okay iPhone 15 Pro Max now as usual I’m going to start off by answering a few questions number one what took me so long to make this video here’s the issue I was having now when I unboxed my original iPhone 15 Pro Max this phone was running super hot now I never overheated to the point that it turned off but I hate walking around with a hot ass phone in my pocket it was just running extra hot for no reason at all so I said you know what when I get my second iPhone let’s see if this is a real problem then I went on Reddit and and I seen a lot of people was having the same issue got the second iPhone 15 Pro Max same issue it was running extra hot so I was like okay let me get my little pen and paper out when I make my Real review I got a rip Apple a new but let me show you all right two days after I got that one then I got this alert right here let me go to uh go to my photos I got this alert right here this was on October 4th okay upgrade to iOS 17.03.2012 bug fixes security updates and addresses an issue that may cause the iPhone to run warmer than expected now once I did that update I’m happy to say the iPhones are running nice and cool so the iPhone overheating that’s all over and done with so there’s no reason for me to talk about that anymore the next question is what about the durability now I know everybody seen the bend test and the brake test I’m not going to get too deep into that because if you’re using your phone like a regular normal human being not like a banana head you’re not going to have that issue nobody’s taking their phone and going like this all right these phones are not meant to be flexible okay especially a titanium phone it’s not meant to be bent okay if you buy this phone put a case on it put a screen protector on it you could drop it like any other phone you’re not going to have an issue now I respect all of the B test and all of that don’t get me wrong we like to see how far you can push these phones but in the real world that’s a nonissue so I’m not even going to talk about that anymore next question you got yourself an Apple Watch Ultra okay should you upgrade and get an Apple Watch Ultra too now the only reason I’m talking about this right now is because I’m not doing a full video for the Apple watch Ultra 2 because it’s not worth it if you got an Apple Watch Ultra you got an Apple Watch Ultra 2 now there is some upgrades such as a brighter display which I never been in a situation where I felt like my Apple watch Ultra display wasn’t is n bright enough okay 2,000 nits that’s super bright but 3,000 nits that’s a little bit brighter okay I don’t know where they’re going to push the limit that do you need 10,000 nits on a watch it’s just a watch okay the processor they saying all 30% faster the on device Siri look in the real world okay I made some stupid purchases this year such as these peasant iPhone 15s which we’re going to talk about in a minute the B’s quiet Comfort Ultra earbuds this was a stupid purchase okay the quiet comfort too they’re exactly the same but I think the stupidest purchase that I made this year was buying the Apple watch Ultra 2 whilst still owning the Apple watch Ultra now the main thing I wanted was the little two finger tap which is kind of cute but it’s so gimmicky right now because it only works for a few things like this like you can cycle you know between KNE screens and when you’re playing your music matter of fact let’s let’s let’s drop on a song real quick let’s see what we got let’s um okay let’s see what was I listen to to last listening to some Yeet I say say you listening to some Yeet right you’re playing your music okay I can pause the music like this now I actually used that the other night and I thought it was kind of cute I’m driving so I got my iPhone connected to my carplay and while I’m driving and the music comes on and we get a little song I don’t like now you can go to settings and have it skip the song but right now I got it set to playing pause but you can have it skip a song so that’s a nice little cool feature like that but I would say this if you got an Apple Watch Ultra 2 uh Apple watch Ultra do not upgrade you’re going to feel like first of all it looks exactly the same same dimensions and everything it’s going to feel like in the real world the same watch now if you don’t have any watches and you deciding on getting a watch yeah then go for the ultra to I do like this ambient display also when it gets a certain uh when it’s dark let’s see if I can make this come on you see when it’s dark it automatically goes to to the red display I like that but there is a downside to both of these now I’m not going to make this a full Apple watch Ultra review but I will say the one thing that I don’t like I don’t like how you can’t just set max brightness and have it stay on Max brightness I don’t like that but other than that do not do not upgrade okay it’s the same watch next question now I’m not doing a review on the Apple Watch series 9 I’m not doing a same a full review on this because it’s the same thing like I’m G to be making the same video twice if you got an Apple watch series 8 the only reason I would say upgrade to the series 9 is if you felt like the display wasn’t bright enough because that’s the biggest upgrade you’re getting a brighter display now you’re getting 2,000 nits that’s about the right knage for a watch you’re also going to get the double tap with the fingers now one quick side note the double tap with the fingers does work on any finger as long as you double tap it you I can do the thumbs I can do this finger I can even take it to the pinky you’re going to get that feature but I wouldn’t say that feature is even ready for prime okay and that’s one of the things that I hate about Apple you know they like to release a lot of stuff and say oh coming soon man look man you just dropped 6 s $8 $900 on a product everything should be available right now one more quick side note all right shout out to the Samsung kns I need y’all to stand down and stand by I know a lot of y’all watching this video getting ready to think that I’m being biased toward Android and Samsung because I am a founding father of the Samsung Knights I they call me sir flossy but at the same time I am a made member of the Apple Mafia okay they call me floss lucazi okay I made my bones back in the early 2000s okay I don’t play no favorites okay I roast everybody equally all right so Samsung nights stand down and stand by this is all about the Apple Mafia all right so series 9 don’t don’t upgrade if you got a series eight don’t bother upgrading unless you want a brighter display now there’s some other features that we could talk about with the processors and the on on on device Siri and all that but I like to give y’all my reviews as a real world consumer that’s why I call these real reviews not trying to throw shade on anybody else’s reviews I call mine a real review because everything that you see on this table I paid for with real money I’m a real consumer just like you so as a real consumer you’re not going to feel like you’re getting a real upgrade if you got a series 8 and you go to series 9 now we got to get a little spicy next question should you buy the the iPhone 15 or the iPhone 15 plus now I’m going to use the same the same analogy or the same uh actual uh phraser that I used last year with the iPhone 13 and 14 same if you buy the iPhone 15 plus the only reason I could say why you might want to upgrade is yeah it does have USB type-c charging now that’s kind of a big deal that’s kind of a big deal and maybe you don’t like buying used phones okay you don’t like buying used phones but in my personal opinion I think this is this is a this is another banana head phone right this is a banana head iPhone let me tell you why first of all instead of buying the 15 or the 15 plus just get a 14 pro or 14 pro Max okay now let me show you something let’s take it over to let’s take it over to eBay you can go on eBay right now 800 bucks all day 14 pro Max all day I’m selling a few I’m selling this one I got a gold one 800 bucks all day long you spend 800 bucks for this and 900 bucks for the plus with a 60 HZ refresh rate Apple that’s trash okay that’s trash but 60 HZ Apple y’all can have that that ain’t even what I’m mad at # bars the average banana head is not going to kill about 60 Herz refresh rate although you can buy a $700 Android phone with 144 H to refresh rate but I don’t want to get too I don’t want to even get too nerdy talking about refresh rates because honestly unless you’re a big hardcore gamer you you’re not really going to care about the scrolling speeds you’re not going to want to go backwards once you use that fast scrolling speeds these are going to feel ancient but that’s not even the biggest deal if you buy the 15 or the 15 plus over the 14 pro Max no always on display okay no always on display now Apple that is complete garbage why I don’t understand why do they do like this you know they they just want to make you feel like a peasant I don’t understand that and 800 bucks this is not peasant price tag even though y’all hear me call this The Peasant iPhone no this is not the the iPhone SE all right now if this phone would have been 400 bucks and 500 bucks I would have been like jump on this immediately I jump on it immediately but for 8 and 900 bucks same exact processor you’re not going to get the Triple C camera set up on the rear now we we don’t have to talk too much about the cameras but let’s just talk about superficial because look I know a lot of people don’t like to say it but in the real world man let’s talk real world you’re going to be walking around outside looking like a peasant with your your two cameras on the back don’t do that I don’t do that first of all 60 HZ refresh rate that’s garbage no always on display and again no action button okay no action button why why are they just leaving out features on purpose like I don’t get that no action button at all do yourself a favor do me a favor okay buy an iPhone 14 pro Max you’re going to be way more happier you’re going to get your always on display look at this let me turn it look you’re going to get always on display you’re going to get more cameras better cameras better look I know people going to say yeah but the battery is better on the 15 the 15 plus batter is better than the 14 pro Max of course the battery is better it’s a 60 HZ refresh rate with no always dis of course the battery is going to be better the phone does less it does less you could buy a 14 pro Max turn off always on display you don’t need to have that but then you’ll still get more zoom on your camera you’re going to get it let me just make sure I’m saying that correctly let me just double check something real quick that’s how much I haven’t even used this phone yeah you’re going to get more zoom this is only 10 times Zoom you’re going to get more zoom on the camera you’re going to get a better looking camera okay because this is a 14 and a 15 they look the same nobody’s going to know you last year’s peasant do yourself a favor okay go for the 14 pro Max now I got one last question okay you got an iPhone 14 pro Max should you upgrade and get an iPhone 15 Pro Max usually I would say yes and no okay but this time I’m going to say yes now we getting some actual upgrades that’s going to make a difference in your real life first of all the build quality okay the bill quality now the titanium is a lot lighter matter of fact do I got the scales adjus this I do got it right here let’s just make sure since we look we here talking let’s pull out the scales of Justice I want to show yall something here’s a 14 pro Max 241 G here’s a 15 Pro Max 236 hold up is this a 14 or 15 hold up let’s make sure yeah okay this is 14 let’s make sure this is right hold up the this is 241 and this is 236 now let’s make sure my scale is level okay I thought it would be a little bit lighter all right 236 versus 241 now I know that doesn’t seem like a lot but trust me I wish I had this other phone I had it somewhere I had a dummy iPhone I that that I had somewhere but I will say this trust me I even the scales the scales of Justice ain’t really going to show youall the actual picture but the iPhone 15 Pro Max is definitely lighter the build quality why is that important if you walk around with two phones in your pocket you’re going to notice the difference in the in the weight now when I first unboxed it I was kind of on a fence I was like you know what I I kind of like having the big heavy is this hold up let me just see something make sure just make sorry yeah I shoes come on my bad my bad cuz I got another iPhone 15 Pro my I’m getting ready to show you that’s why I’m making sure I got the right one like I was saying though when I first unboxed this blue one I was like okay it feels a lot lighter I kind of missed that little extra bit of heavyweight from the 14 pro Max but then after walking around with two phones in my pocket now it makes sense it makes sense so the build quality is definitely better you’re going to notice a little bit more with that less weight but not to mention you’re getting better battery now during my endurance testing it’s not a dramatic upgrade with the battery but it’s about 30 minutes all right depending on how you use your phone and your brightness settings and all that me I’m a Max brightness demon so I got about 30 minutes extra battery life about 14 hours and some change as opposed to 13 hours and some change now that 30 minutes it might not seem like a big deal unless you at the airport okay you at the airport and you waiting you just came off that flight you’ve been on Instagram the whole flight now your phone is at 8% that extra 30 minutes that’s enough battery to make it to your hotel make it to your destination so that’s that that’s kind of a big deal more battery you’re getting a better camera okay now with the 13 oh hold up hold on a second hold on a second my bad my bad I a little scumbag material all right hold up with the cameras here’s the 13 Pro Max uh 14 pro Max the maximum Zoom is 15 times here’s your iPhone 14 pro Max the maximum Zoom let’s zoom in 25 times Zoom now look at the difference in the zoom you can actually see the hair on the table now all right if we move move some stuff around look look at the fine hairs right there on the cat better Zoom okay so you’re getting better zoom on your camera the camera’s actually better you getting the action button which we’re gonna talk about I actually love it the action button most importantly though you’re getting USB type-c charging now I know Samsung nights Android Warlords we had USB type-c charging what for the last 10 years that ain’t a big deal for us but having it on an iPhone that’s a huge deal and not only do you get USB type-c charging you get reverse wired charging what does that mean so you take your iPhone 15 Pro Max Ma you get yourself a USB type-c cable you plug it in now watch this I can grab another iPhone the computer is going to figure out which phone has the least amount of battery and start charging it so since this one has 100% battery and this one has let’s see 89% battery so now it’s charging up this one reverse wired charging I love that and it also works with other stuff so say I want to charge up some earbuds not can charge up my earbuds right for my iPhone that’s pretty epic that is a huge upgrade not to mention I’m speaking of from personal experience which when you come to my channel I’m giving you all the only my personal experience because that’s all I can talk about from personal experience you know how many times I travel and I go somewhere and I go in my bag I got a thousand of th000 USB type-c cables in one iPhone charger one lightning adapter and then I go somewh I got multiple iPhones I’m with my girl she got iPhones so now we fighting over charges I got headphones earbuds cameras tablets computers everything that charges with USB type-c even other Apple products like iPads and MacBooks why doesn’t the iPhone have USB typ-c charging so now they added that that is a huge upgrade so I would say if you got an iPhone 14 pro Max it’s about time to upgrade okay get yourself a lighter phone only buy a few grams but still lighter nonetheless better battery okay Pito better camera Pito but the action button the action button is so do let’s see how I got mine set up on this one you see I got mine with the action button now I’m going to tell you a quick story too how I got a Maya because I had this set for voice memo so Maya’s you know running off out the mouth talking M so I’m like hold while I’m on the table I just press the action button and it starts my voice memo so now we voice recording so I’m I’m recording the may all of that and then at the end of when she finished talking to her you know talking about her friends you know how you know how little kids do talking about her friends I’m like all right Amer you better be nice to me for the next 30 days all right cuz your friends follow me on Instagram you don’t want them to hear this bang and I start playing the mess she like oh that’s dirty that’s dirty but not to mention for the scum scumbag mode look like scumbag mode press one button take some pictures I could turn that sound off or I could just hold it down and start recording that’s pretty dope okay so the action button is actually useful in its uh own right but there’s some things about it that I don’t like which we’ll talk about in a minute so should you upgrade to an iPhone 15 Pro Max from the 14 pro Max yes yes now as far as the processor it is a better processor but you probably won’t notice if you’re not a hardcore gamer or hardcore multitasker you know doing a whole bunch of stuff if you’re just surfing the web and using social media and taking pictures and videos you’re not really going to notice too much about the processor but you will notice with the zoom on the camera which I’m going to show you you will notice a little bit better battery you will have fun with that action button okay and you will like the lighter phone now I’m not going to really talk too much about the iPhone uh 15 Pro because basically everything is the same except for the camera there’s a little difference in the camera which we’ll talk about now as usual I got to talk about everything that I don’t like now I got a little list that I had to make because there’s a lot of stuff all right so if you are hardcore Apple cppo you’re not going to like this part of the video but we got to get through this okay like I said I’m a real consumer here’s the first thing I don’t like the price 1,200 bucks for 256 that’s tgh and if you don’t know what that mean that’s too goddamn High okay the pricing should be as follows 1,000 bucks okay for 256 gigs maybe 1,00 bucks for 512 and 1,200 bucks for 1 tbte paying 1,600 bucks plus tax for one tab that’s just too much there’s a lot of phones on the market that you can get for one tab of storage more RAM all right more more features for less money so 1,600 bucks Apple y’all need to calm down but again 1,600 bucks Apple y can have that that ain’t even what I’m mad at if you’re going to pay 1,600 bucks let me show you the presentation you you’re going to get now one quick side note I took this case off do not buy the fine woven case I know I was kind of raving about it when I first got this phone and I told y’all I was going to use this as my daily case for two weeks straight which I did even though I got other cases I still left this case on look how dirty this case gets all right now the sides the sides did remain intact I do like the feel of it and I I haven’t even been going out crazy you know working out in the fields and all of that look how dirty this got just from being in my house and just being my normal scumbag self I wouldn’t buy this case it’s overpriced okay but like I was saying about presentation you go up in apple and you’re like you know what I got I just been working all week I don’t know what kind of work you do you could be mopping floors okay lifting up boxes you at work on a computer all day typing looking at a screen whatever kind of work you do you know chances are it’s not it’s not the job that you want you could be doing something more fun but you got to get money so you go to work you do this you got to talk to people that you don’t like we all we all we we all in that situation but you finally get paid you got your 1,600 bucks you go up in apple you like you know what let me get the one tbte black iPhone 15 Pro Max you give them your money this is what they give you all right this is what they give you now you go home you got a glass of handness Sheed you you got a cigar you know whatever you know you smoking whatever you do you want to relax and enjoy your your new phone you open it up you peel this off you look in the box okay you you go like this y all right you got one apple troll sticker and a cable okay and that’s it the unboxing experience is over now I know this whole save the environment all of that stuff okay that’s cool no chargeing the box and all that but come on for 1,600 bucks what would you rather do would you rather come home after you gave them remember you just finished working you been mopping floors all day all right lifting boxes ringing people’s doorbells delivering packages you want to come home now you’re ready to chill unbox your new product you open it up look at this you got designs patterns all right themed out phone you open the box look at all the stuff you get you you don’t even see the phone yet you don’t even see the phone yet you got a little pin right here you can put on your nerd shirt let everybody know you’re the Supreme nerd you got a fan with RGB lights you got the cable you got a big giant plug okay all your books and you got you got a real case okay look at the case you got stickers and all of that and then you got your phone which unboxing experience do you like better look at this and you got a little certificate of authenticity under that which one do you like better for your 1,600 bucks I don’t know about you I like this okay this is how I want this is a presentation look man life is all about experiences when you go to that fancy restaurant you you’re going to eat that food and go home and it out in a few hours okay you’re not it’s not all about the food okay 3 days after you go to that fancy restaurant unless you got a big back that fat store right to your big ass back if you ain’t got a big back that food is going to come out of your system and that that whole event is done but the experience is going to live in your mind it’s the same thing when you buy these Tech products why why are you getting a better unboxing experience with a set of $40 headphones or $40 earbuds than you are with a $1,600 iPhone that doesn’t make no sense okay now one quick side I’m trying to unig my back so I got a big back too so all you all my big back out there don’t don’t don’t be mad at me okay I got a I got a big back too but we got to unig our backs this year all right so presentation it’s pretty trash at least put the charger in the Box put a dongle in the Box remember back in the days you used to have two Apple stickers now they even being stingy with the stickers give me two apple troll stickers okay but I do want the dongle okay I do want the dongle especially now that we got USB type-c they should have put the dongle in the Box I’m not going to be greedy and say okay they need to give us earbuds or headphones like they used to do that would be nice though a nice set of USB type-c headphones I’ve unboxed phones in the last couple of months that did come with headphones blue the blue phone for 200 bucks did come with headphones I mean come on these are all headphones that we could use when we traveling you plug them into the airplane okay put give us a dongle plug it into the airplane to keep it moving okay so the presentation I’m not feeling it next no fingerprint sensor now this is another thing that I don’t like and everything a lot of my dislikes come with a little story attached to it so you can understand why I don’t like it but this is a story from a couple of days ago a couple of days ago y’all seen that fine dining video I posted with me and Amaya that’s that’s from Amaya’s Channel I just reposted it on my channel cuz I I want to keep the me Mor for myself just in case she decided to delete her Channel or some but anyway me and Amaya having dinner so Amaya got her iPhone on the table and she went like this now I’m looking away but I got on sunglasses because I wear sunglasses at night because I’m a douche bag that’s what I do but the real reason I wear sunglasses indoors and at night is because I don’t like nobody to know what I’m looking at okay I don’t want nobody to know what I’m looking at I like to be surveying the scene watching my back looking all over all over all over the place I don’t want nobody to know what I see okay when you look at me you don’t know what I’m looking at I said that to say this so I’m looking away but I the my peripheral vision you know your peripheral is like this my peripheral vision is like this y this is the nipples all you see me go like this this means my nipples but this is peripheral my peripheral vision is like this so Maya went just like this she swiped up and she put a password in and I started laughing so hard right she didn’t even know why I’m laughing so I waited a few minutes and I was like oh by the way when you go to the bathroom you better take your phone with you otherwise I’m I’m blowing up your inam I’m posting mad photos I’m going crazy so you can’t do that how you how you going to do that I said let me see let me show you something I went punching a Cod how you how you got that I said cuz I just watched you put it in out the corner of my eye now imagine if you hanging out with some kind of scumbag all right and they watch you put in your password and you go to the bathroom and they just take your phone let me check your Instagram DMS one day I left my phone open on the table my sister post some pictures of herself on my story like like that you don’t want that to happen now you got an Android phone you got your phone on the table use your fingerprint you don’t have to pick the phone up and it’s not just for being a scumbag it’s a lot of times you know you you out you don’t want to have to keep picking your phone up to go like this or you don’t want to be you know you don’t you just don’t want like with Android look I could even go like that I can have a pattern like this you can’t Pro I shoes calm down hold let me use my left hand cuz she wild you can’t peripheral vision this I when I got my real scumbag C up you you can’t do that but somebody I’m sorry y’all she was just trolling I got the phone on the table I can just go like this and open it up okay so Apple you got a fingerprint sensor on the pant iPad y’all seen me review that iPad the iPad Mini the fingerprint sensor on the top why not just put a fingerprint sensor into the button right here okay into the power button should be a fingerprint sensor Incorporated to it so this way if I got my phone on the table I can just go like that with I can just go like that with the hold on a second y’all hold up I got a new I got a new way to get shoes out out of my um my shoes I’m sorry I don’t mean to do it to you but all right bro this is real Cuts man anyway if you had a fingerprint set on the side you can clandestinely just press the button open your phone you don’t want to have to keep putting in passwords okay you to have a nice fingerprint sensor now I know hardcore Apple Mafia Hitman they’re going to say oh the fingerprint sensor is less secure than the face unlock it’s not all about security it’s convenience okay I don’t work at nassa okay I’m not I’m not a secret service agent I don’t really need all the top tier Security on my phone I want I want convenience if I’m sitting down somewhere I just want to go like this hit the fingerprint sensor if the phone is in my car on the mount I don’t have to lean down and look at it I just want to put my finger on and open it up all right so no finger fprint sensor I don’t like that next now you’re going to see me pulling out Galaxy phones all the time because I can’t just say I don’t like something without backing it up here’s another thing that I don’t like no home screen rotation okay so we open up the device we go like this now you remember with the iPhone 8 the iPhone 8 was my last iPhone that I had that had home screen rotation and I love that because when you got your phone in your car I don’t know a lot of y’all like to rock it like this but in my car I like to rock my phone on the dock like this sideways pull out the Android phone go to home screen what happens you get a home screen rotation so now when I got into the car like this and it works on the lock screen also lock screen is rotated everything rotates fingerprint Works in rotation mode Apple this is not a hardware issue this is a software issue and one of the things I don’t like about Apple is like you know they they they they just happy with the status quo you know you see all of these phones coming out with all this Innovation and all this these new features and apple is like okay well we’re not going to add it until until the the mashes really want it remember how many years I kept saying no always on display no always on display and I get the comments oh who cares about always on display all that’s going to do is drain your battery that’s my hater Voice by the way that’s just going to drain your battery and the Apple was like you know what let’s hit these peasants let’s hit these peasants with always on display all right so now we got always on display all right look watch this now we got always on displays okay so Apple why not push a software update give us home screen rotation I don’t like that and speaking of home screen rotation let’s pull out the Galaxy again here’s another thing I don’t like about iPhones say I go to the Internet let’s go to Google right say I’m on let’s let’s let’s pull up a web page let me um let me connect to my downstairs Wi-Fi I’m on I’m on upstairs all right let me connect to my Wi-Fi real quick okay say we go to a web page let’s just click on something I’m on this web page now if I want to oh okay they got let’s see um jbuds Mini review I want to go to Amazon real quick and check this out what do I got to do I got to exit out of this right let’s go to Amazon let me go to my Amazon app I got to go to my Amazon app and search the jbuds now I’m using the wrong for I Ain really set this one up yet and then I could go like this I can switch back and forth with with an Android phone let’s go let’s we’ll do bno h95 right so say I’m I want to see h95 and I pick this up of course I’m everything I’m not logged into the whole point is I could do this I can swipe up we could do split screen multitasking so now I can have Amazon on the bottom Best Buy on the top split screen multitasking again this is a software issue this is not a hardware issue split screen multitasking let’s do something even better I could go to Facebook not only split screen multitasking but watch this matter of fact let’s do yeah why not we’ll do the banging all at the same time all right so I could do that or okay okay I keep on I keep long pressing I can do pop-up windows matter of fact let me I’ll show you on the xiaomi phone cuz it works a little easier I’ll show you the xiaomi phone if I open up my Facebook okay not logged in but I could do floating window so I can have this floating so say I was looking at those same jbuds or jlab whatever that was I could go to Instagram now or go to Amazon you know go to YouTube whatever I want have this up as a floating window then if I want to I can stash it to the side same thing with Android phone pH with the Galaxy I can have let me exit out of both of these look at this Edge panels okay so if I want to go YouTube and the internet at the same time all I got to do is press one button and now I’m on YouTube and the internet at the same time split screen multitasking not fast tasking okay this is fast tasking when you go like this Hold Up Hold look this is fast tasting going like this back and forth that’s cool but I would like to see both at the same time so Apple okay Apple it’s been so many years it’s time to bring out split screen multitasking you got it on iPads okay added to the iPhone next here’s another thing I don’t like no SIM tray now we talked about this before this is not the biggest deal in the world if you only got one phone and then you upgrade next year or two years who cares but if you like me and one day you’re using an iPhone the next day you might want to try the nothing phone then after that you know what let me try one of these xiaomi phones you you might be a hardcore Tech lover like me all of these new phones coming out okay you only live once you want to play with some new tech you don’t want to keep adding a whole bunch of lines and then now when I want to when I want to switch over to a Android phone I got to call up the company and I got to give them the the electronic Sim number and switch all this stuff over I might just want to use this nothing phone just for tonight I’m going out to dinner I want to use the glyph lights when I’m taking my photos I want to just pop out my SIM card and pop it in here all right so Android phones I’m glad that they not jumping on this apple bandwagon with a no SIM tray Apple you had the SIM tray it was running fine I don’t know why yall removed it I would say bring it back okay bring back the SIM tray I just like that feature next let’s talk about the action button okay now don’t get me wrong I do like the action button let’s see I got it set to this one hold camera right let’s go to settings real quick let me show you what you could do if you want to we’ll go to settings we’ll go over to the I’m used to using Andro you see I’m trying to swipe back we’ll go over to the action button now if I want to I can have it this is what I was using it for scumbag mode for video right so now with the display completely off if the phone is like this and somebody’s doing some I can just pick it up I don’t have to look at the display I can just hold on the action button and you see I’m actually recorded now without having to do anything so that is kind of dope but the thing that I don’t like about the action button is it should be multi-functional buttons it should be one press activate the camera double press flashlight triple press voice memo press and hold Okay calendar you know you should be able to customize that button to have multi presses now y’all see me review the real me phone I forgot which one it was if this action button was on the Galaxy phone it would have so many different uses okay cuz that’s how Android phones they that’s how they are it’s all about customization it wouldn’t just be like okay you got to pick one or the other all that time I was recording you got to pick one or the other all right so let’s exit out of that so you got different stuff you can have voice memo this how I caught aay let me say how I caught of M I went just like this so she running her mouth talking some all I did was just press the button to hold it all right keep talking keep talking keep talking meanwhile I’m actually recording watch it let me do it again you see you heard that boom so you’re not going to hear that boom in a restaurant all this time I’m actually recording that’s pretty epic okay so you do have some different stuff you can use to actually button for let me stop recording I I got a few recorders on there scumbag modes all right hold up let me see all right so you can have it for you know shortcuts now there is a dope video I watched on YouTube the other day some guy had a whole bunch of shortcut set up yeah but I would just like to have multi presses you see it shouldn’t be you can only have camera or video or you know these other different choices it you should have all of these choices single press for photo double press for selfie triple press for video press and hold for portrait double press and hold for selfie like it it should be like that so the action button again this is software stuff Apple upgrade that action button next let’s talk about battery charging speeds now this is you this this is the that be making me mad why did I go to the high voice this is the that be making me mad with Apple so you’re going to put USB type-c charging and then still keep 25 watt charging speeds now that’s 0 to 50% in around 30 to 35 minutes okay 0 to 50% now I did I did an actual test I got 0 to 40% in 30 minutes but it depends on the charger you use and depending on what country and the voltage and all of that but the bottom line is it’s just too slow 25 watts is too slow here’s a phone right here okay 700 bucks this has 120 wat fast charge that means 0 to 100% in 19 minutes what why is that important you’re in the bed at night okay you scrolling through Instagram looking at all your buns before you go to sleep you fall asleep with the with your phone in the bed now you wake up at 8:25 you got to leave your house at 9:00 to go to work you wake up at 8:20 you’re like oh I only got a few minutes to get dressed with this phone right here if I wake up and my phone is on 7% 1% I can plug it in the charger go wash my ass you know grab a little snack out the refrigerator by the time I’m ready to go this phone is at 100% same thing when you’re traveling okay you staying up all night partying doing your thing now you got to be at the airport in the next 30 minutes plug in your phone pack your bags walk out the door with 100% okay these iPhones 25 watts is giving 2019 Vibes yo now shout out to Amaya I I promised that I was going to use some new slang in my videos okay she told me that men are not supposed to say it’s given so I’m saying it just to trigger her but it’s giving old school vibes okay and in this day and age come on man look at this this is another xiaomi phone right here Samsung nights y’all not safe okay 45 wats this is too slow too Shi Shing ping I them cats out there in China they doing it for real this is fast charging phones okay in this day and age you should be able to charge your phone from zero to 100% in 30 minutes or under now I’m not saying every phone got to have 120 watts okay this one doesn’t have wireless charge so that is a drawback but I do have phones that do have wireless charge and fast charge okay so we need faster charging battery speeds take advantage of USB type-c next speaking of battery no reverse wireless charging now y see me do the reverse wir charging but you see Android is always one step ahead with the Galaxy phones you could do reverse wireless charging that means you don’t have to walk around like like this now I’ve been using this a lot so I haven’t even I haven’t even um taken these little uh cable manage what do you call these little twisties I haven’t taken these twisties off so it’s easier for me to carry this cable but with the Android phone turn on reverse Wireless charge charge up another phone charge up your earbuds charge up your Galaxy watch this is the thing I don’t like about the iPhones without having the reverse wireless charging you got mag safe on the back they should have it where you can charge your Apple watch right from the back of your phone that would have been sick it’s not like this is some um you know brand new you know I’m not going to talk about things that are unrealistic I’m not going to say okay the iPhone should have a built-in you know stun gun at the top so if somebody try to rob you can stun them it should have a built-in laser beam so you can shoot lasers no I’m not talking about unrealistic stuff reverse wireless charging is available right now it’s been available for years Apple they need to jump on that bandwagon give us reverse wireless charging use the mag safe and let us charge our Apple Apple watch from the phone because this is one of the things that happens when I travel a lot too A lot of times I forget to bring my Apple watch charger and as soon as I land from my flight I got to power off my watch and save it to when I’m going back home okay so I would like to see reverse wireless charging next now here’s another thing let me pull out a Galax I’m sorry I got to keep doing it let me pull out a Galaxy phone here’s another thing with iPhones that I don’t like when you’re shooting a video okay now a lot of y’all probably didn’t even notice this but when you’re shooting a video all right let’s start recording if I’m shooting a video I can’t pause the video I got to stop it and then I got to start recording again stop it and start recording again so now if I wanted to make those three clips now I got I got three separate Clips so I got to edit them into a slide or I got to edit them into a real with a Galaxy phone okay if I go to camera if I go to video I can start recording I now shoes if I wanted to take Sho oh now look shoes just left I could pause the video you see it’s paused at 3 seconds I could wait for shoes to return hit record again right from where I left off hit pause wait for the rest of the action hit record again now I got everything in One Clip and then I hit stop okay we go to video this is everything in one clip look at that see everything in one nice clip no editing loud and post this right to the inag orever I want so Apple okay we we like to have the option to pause a video especially this day and age when everything is all about reals and Tik Tock and and shorts and all of that you want to be able to you make stuff on the go you don’t want to have to go home and edit these clips or pull out your phone I’ll be watching a Maya because when she she be doing her little Clips she be editing on the phone and I’m like yo you know you you could have shot this whole fine dond video in one take instead of 17 different takes so I don’t like that okay I would like to see a pause button on the video next speaking of video let’s go over to Galaxy one more time okay so now when you go to video look at the choices you got all the way up to 8K at 30 frames per second with your Galaxy you’re only getting 4K 60 frames per second now don’t get me wrong I I I don’t really even shoot AK like that I don’t even you know it ain’t a big deal for me but if you’re a hardcore photographer why not have 8K now one thing about iPhones I I do want to mention matter of fact I’ll talk about that in a minute we’ll talk about the pro res in a minute because that is a nice little upgrade but no 8K video and speaking of no 8K video no Pro mode I even even Google with the pixel the pixel added Pro mode when you got your iPhone these are all your different modes okay now don’t get me wrong the iPhone is really really probably the top dog besides the pixel for point and shoot but you might not be that point and shoot kind of guy you might like to change your shutter speed okay you want to change your white balance you want to change stuff up you don’t want to have to go home and edit that stuff you want to go to Pro mode from your phone and be able to change it just like for my Galaxy okay when I go to camera I could go to Pro mode okay look we got Pro and then now we got ISO shutter speed Focus white balance you can change everything up so if you’re a hardcore photographer you’re going to appreciate that you’re not going to appreciate it on an iPhone because you can’t do that okay so no PR mode on the video now y’all know they call me Petty Roosevelt so I do have a petty a couple of petty gripes one of my first Petty gripes is the zoom now don’t get me wrong last year we only had the what the um 15 time zoom now we got the 25 time zoom okay 25 time zoom which is pretty good now let me show youall my zoom test let me pull this up I want to show y’all the actual photo hold up let’s go to photos okay I’m doing this in real time y’all bear with me okay so this is my zoom test that I like to do I like to stand all the way down the block from this school and then try to zoom in onto a sign okay now here’s the sign you see I zoomed in and it actually looks pretty good it actually looks pretty good until it looks pretty good until you go to your Galaxy phone and you take that same photo look at the difference look at the difference you see on this one you see the words if I zoom in you see the difference it might be hard to see on this camera but you could clearly see which one looks better okay now with the Galaxy phone from the camera let’s go back to regular uh photos I can zoom all the way up to a 100 times with the xiaomi phone okay when I go to camera I could zoom all the way up to’s let’s keep going 50 75 100 all the way up to 120 time zoom okay so Apple don’t get me wrong the 25 time zoom that is a nice upgrade that’s one of my gripes from last year that they actually fixed but I would like to see them push it a little further especially for these prices push a little further it should be right up there on par with phones that cost less next now these are my Petty gripes the color choices here’s your four color choices for the iPhone 15 Pro Max okay so you got the white you got natural titanium which is my new favorite you got blue and you got black this you know I would like to see product red you know these these uh The Peasant phones these colors right here they look okay but you know I would just like to see some different colors you know some something like this orange or or like I said a hardcore product red you know even the from the iPhone 13s that green and blue that was pretty sick these natural titanium colors they’re just pretty boring all right the black the black purple black looks like the blue purple they all they all kind of look the same almost you know I would like to see some better color choices now here’s another Petty gripe Apple they need to step they need to step their codex up okay give us ldac because a lot of these new headphones coming out are supporting LD AC codex now when I do my testing especially with the Sony headphones you’re going to hear the difference you’re going to hear the difference between SBC and AAC versus abtx and ldac you’re going to notice the difference you’re going to get better sound than Bluetooth audio okay so Apple they need to step their uh their codec up and the last my last gripe okay I know I’ve been talking forever my last gripe is I would like to see some Innovation from Apple I would like to see some Innovation you see the dynamic Island from last year hasn’t changed I would like to see all of the apps work on the dynamic Allen such as messaging okay Instagram everything should be popping up on the dynamic Isen the way it does on the Samsung Dynamic Isen app okay and it should be doing that Innovation y’ y’all ever been scrolling through Tik Tok or Instagram and you get these little renders of oh this is the iPhone 16 coming out and it has a big secondary display has LED lights has something on it I would like to see some Innovation let me show you what I’m talking about this is innovation right here this is innovation okay I love taking this phone out to dinner or my little events whatever I’m doing this adds a nice amount of light when you taking your photos indoors okay you’re going to love this not to mention just getting your notifications playing your music with the LEDs it’s a great conversation starter let me show you another one all right this is innovation right here I shoes calm down you see a full secondary display on the back of the phone and it’s not just for show let me go ahead and open this up it’s not just for show you’re going to get notifications on the back let me see okay I don’t got any notifications oh look getting notifications on the back of the phone so when your phone is on the table like this bro come on come on Apple I would like to see some Innovation how about IR Blaster okay that that those been out for what decades how about this how about a foldable device Apple even a company like OnePlus now Apple has been around longer than OnePlus has made billions of dollars more than OnePlus and OnePlus got a foldable device out Samsung got a foldable device xiaomi Oppo okay all of these companies coming out with foldable devices imagine a a foldable iPhone or flip iPhone now I’m not saying it has to be the mainstream phone because this is not xiaomi’s main phone okay this is this is their big dog so if you just want the big dog phone with all the big dog features this is it but they give you some options maybe you want a phone you know spend less money but still get all the bells and whistles almost here’s one you want a foldable device we got you covered this right here this is the Galaxy um s23 plus killer IR Blaster thought protection ceramic back I mean these companies they giving you choices Apple every year they come out with two phones you got the peasant phone and a pro phone two sizes you got the small peasant big peasant small Pro big Pro so basically every year Apple comes out with two phones and don’t get me wrong you know these phones they’re very polished and all of that but I would like to see some Innovation and some variety okay give us a couple of choices now you know if Apple comes out with a fold if this would have been an iPhone fold it have been about maybe $3,000 3500 bucks it is what it is but imagine I iOS on a foldable device it would be sick it would be sick anyway that’s everything that I don’t like now let’s get into everything that I do like right after this quick commercial break all right so now let’s talk about everything that I do like number one the build quality now I just recalibrated the scales adjust this this is the dumy iPhone that I was talking about when I first unbox them it kind of feels the same so here’s the dummy iPhone let’s go ahead and weigh this this is 100 and 69 gram okay here’s an iPhone 14 pro Max 241 gram and here’s the iPhone 15 Pro Max okay 220 that’s the right weight you’re going to notice that 20 grams I knew I wasn’t tripping okay you’re going to notice the build quality immediately I love it okay now I do kind of miss this heavy iPhone 14 pro Max but like I said earlier want you start using these you’re going to notice the build quality I love it and you don’t have to worry about the phone breaking like I said if you take care of it like a regular person it’s not going to break you see all these iPhones I’ve been using them now this one right here I’ve been using for over two weeks since day one have a case on it camera lens protection and a screen protector okay no damage at all you’re not going to sit around and go like this okay I’m never going to be using my phone like this so the build quality is excellent next now I got to bring out one of these accessories this is one of my favorite new accessories this little let me plug it in hold up okay cuz we going to need that for what I’m about to talk about let’s talk about always on display now I love the always on display on the iPhones and honestly I Samsung nights I know even though we be having the animated always on display watch this hold up watch this you see the race car all even though we have the animated always on display I like having the big picture like this you know what I’m saying let’s see what I got on this one white shoes got my girl you know what I’m saying got the weather I like having these different always on displays okay so the always on display it just looks dope not to mention I like iOS 17 because now we get standby mode okay let’s put it on standby mode this that’s why I like this little accessory right here this is a wireless charger that has a little clip so now I can rock standby mode okay standby mode is so dope you see I got the big clocks you can have the world clock and this works with the ambient light so if I turn off all the lights down here it’s going to turn red like this Apple watch you see how it turned the color but if I turn off all the lights it turns red same thing with this let’s see if I can get it to activate probably too much light down here but y’all seen it before got all the different clocks I can have it set to let me make sure I don’t have any make sure I don’t have any um hold up y know hold up yeah there it is okay you can have photos if you want I had a little motorcepts photo but this is the one I use the most have the clock with the weather just like that or I can have big calendar okay all of my reminders this is a dope feature to have okay standby mode Let’s Get matter of fact let’s now you do have standby mode and this is part of the reason this is part of the reason that made me mad about these iPhone 15 and the 15 plus how do you have standby mode but no always on display okay you can have standby mode but no always on display that’s pretty trash that’s pretty trash the iPhone mod iOS 17 is pretty dope okay I like that little feature that you got now too where you just touch the two iPhones and and and swipe over the um watch this hold up let me let me open these up let me let me open these up real quick I want y’all need to see this because I actually been using this too oh you see is already connected see you get that little bang I can air drop photos air drop my contact so This Way say say you look connected to the iPhone so say you meet somebody out in the street and they got an iPhone all you got to do is go like this you’re going to see that little ring and you can switch your information over I share each other’s card that’s pretty dope okay so I do like the always on display I do like standby mode next now I’m going to try to run through this part of the video because we all know what what there is to like about iPhones okay next Biometrics now even though it doesn’t have a fingerprint sensor iPhones have arguably the best face unlocking the game I would say the pixel it was the pixel 5 or was it the four I think it was the pixel 4 the Google pixel 4 had the closest Best Face Unlock that I could think of compared to an iPhone but the iPhone face unlock I mean this just works so flawlessly daytime or nighttime look see I’m looking away so soon as I look at it bang I’m going to do that again without looking at it then I look at it bang opens right up just like that you could be wearing a face mask you could grow a beard a mustache you could be wearing sunglasses you could be a blind bastard like me and be wearing glasses sometimes and glasses and N glasses the other time the face unlock is always going to work so shout out to Apple Best Face Unlock in the game now all we need is a fingerprint sensor next let’s talk about the actual display two 000 nits brightness now we all seen the pixel all right the pixel 8 Pro with that big 2,600 nits they going crazy all right and y’all know me I’m here for that I like bright displays but the iPhone the 15 Pro Max 120 HZ refresh rate 20 n brightness this is a great display okay this is a great display Android I know don’t say it Samsung nights do not say it I know what yall getting ready to say but don’t say it leave it in the comments if you know if you want to know why this display is so dope leave it in the comments I ain’t going going to say anything but you know why display is beautiful okay no issues with the display at all next let’s talk about the speakers all right let me pull up um let me pull up a video real quick let me log into my Instagram now this matter of fact okay yeah I think I think I’m logged in on this one let’s let’s pull up a video let’s hold up okay so of course I got the official flossy cter sound test by my homeboy Mark rubby G now even before I play this the iPhone has some of the best speakers in the game I was say there’s only a few phones that I can name like this phone right here this Asus Rog there’s a few phones that I can name that do have better speakers but the iPhone is top tier speakers listen to this shut your mouth time for sound test time to test that quality of sound test how’s it sound FL us how’s the sound floss how’s it sound now how’s it sound now does it sound big does it sound loud how’s the baby how’s the how’s it sound now how’s it sound that’s a sound test that’s a sound test sound test that’s a sound test baby that’s [Music] aam look let’s cover up the bottom look how loud that top speaker [Music] [Applause] is with bass in it s white sound on [Music] it you can hear every instrument that’s a sound ladies and gentlemen Mark rier now one quick side note I know a lot of y’all keep saying oh it’s fla it’s time to get a new sound test look let me tell you something man Mark rier he’s not just some YouTuber making um making videos in his bathrob in the living room anymore that man done blew up all right so I got to catch him on one of these toyss to get him to make me a new sound test video as of right now this is the only one I got but you heard it for yourself the speakers sound incredible okay I’m not even overhyping it I would say I could probably name three phones that have better speakers and those are all gaming phones when it comes to non-gaming phones this is one of the best easily all right so now let’s take a look at this beautiful display in action basically bezeless got your Dynamic Island excellent viewing angles look at that this display with the speakers amazing [Music] beautiful let’s keep it [Music] moving all right so one quick side note if you happen to have an Apple Watch series 9 or Apple watch Ultra 2 that little double tap feature might come in handy when you’re watching your videos okay so say you’re sitting in your chair at work you lean back and you’re watching some videos the phone Rings you can use the little double tap [Music] motion to play and pause your video now if you’re using screencast and you’re watching it on the TV that’s kind of Epic too now I can also switch and have it skip videos but right now I got it on play and pause that’s a nice little feature all right so now let’s talk about the processor and we’ll try a little gaming now of course I got asphall 9 queued up this is the Apple a17 bionic supersonic titanium ium uranium nitronium plutonium chipset okay who knows what it means but it’s extra smooth and fast you can even run big games like Call of Duty but I’m a Noob so we’re going to play some Asphalt 9 here we go now if you’re running Call of Duty you better have a fan okay this will be getting hot but like I said I noticed hold a little drift H oh I wrapped I wrapped oh I’m on the top level okay oh right through somebody living room that’s how we giving it up okay watch The Landing look at the two wheels all right what did I come in last let’s see hold up arade in first all right gaming with this phone is incredible like I said the overheating issue I haven’t experienced since I did 17.0 do3 and this is the only kind of game I’ll be playing now I did see a couple of videos where people playing Call of Duty and big AAA games they did have to attach a little fan on the back because it was getting extra hot but for your day-to-day IOS games you’re not going to have any issues it’s going to run everything nice and smooth all right so now let’s talk about one of my favorite features the camera this is why you’re buying this phone and in my opinion besides the iPhone 15 Pro Max you got the Google pixel 7 and 8 Pro you got the Galaxy s23 Ultra the xiaomi 13 Ultra the Sony Mark 5 Oppo Fine X6 Pro and the Vivo X90 Pro Plus those are the best cameras on the market but when it comes to point and shoot that means you don’t know how to use PR mode you don’t know nothing about ISO and shutter speed and white balance you just want to pull out your phone you want to open your camera watch this and you want to get a dope shot look at that you want to get a dope shot point and shoot I would say the iPhone and the pixel are the best phones on the market now of course if you want to you can set your action button up for World saw hip-hop moments okay straight to video camera that’s pretty dope and you can just open up the camera and go through your regular shooting modes now a couple of things I want to talk about we already went through the different modes you do have cinematic mode now you can actually zoom in but this is one of the huge upgrades now you see with video we got prores HDR we can’t click it I to try to click it red HDR not supported but now that we got USB typ-c charging you could go out and get an external hard drive just plug it in okay now when you click on that okay got to give it a second to read okay let let me let it read wait for it to connect all right there it is now look at this prored HDR right to the external hard drive how dope is that and it shows you how many minutes I got 144 minutes of 4K 60 frames per second prores HDR now I can start recording you see it says USB type-c that means I’m connected to this external hard drive take my videos when I finish and I unplug it now I can upload that video in pror right to my laptop and it doesn’t have to be a Macbook now now I can add this into my windows okay I like to use Sony Vegas add this right into the program that is a dope feature now let take a look at these Tex pictures and videos for [Music] yourself [Music] now let’s do the RDA test regular daily activities now you spend anywhere between 1,200 and 1,600 bucks on an iPhone 15 Pro Max let’s see how it works in the real world now this phone does have wireless charging so you can get yourself a nice wireless charging dock or something like this and take advantage of standby mode so this when when you go to bed at night you got your standby clocks or if you fall asleep at your desk at work you got your clocks on deck and also keep in mind say you happen to be sleeping next to somebody and y’all only got one charger and one iPhone okay you can plug this iPhone in say they happen to have a Galaxy plug in the galaxy and it’s going to start charging up you just got to use the wire okay so that’s a nice little feature right there so wake up in the morning if you’re using standby you can just see the time see the date or if you just got your phone flat like this always on display now what I like to do is wake up just look at the phone swipe up now one quick side note you see with the Android phones you don’t have to do that swipe up you can just look at the phone and it goes right to the home screen Apple needs to bring that out okay I would like to be able to bypass that swipe I want to just pick it up and look at it and it’s automatically at my home screen but nevertheless excellent Biometrics now the first thing I like to do is take it over to Google okay let’s get a little refresh let’s see what’s going down okay the senisa entum okay the price of power I already reviewed these a couple of days ago those all go let’s see the automatic magic V2 is coming thinner and lighter too okay now shout out to everybody who been asking me about this phone I will get one of these eventually you see I’m getting old I’m getting a lot of these um th body ads now okay so we got the street fighter we got a new tier list by my man Jay Wong okay pixel 8 Pro now a lot of people have been asking me what’s up with the pixel 8 Pro I didn’t go to the Google event I actually just ordered the phones they should be coming on the 12 so we’re going to have them this week all right we got the eight and the 8 Pro Okay so we got a new Terminator movie let me go ahead and let’s go ahead and like that I’m going to come back to that okay steam updates ice Spike and pink ice spice and pink I ice spice is giving is giving hood rat Vibes y I’m using all my new slang yo okay yo a side note too Amaya got me watching this show on the Zeus Network called baddies I don’t know if y’all ever seen baddies if y’all watch baddies East or baddies West hit me up in the comments if y’all want to have a little dialogue about that show cuz I love it I’m hooked I’m officially hooked all right so we got um homepods xiaomi 13 Pro okay how this how much it is in rupes how many rupes that one goes for okay we got that on let’s see um we got some prime time deal uh Prime Day deals okay look the award-winning MW 75s now these do come in a new color I just got them so I’ll do a quick updated video just to show you the color Mortal Kombat fans are roasting Rouser Ros Ronda Rosy’s Sonia performance I didn’t even notice I didn’t know that was H I didn’t even know that okay we got the Knicks and the Celtics anyway so this how your Google homepage is going to look like I said I like to do this stuff in real time so you can see because this how you’re going to be using your phone everybody ain’t going to be doing benchmarks and geek geek bench and all that you’re going to be using your phone like this going through checking out different stories is impossible to get all the Mortal Kombat one achievements yeah because one of the achievements is performing Mercy you can’t do Mercies in it all y yo Ed Boon man shout out to my man Ed Boon y’all know me and him is tight yo Ed man you got to do some work in this game y i i was streaming it the other night shout out to my girl she was busting my ass I Get Zapped in Mortal Kombat spider L Okay g Luna okay anyway Joker to movie coming out this how your goog is going to look exit out of that next we got to do a little work so let’s take it over to Gmail now I don’t want to put um anybody on blast so I’ll just go to my updates let’s see any Gmail updates we need to see okay okay it’s core I told y I be get I be getting mad emails from corw now I did order some of these I’m give it a I ordered these cuz I told y I ordered these but these is so I’m sorry not let me let me not use the r word I’m old school man when I say I’m sorry I don’t mean special needs like I mean this is crazy let me say that again I apologize okay before y’all try to cancel me let me get my apology out there right now hold up let me come through with a heartfelt apology I apologize for using the RW I meant to say this is crazy all right it’s crazy that my back is so big and fat that I’m actually looking at core Weare to try to unig my back but see I ordered one of these but it looks crazy so I decided to just un unig my back the Natural Way in the gym all right so let me let me tell them to yo chill y all right chill chill with the ads with the ads bro all right I spell ads wrong all right chill with the ads bro all right there it is cor we this how if you got the big love handles y get some corw y I don’t think I reached that level yet but anyway that’s how your email is GNA look I got multiple keyboards okay you can have the gboard if you want okay the Google keyboard you can change the colors on it go crazy all right so that’s my work segment of the day next let’s take it over to oh look we got shoes right here let’s do quick point and shoot portrait mode all right shoes let me try to activate shoes all that that that was a bad move all right shoes my bad deactivate shoes let me deactivate shoes I try to get a nice portrait shot but anyway all right what we doing next let’s take it over to let’s go to let’s go to Twitter all right let me find Twitter hold up I think I did I accidentally delete that app oh here it goes I I keep I keep forgetting they call it X now that’s how much I use this all right so let’s go over to X okay more choices all right let’s see let’s come on bro why did I activate shoes your shoes all right calm down calm down all right let’s go to my mentions and see what’s going down in the world of X okay Flo when we get in the new pixel video Drop the pixel video Drop I told yall mine comes on the 12th I believe it said the 9th to the 12th or maybe the 12th to the 14th but it should be this week okay let’s see both what okay let’s see oh is it a cash grab somebody said both BF let’s see okay what’s what the is so funny let’s see let’s see um Trenton’s tech people that talk tough on the internet okay let’s see people that talk tough on the internet what does it say uh no mention of M fre okay I can’t I can’t even read that’s too small they ain’t tough with that cat Avatar only one that gets away with that is floss okay well you know I look man I ain’t trying to be a tough guy I ain’t trying to be a tough guy but I’m G get in laugh at that though all right I’m I got to laugh at that internet tough guys it is what it is man let’s see what Viper talking about we’s see what Viper talking about oh okay everybody jumping in on that okay there is what it is all right let’s let’s keep it moving all right now we got some speaking cases now I’m going to show yall some new cases at the end of this video I’m actually rocking one of those too I like this case this one right here is a little slippery all right that one is a little slippery but it’s still dope let’s see any chance for a fold five case review all right um I I I do got I’m sorry y’all I’m sorry I’m sorry y shoes look look look I’m sorry y i i i hate to do with the shoes like that but come on man look look at my hands man damnn it all shoes I’m sorry I’m sorry I’ll make up to her later all right anyway pixel uh we going to do uh fold five cases we going to we got some fold five cases okay feels good in the hands you know the procedures it is what it is let’s see I think it’s a better aspect ratio than the fine n two I know they talking about the the OnePlus fold okay another Oppo Fine N3 OnePlus um open early look by Indonesian reviewer jaget review okay now I actually got one of these in the mail today let’s see what it looks like yeah it says basically it’s basically Oppo fold you know it’s called the OnePlus open I just got one I a even opened the box yet but it’s under embargo so I ain’t even going to talk about it too much you know what I’m saying I a’t go to the event so I ain’t got no photos and all that but I do got the device I do got the device B I know let’s see if you want the real unbiased reviews flossy Carter’s theand I’m going to go ahead and like that because this is true let’s see who he let’s see what they talking about all right who’s the greatest Tech YouTuber according to you we got my man Mr who’s the boss we got MKBHD we got super saf and we got unbox therapy who y’all think is the best out of these four banana heads here I’m kidding all four of these cats are some of my favorite banana heads in real life but um who y’all got who y got I’m going have to go with my man vesto all right I think Floy card is the best here I don’t give a I think I’m the best here I’m kidding I’m kidding I don’t give a all let’s see all let’s see check out the new Bose headphones okay yeah we did those already let’s see anything else okay waiting on the iPhone 15 Real review all jjz this is for you all right let’s see anything else we need to see okay a lot of people jumped on that case like I said this case is pretty dope but it is going to turn yellow I mean but you know you spend 20 bucks on the casee it’s going to turn yellow you want to you want a case that ain’t going to turn yellow you’re going to have to get something like this you’re going to have to get one of these Cas toi joints you see this is the one I rock with my little Amaya picture on the back that one right there is not going to turn yellow but you’re going to spend a couple of dollars for it okay anyway iPhone 15 Real review come it’s right here okay anyway so there’s your let’s see do we any any other spicy stuff going on okay let’s see okay anyway this is how uh this is how your Twitter X is going to look okay look now who somebody’s making these but somebody left out super saf this time and put lonus Tech right yo can yo can can one of Y can one of y’all banana heads make one and put me in it yo why yo you ever noticed to and shout out to my man super saf that’s kind of my guy but why whenever they make the tech Avengers they be making all those memes they never put me in that this is why I be with a lot of YouTube Tech reviewers cuz they be acting like they don’t know me you know what I’m saying they don’t be acting like they be acting like they don’t know me yeah the yeah what I what I do y you say what the that I do yeah all right but I mean shout out to a lot of people for adding me into the list post post picture you know what I’m saying I respect that anyway get the out this this is why I hate I hate Twitter cuz should be making me mad yeah a lot of banana head activity on Twitter all right what’s after Twitter let’s take it over to Facebook now I’m scared to go to Facebook because Facebook every time I go on Facebook somebody just died yo but let’s let’s just see okay look now these are two of my guys from back in the day my man o and my man gav if when I do the next Story Time with Uncle fla somebody remind me to tell you about oh how me and oh had to eat some blunts one day shout to my man oh we had to eat some blunts because remember back in the days smoking weed was illegal you know what I’m saying we got busted for smoking weed you you this people that was doing time real time in prison for smoking weed the same weed that you could go and buy right now in the candy store legally there’s people that was doing time all right and O was one of those people and when o got locked up and we came out you know we right back at it but one time the cops ran up on us and we were smoking some blunts we had to eat them shits I’m telling nothing more disgusting than eating the blunt yo yeah it is what it is all right so we got um let’s let’s keep it moving I’m sorry that was mini story mini story okay we got J kiss meth the man and um DB David Banner all right now this is one another one of my guys from back in the day my man Pierre all right he’s one of the dudes he used he always had a mercedesbenz he used to always be talking that Mercedes-Benz all right my man o somebody else I forgot this dude name but he used to be out on the block all right anyway so this is how your Facebook is going to look I’m surprised look at my look at my nephew look at my nephew look at my nephew see what saying all anyway let’s give it I was going to roast him but I’m going to let him slide I’m going to let him slide no for two years and get 700 million of course who who not going to take that deal the only person who ain’t going to take that deal is some banana head in college maybe it can’t go two years bro for 700 million are you kidding me all any who this Jordan the magic okay anyway so here’s how your Facebook is going to look now usually I would be like okay split screen multitasking you can’t do that no split screen multitasking no pop-up windows but you could do your fast tasking so I could be switching back and forth from Facebook to uh Twitter to whatever I want all right so let’s exit out of that next let’s see what’s going down on Tik Tok because this is an iPhone so you’re going to be on Tik Tok I think it’s mandatory if you buy an iPhone you got to have Tik Tok I’m just joking let’s see all right what’s this the iHeart Music Festival okay that what it say Manhattan I don’t know that yeah that’s Manhattan I look I look lit okay we got my man sleepy Joe sleepy Joe Biden shout out to my man Don Trump we got he got some new nicknames popping up up I seen up sloppy Chris sloppy Chris Christie Dam I I would I would hate to have beef with Donald Trump bro cuz he probably roast me with the nicknames y he’ be like fatb floss oh look at am M look at amay let’s see what amay’s doing all right May outside okay might have a little photo sh I didn’t like that what’s this I seen this video early on Instagram my man took flight watch he going to take oh he slapped the cop in the face and then took flight on him they didn’t catch him either y you know if they would have caught him he was getting the Beats he was getting a fresh case of the Beats that’s what we call it the Beats okay now look at this this look a nice thin iPhone case that looks pretty interesting I would like to see some more protection around the sides though but hey it is what it is okay what is this this looks like some um all right I don’t know what is that the is going on here let’s this like foot massage or some shit’s let’s see oh you see I forgot I got the double tap on the back that is a feature you could use if you want add the double tap on the back let’s see if I do it right it’s under accessibility I it’s in the back somewhere this anyway it does work though maybe I maybe I did something else by accident okay the is going on all right let’s see um having TR okay we doing this in the gym okay yo the them VR headsets is a real workout yo what is this some Volkswagen superar launched okay the back already look kind of sick that look kind of sick lamando what is it lamb lamando lamando Volkswagen Lando iPhone 15 Pro versus Galaxy s24 Ultra okay let’s see screen type ltp3 versus ltp4 Samsung already winning brightness 2300 nness okay I thought this was 2,000 nits but 2300 nits versus okay my bad I stand corrected I thought it was 2,000 nits but maybe it’s 2300 nits okay I could be wrong I could be wrong let’s see high reses okay Samsung wins the resolution Department Samsung wins the PPI Department I mean you see where this is going here Samsung night you know what time it is 6.8 in Innovation we got the SP pen okay 91 versus 93 Sam Samsung just out here winning you Samsung really just out here winning and sho’s really just out here with her her big ass tail on my back look at look at look at sho’s tail on my leg all right let’s keep it moving all right oh was um let’s see what is this up that is that a what is that the Oak and iron Pier side could be a lifesaver great gift idea okay let’s see um okay did that that was the feature I was just telling y’all about you see people using that in real life I did that with aaya I I didn’t even know I set my card up this is a dope feature though y all right you out you you know what I’m saying you shorty in the spot you like hold my number you that’s pretty epic okay I like that I like that I like it oh look at that whoa is that Deontay damn Deontay damn bro why he why he came in there sliding like that though yo y’all seen that slide yo look at look at that yo damn bro that was a football move right there okay new Air Assault on Israel yo I’m the the I already said the r word I’m trying not to get cancel I ain’t going I ain’t talking about Israel and all that cuz I I’m I’m already walking the thin line right now I have to say it all I’m not I’m I’m not saying nothing about Israel man let let’s leave the geopolitics out of this here I I’m not saying free nobody I I’m not saying nothing let’s keep it moving okay who hold hold up okay oo now is this real now okay this got to be fake this got to be fake this got to be fake yeah I about to say I thought it was about to go down you see this what I was talking about whenever you scrolling on Tik Tok on Instagram you’re going to see some renders for what the next phone should look like the Galaxy s24 is going to look like this I mean let’s just keep it a buck it ain’t this it ain’t that okay my new favorite sport let’s see he ate that all he said I eat those all day hold let me see yeah my man my man I would like to see the payback though man damn okay what is this now right anyway let me let let me okay hold up hold up hold it okay what kind of move was that what kind of move was that Y what kind of move was that hold up they let’s see hold up you never know cuz some sometime the unorthodox moves be catching you all right they just selling the wolf tickets let me hold on just make sure yeah it’s a lot of talk man I can’t be doing all is talking y like either we going to swing or not Y and we going to talk just give me my just give me your number I call you on the phone we going to talk y I ain’t going to be talking out in the street like that but anyway but I like I don’t like to see stuff ending violent so let’s just let’s be happy that it was all talked look at the size of those Wheels y bro Wilding you all right anyway so here’s how you what is this pretty okay this is how your Tik Tok is going to look everybody rocking this feature now I’m telling you make sure you try that make sure you try that feature it works on iOS 17 you don’t need a 15 Pro Max it’s Iowa 17 features so if you got the 14 pro Max it’s going to work also okay what is this okay look at this now this is the kind of slingshot if I would have had as as a kid I would i’ probably be coming out of jail right about now I I’ll just be finishing my bid right now because I would have definitely been going for ey shots all right anyway so that’s Tik Tock look apples yeah everybody using this yeah everybody using that okay let’s keep it moving we hold up War getting crazy yeah War definitely getting crazy bro it’s getting it’s getting crazy out there man it’s getting crazy is this real this could be the fake footage this might be some fake footage let’s see I don’t know I don’t know CU now that stuff is getting spicy out there this could be the real footage cuz there’s a game that looks like this also that got me before look at Tyson Fury’s insane defense yeah yeah yeah he he’s cool all right let’s go let’s keep it moving let’s take it over to in gr let’s see what’s going down on the gram okay team driver behind the head-on collision leaves multiple injured in Utah a head-on collision now this might be too graphic for YouTube Let Me See n CH we don’t need to see that we don’t need to see that let’s see rare footage of Tupac saying this rapper was dilon and Hip Hop I he out here roasting somebody okay Funk Flex I’m about to unfollow Flex man he be Flex Flex be acting real zesty these days I don’t know what’s up with flex here oh look at this what’s this um Stark okay my man right here Brandon all BC Brandon Carter okay he be talking real spicy on his Instagram y y’ I want some motivation but he if you got a big back you don’t want to follow him trust me cuz he going to roast you all that’s why I just got to keep scrolling fast y all right my man Calico all right happy birthday Calico let me give him a live happy birthday y let me give him a live happy birthday my man Calico AKA sideways all right let’s see all right anyways Instagram looking kind of cool tonight now this video right here this is one of my favorite videos with this cat driving around everybody using this for other stuff let’s see I was on my way to church when I looked my cell phone said no service so I turned around went back home yeah there’s a lot of those cat memes okay let’s see what’s going down all right nice boots okay four injured during fight turned into shoo in Chicago you see man this this what I’m saying man like you can’t even go outside in peace anymore nowadays y like and this is the this is the kind of this is the kind of stuff that I like to stay away from I got scroll with the thumb I’m sorry this the kind of stuff I like I don’t like to be here nowhere with the um with the hood hood to non Hood ratio is above 50% all right let me see if I can scroll all let’s see anything else going on zombie viruses are waking up after 50,000 years as Planet warms okay that could be some scared tactics so it could be true you never know you you never know all right let’s see what’s up with Melly I people be saying free Melly I ain’t really effing with Melly like that let’s see let’s see added as a witness in melly’s trial I mean he testified him against him already I mean so what is it you’re already doing 25 big ones know saying yo the slide who seen that oh look who seen that cop fall out that slide you got to hear with the sound on oh okay well not they that video right there with the sound on you man brother friend after nobody shared weed with him you see what I’m saying this is why man you got to you got to stay in the house nowadays man these mother out here just doing anything man all right single mom stuff all right okay anyway what was that Lambo okay oh yo that that happened to me the other day yo bro when you hit that curb inside your you be like I hate that yo I hate that once I get that curb rush like that then I’m just I’m just beasting let’s see um ai ai ai going crazy nowadays my man Putin all right so we got Obama we got Putin all we got sleepy Joe this is what sleepy Joe would look like if he was awake okay look at like they look at my man Don C young Trump this how he gonna look in a few months if you don’t if you don’t play his cards right he gonna be looking like this for real you better watch out a man Kim Jung I Kim Jong who this Mandela we got George Bush Abraham Lincoln Bill Clinton AI is crazy right now man AI is crazy anyway so here’s how your Instagram is going to look I’m not going to waste too much more time with this cuz I do want want to show y’all some cases yall know I like cat videos okay we didn’t get to do the Calvin just me running stop lights cuz I got to get home and poop see what I’m saying like this meme right here y yo why that why that cat really look like he getting it in all right anyway Beyonce stuff okay all right Kanye um okay all right Calvin all right just in case you want to zoom in on some tattoos Calvin the zoom test does work anyway yo Red Man out here putting out mad free he trying to save hip hop you know single-handedly okay my home girl Kimmy let’s see um anything else all right well anyway that’s how your Instagram oh look at this bro imagine imagine this in the middle of the night I don’t know how people be having more than one cat like look look at that Bro shoes you pull some like that look Sho look at this let me show you something you pull some like this if you want y all you you you try that all right anyway this is how your Instagram is going to look trippy red pops out with a new look what’s it giving it’s giving psychopath no bro the new generation of rap I don’t know man I don’t know look this they in prison the female prison all right well it is what it is man anyway so that’s Instagram if you go to YouTube and you want to watch a video let’s see let’s see what’s my recommendations all right cuz you see I’ve been watching a lot of Street Fighter Mortal Kombat these days okay little battle rap you want to watch a video just click on it if you exit out of it you do have your picture and picture okay finally or you can push it to the side anyway RDA regular daily activities this is what I mean by the a16 versus a17 if you don’t if if this is what you’re doing on your phone what you just seen me doing right now you might want to do one more thing like say you want to go do a little shopping let’s go over to uh Amazon want to do a little shopping go over to Amazon did I log in okay Prime day at this here’s how your Amazon’s going look let’s see what’s in my Amazon cart what do I got in the cart okay I got a n t-shirt I’m about to get one of those let’s see save for later all right now people been asking me to review the status the um the status um between threes so I got those in the cart we got this um Vlog camera you see I had the Epic boom I got it faster from UE though but now it’s 350 when I reviewed it it was 500 and shout out to UE because they made a mistake at the pre-order website they did give me the refund they charged me 500 bucks but they gave me the refund theab body I got all this stuff in the cart if y’all want to see some reviews on this this what I do I put all this look somebody asked me to do I forgot my man’s name he asked me to review the A5 a34 got it in the cart I’m trying to unig my back so I got some compression pants got a new microphone some T-shirts you know this is is the kind of stuff I have in my cart and like save for later and then I want one of these nights when I get drunk because when I get drunk then for me money is nothing y I’m if I’m having a drink bro put it on my chat I buy everything but when I’m sober I’m like I don’t really need these shits so I save them until I get wasted in the little wasted shopping but like I was saying as far as the processor between the 14 and the 15 for regular daily activities you’re not going to notice anything it’s going to feel exactly the same but you do have those minor upgrades which we talked about earlier now before I wrap this video up I want to show y’all a few accessories okay so let’s take a look at some cases from ghoste first up we got the covert now this one’s going to run you $19.98 you can buy it for your iPhone 15 15 plus 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max and it comes in all these different colors all right so let’s go ahead and check this one out let’s see this one is r2x impact technology mag safe compatible drop tested to 8 ft raiseed camera lip okay let’s see Max sa HD clear back detailed cutouts non-slip grip limited lifetime warranty okay so this is the covert let’s go and pop this one open now for this demo I’m going to be using the iPhone 15 Pro inside flick it the wrist W one more okay let me do that do that slow okay now it does come with your get authenticity and some ghost Tech troll stickers all right Apple you see you could buy a $20 case and get more stickers than you get with your phone okay so this is the ghoste covert now y know I like the ghoste cases look at the side has a nice little grippy feel to it okay little camera protection max if compatible there’s your buttons cutouts buttons cutouts let’s see how this one looks okay look at all that rity so it is is slam boy certified now I do have a temper glass screen protector okay and camera lens protection let’s check mag safe matter fact the best way to check mag safe magnets see if we can lift it right off the table there it is okay mag safe charging it is charging up all right shoes just watched that video and came in hot like that let’s check regular Wireless charge okay there’s your Wireless charge let’s check the buttons okay nice button presses you got a big cutout for your action button which is easy to reach okay no issues with all and here’s how it looks okay so this is the covert now we got a few different coverts we got to check these out let’s see how easy it is to take this case off okay just like that transparent style case one quick side note let me see I got my photo if you like me you like to have a little motivational photo put it right in the back of your case slap your case on and you can see your pictures that’s one thing I like about these clear cases all right so this is the covert let’s see some other colors all right the limited edition CT in limited edition oh look at this now this one is going to be clear let’s see what you get inside let’s see certificate of authenticity let me see okay don’t forget to check out ghost on Twitter twitch on what is that um hold up what was that oh look at Tik Tok and Instagram what’s this how ghost T works okay oh look at this now this is what I was looking for this piece is numbered okay this is limited edition this is number 47 out of 100 all right so you got to let me go to save that check this one out now this one has the gold around the ring o this is kind of Fire Let’s got to slap this one on this one is really given look at the I know I know look at the sides okay there’s your grip nice easy button press same thing with the action button okay let’s check the max safe magnets okay picks right up off the table and it is charging let’s check regular Wireless charge there’s your Wireless charge and of course slam boy certified now this looks sick with that gold ring okay so we got the black with the red ring we got the gold ring let’s keep it moving we got a few more coverts okay another limited edition oh look at this one okay so this is going to be red oh this is kind of dope let’s see peel that off look at the red let’s see how that looks now yall know red is one of my favorite colors now I’m not going to test everything same case I’m just going to show you how it looks red with the gold trim okay this is kind of dope this one is actually dope and let’s see we got one more one more let’s see what we have in deck okay we got the green green with a gold trim let’s see how this one actually looks on device now I like these cases they pop off nice and easy you see look at those reinforced bumpers okay for drop protection transparent style back green with the gold trim this is dope okay so this is the covert series these are the limited editions let’s just make sure hold on let’s let’s see let’s just pop these out going to make sure that let me see something real quick okay this is number seven out of 100 okay just want to make sure these are all individually numbered okay all right shout out to ghost te all right so these are the covert series let’s keep it moving I got a few more I want to show y’all next up we got the ghost Tech nautical slim now this one is going to run you $39.98 this one is drop tested to 12 ft mag safe compatible ip68 waterproof standard extreme proof now this one comes in black and gray let’s see mag safe compatible slim precise fit you can submerge this in water for 6 feet up to 1 and 1/2 hours raised camera lip detailed cutouts got a little slot for protection for your USB type-c non-slip grip nice buttons limited lifetime warranty okay so let’s check this one out this one’s going to give you maximum protection okay this is the Black version comes with a little lanyard you can use this if you want of course you got your troll stickers got your wet wipes and your dry wipes okay certificate of authenticity plug them and file them click it the wrist and here it is now let’s go ahead and install this this one does have a screen protector already inside the case let me see if I can get this out all right so let’s go ahead and install this case so the first thing we’re going to do wipe down the display okay grab the dry wipe okay get it nice and dry then we’re going to slap this on just like that now I don’t use the L Loop but if you want you can put it on going to slap on the back and just make sure you work it around because this is the waterproof case Now iPhones are naturally waterproof but you don’t want salt water get in your iPhone so when you go to the beach this is the case you want to use so just let me just go ahead and work this around all right so here’s how it looks all set up now you do have a screen protector pre-installed little flap right here to cover your USB type-c so when you go to the beach lock that in nice and tight you see full protection you got buttons on the side the button actually works a little press right there let’s see little cutout for your action button let’s see if the screen protector Works uh let’s see if the screen works with the screen protector okay no issues this is pretty dope okay so this is the nautical slim that does come in the gray color let me go Ahad and slap this one on all right so here’s the nautical slim with the transparent back okay so we got black and clear now this one I added the little lanyard on so you can hang this to your bag when you go to the beach let’s check the buttons nice juicy button press okay does have a screen protect inst old so of course it’s slam board certified let’s see if we got any responsivity in this okay everything works let’s exit out of that okay there it is there’s your buttons cutouts buttons cutouts and of course let’s check the mag safe wireless charging picks right up off the table and you get your Wireless charge okay so this is the nautical slim let’s keep it keep it moving next up we got the ghostech nautical now this one’s going to run you $59.98 comes in black and gray now this one is also ip68 waterproof standard mag safe compatible 20 ft deep up to 1 hour okay you get some merge it and this one comes with the holster and the swivel belt clip okay so mag safe compatible multi-layer protection raise camera lip got the holster with the swivel clip uh this a waterproof Tight Seal nonslip hexagon grip y know I like the hexagons limited lifetime warranty okay so this is a nautical full size though okay we seen the nautical slim this is the nautical so this one let’s see we can pop this open okay so when you peel this one open you got a little lanyard you got the same wet wipes dry wipes certificate of authenticity little troll stickers and this one does have a screen protector installed already peel off okay so you’re just going to slap phone in just like that now you can wipe it down and all that but I’m trying to save some time let’s drop this one on okay now remember you want to get that watertight seal okay look at that grip on the sides real nice USB type-c protection I’m going to leave that closed but pops open if you want and there it is okay so let’s check the button there’s your button let’s check the screen responsivity there it is okay big cutout for your action button buttons cutouts buttons cutouts let’s check this mag safe there’s your magnet It is charging up but let’s see how strong that is bang right off the table but this one has the holster okay now let’s see for the holster you can rock it frontwards like this okay 360 degree swivel so you can rock it on your waist like this or if you want to be new school and you want to show people your display you rock it like this okay right on your belt would you display glistening okay so this is the nautical now this one also comes with the clear back okay same exact case let’s keep it moving next up we got the exec now this one is going to run you $39.98 comes in black and gray now this one has r7x protection technology you got the Magna link system that’s my favorite thing about this case it’s drop tested to 12 ft and it has a three card wallet okay Wireless charge compatible raised camera lip multi-layered Okay multi-attachment compatibility I’ll show you some of the attachments in a second non-slip grip limited lifetime warranty now yall seen this case before I actually rock this to the gym plenty of times inside of course ghost Tech troll stickers I like to actually save these okay let me put them to the side certificate of authenticity social media sites here’s some of the accessories okay so you got the armband the bike mount and you got a car mount I’ll show you how those look all right so there’s your pattern on the inside for shock absorption the Magna link system extra strong magnets on this now all jokes aside though I actually use this wallet on a daily basis okay this is my personal uh safe wallet that I’ve been using okay even when I don’t use the case I just use the the the uh the um the um the wallet like this okay extra strong magnets but it does work with the case let me show you something real quick let’s get a few credit cards now one quick side note these are not my real credit cards people keep saying oh you showed your credit card number in the video These are these are old cards okay I’m not going to use a real card in a YouTube video okay I’m a new Noob but I ain’t that much of a noob slap them in just like this hold up there’s one card two card three cards okay drop the phone on the case look at those bumpers it is slamb booy certified this case does have a nice matte feel to it okay mag safe magnet is extra strong you get your Wireless charge let’s check regular Wireless charge okay there’s your regular Wireless charge but again the magnets look at that when you’re ready to go out somewhere pop this off pop out your cards charge it to the game one two three put it back on okay and keep it moving no flapping on this one okay I love this one this is the exec now let me show you some of the accessories that you could get because sometimes you won’t want to use your wallet you might want to use something else we got the armband okay for when when you go to the gym this one is $19.98 okay let’s check this out now I’m going to have to actually start using this cuz like I said I’m trying to unig my back oh look at this okay now it it’ll even fit my big ass arm let me see yep I’m going to need about this much cuz I got them 22-inch pythons let’s see how this slaps on oh look at that nice magnetization on this okay you can have this right on your arm pops off just like that so all you got to do is lock it into place okay so this is the arm band you’re going to you might see me up in the gym with this it’s kind of dope you also have the bike mount okay just in case you want to burn some calories okay all of the cards add this on your bike and then when you rideing your bike oh look at this nice and sturdy 30 not going to fall off got the full swivel this is excellent and when you’re ready to go pop it off so this is a super strong magnet in here you see you got the multi system this is not going to oh let me do that again I did it kind of hard this is not going to fall off all look at this this is not going to fall off when you riding your bike okay so the first time it fell off just now I didn’t have it all the way on but let’s see yeah you got to make sure it’s in there and then it ain’t going to pop off unless you do it too hard okay don’t do it too hard just do it regular but when you rideing your bike it’s going to be like this okay it ain’t going to move around when you’re riding this is me going over bumps now bumps don’t even really be that heavy you know what I’m saying but it’s going to be like that all right so that’s the uh bike mount and of course you got the car mount now let’s see how this one looks because I might have to set this up in my whip immediately okay so let’s see inside you got this so you can put it on your dashboard okay use the little sticky let’s see this is going to be the ball joint and let’s see how this looks okay yeah so this has multi system right here let me go ahead and loosen this up oh look at this okay let me set it up all right so here’s the car mount now if you want to use this on your dashboard you’re just going to stick this on there and you can suction this to your dashboard or you can suction this right to your windshield it does move you can loosen this up you make it longer or shorter so if it’s on your dash it’ll probably be like this right hanging from your window you grab your phone slap it on just like that okay and if you want to like I said you can make it longer or shorter multiple angles this one is pretty sick pops right off slaps on when you hit in those pot holes it ain’t going to fall off okay so this is the exact with a multiple attachments I am feeling this one but I like the wallet the best the wallet is straight magnets okay you don’t have to have those pins the pins make it a little bit too strong but for wallet you don’t need all that extra strength it’s not going to pop off all right so this is the ghost take exac all right so last up we got the atomic slim now this one starts at $49.98 it’s available for your iPhone 15 15 plus 15 Pro 15 Pro Max a bunch of different colors and materials okay so look you got black you got red now of them have different prices you got the orange with the fabric okay you got metallic purple and of course carbon fiber that’s the most expensive one at 100 bucks actually armored fiber all right so let’s check these out Atomic slim okay so we got the r7x shock absorbing technology mag safe compatible drop tested to 12 ft okay aluminium alloy frame that’s why I love this case I saved it for last magnetic Wireless mag mag safe compatible multi-layer non-slip grip raise camera lip aluminium alloy frame slim precise fit limited lifetime warranty okay this is one of my favorite ghost Tech cases actually one of my favorite cases all around the atomic sling check this one out now this one has that extra strength layer this is TPU but you have the aluminium or as we say in America aluminum okay let’s goad and slap this one on this case right here this is all about that protection look at this okay this one maximum resistivity so it is slam boy certified let’s hit the buttons okay there’s your buttons you got to cut out for your action button let’s check the mag safe magnet okay extra strong and it is charging up let’s check regular Wireless charge there it is this one right here this is official tissue but that aluminium this one adds a little bit of extra weight but it’s that good weight all it’s that weight that you’re going to like okay so this is the atomic slim now I want to show y’all a few colors one quick side note I actually got one of these for the iPhone 15 plus okay this is the orange with the fabric on it this is sick right here look at that aluminium okay this pretty crazy let’s check out the red now this is probably going to be my daily case for this phone the red aluminium going and pop this off look at this yeah this is official right here this is the case okay this is the case of the video go and slap this one on oh look at that look at that mag safe magnet Wireless charge buttons cutouts buttons cutout everything works okay fits with my camera lens protection and my screen protector slam boy certified okay look at this which one yall like better look at that orange fabric pretty dope look at that red now I want to show y’all two more okay so let’s save that okay so we got the atomic slim limited edition let’s get and pop this one open okay now this is going to be that green right here let’s just check something real quick okay limited edition number 14 okay don’t be trying to get my same number as me yo you know get your own look at this slap this one on let me know what number y’all get to when y if y’all cop one of these all right let’s check the buttons right there’s your buttons Extra Strength magnet okay Wireless charge slam boy certified now this green is definitely kind of sick too this is that that money green we’re going to call this one the Shoney green I like it okay so far I think I like the red the best but of course y’all know yall know y’all came here to see some carbon fiber so you already know we got the armored fiber limited edition okay let’s go ahead and open this one wo look at this one right here now let’s see what number this is okay this is actually okay number three I got our big boy right this is number three look at that armored fiber oh this is so dope oh this one has the look was that velvet that velvet let’s go ahead and slap this one on okay let’s check the buttons okay there’s your buttons let’s check now this one I like it I like the this one and the um and the cloth version I like the fact that this one doesn’t have the mag safe ring on the outside but it’s still mag safe just got to find that ring it’s still mag safe but it doesn’t have to have the big circle to let you know that it’s mag safe but it’s mag safe okay this is the daily case right here this is it let’s check regular Wireless charge okay there’s your Wireless charge and just in case you happen to get a plus okay might be on some banana head stuff here it goes there’s your Wireless charge on this one all right so these are the ghost Tech Atomic Slims oh these two right here official tissue let’s go ahead and wrap this video up all right so overall on the Scala 1 to 10 I’m giving the iPhone 15 Pro Max a major major major go arguably one of the best cameras on the market the battery life is insane you got the wireless charging you got reverse wired charge now you got USB type-c you got prores recording straight to an external hard drive the display is beautiful the speakers is beautiful iOS 17 has so many dope features as a Samsung night I got to take my hat off these are dope phones now as far as the iPhone 15 Pro this is also a triple Major go the only difference is you’re going to get 15 times Zoom instead of 25 and the battery is a little bit smaller but everything else is the same now as far as the 15 and 15 plus look I get it everybody don’t want to buy used phones you want something brand new you might want that USB type-c charging these are dope phones just slightly overpriced in my opinion I’d rather go with the iPhone 14 pro Max which I do have a few of these for sale I got a few iPhone 14 Pros I got this 15 and 15 plus okay I got the xiaomi phones the 13t and the 13t pro I got the Bumblebee red magic okay I got the Sony now let’s talk about the Sony phone real quick a lot of people was asking me what’s up with that Real review but personally I don’t want want to do that video because that phone has bad juju for me some people say Juju Mojo bad luck the thing I don’t like about that phone is that’s the phone that I was using when I was testing it out I got some lifechanging bad news and then I had to go away a couple of days after that I was still testing out the phone but every time that phone rang it was somebody else calling me crying it was some really horrible news going on like it just kept getting worse and worse all right so that phone for me I don’t want nothing to do with it if yall like the Sony Mark U 5 don’t get me wrong it’s a dope phone it’s just a little too narrow for me but the camera is amazing speakers is amazing display out of this world if y’all want to buy that one from me I’ll sell it you for a great price I just don’t want nothing to do with it anyway this is the iPhone 15 lineup hit me up in the comments let me know what y’all think about these shout out to everybody rocking with me on Facebook 4 Square Twitter go+ shout out to all the Google gangsters I see y’all holding down that Facebook page shout out to everybody hitting me up on boxer and a special shout out to everybody rocking with me on Instagram y know that’s where I’m at full time 100% full throttle and a special shout out to everybody rocking with the new stream on Sundays yall already know stream gangsters on Deck get drinks ready no meat Boys [Applause] allow oh yeah Special shout out to everybody following me on Snapchat flossy Carter that’s where I’m at and a special shout out to the notification Squad I see yall the comment section early # salute oh yeah one more thing I almost forgot fellas ladies say it with me all y’all haters all y’all trolls close your eyes and picture me rolling it’s your boy FL [Music] Deuces Enterprise Spock here spot W to [Applause] [Music] be hey guys Jerry Springer here uh subscribe to flossy Carter for the real reviews uh he has a tech Channel on YouTube and he already has over 2 million subscribers so uh give him a look uh you may like it and it could be very useful take care of yourself and each other
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About Author
Alex Lorel
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