dropped an energy efficient nuke on the Windows laptop Market with their Snapdragon X Elite processors we actually uploaded our review video of them yesterday and we were really impressed by a number of elements of these new Chips including both their battery life and especially their battery life and also the performance was pretty good as well but one of the things we didn’t talk about much was app compatibility particularly in games and while Qualcomm was very quick to send out an email pointing out that these are not in fact gaming laptops they also had a surprising amount of marketing collateral on their site in their launch announcement in our briefings in our materials talking about compatibility with games in fact uh what games did they have running in their booth at computex Boulders Gate 3 for sure and I think there was something else as well there was other stuff the point is they definitely have been showing off that they’re capable of running that is as long as they don’t have colel level anti-che or require special drivers or whatever the case may be ABX to now we weren’t able to dive into just the the full breadth of game compatibility for our review because realistically we were trying to paint more of a realistic picture of how we expected these devices to be used but we know you guys are Gamers we know you want to know what games they work with and so for your viewing pleasure today we are going to be going head-to-head we have in Alex’s hands the Sam Samsung Galaxy book for Edge and my understanding is this is the fastest the fastest X Elite chip available right yeah okay so it has a what two core uh turbo speeds of up to like 4 two 4.2 GHz then in my hands I have an Asus Vivo book S15 and this is running a core Ultra 7 155h so this would be a fairly price comparable Intel laptop now Our intention was actually to run an AMD based machine in fact one of them is sitting right in front of me right now it’s a flow x13 and we were going to disable the dedicated GPU but we ran into countless issues with capture with active signal resolution not matching the regular resolution and I we ended up with pillar boxes and letter boxes do you have that clip on your phone of what was going on with the framework 13 it was painful so instead what we’re going to do is we’re just going to use Intel and this isn’t going to be about performance necessarily yeah this is just going to be about compatibility and the best part is you guys are going to be running the show if you’re not familiar with our streams we use merch messages to interact with the stream all you got to do is go to LTT store.com we’ve got a lot of great products they including our recently launched GPU crash Tower block game it’s not Jenga you can tell because every piece has a lasered GPU on it on all six sides which is super freaking cool check this out you’ll even recognize some of the gpus that we have on the site totally in a in a non-infringing way um so you can check that out as well as any of the other products we’ve got in the cart you will see a spot to leave a merch message and it’ll go to producer Dan who will forward it to us uh who will send it to Tanner to pre-load a game uh who will respond to you and it can kind of pop up at the bottom of the frame whatever you like so why don’t we kick things off with Alex do you want to pick our first game I want to segue to our sponsor the ridge oh that’s right the ridge uh they are showing off a couple of new colorways here today so we’ve got bloody hell what was the voodoo green Voodoo green that’s right okay let’s open these up Voodoo green and tropical all right so you’re going to be the tropical guy and I’m going to be the voodo green guy they’ve got their here we go we’ve got their classic wallet with their strong elastic band between two solid plates allowing you to store all of your cards get quick access to your cards easily put them away wow that one’s fun it’s really cool that’s super fun this is just like a bit of green accent that one’s really fun you have a really green one if you want to look at that okay yeah I’ve got oh okay that’s definitely a little bit more green they’ve also got their key holder here you go that’s that’s the voodoo green that I’d go for not the Tastefully accented Carbon Fiber One I’m more of a I’m more of a flamboyant get the color out there kind of guy H what else we got oh yeah there you go got their key holder and without further Ado Alex do you want to pick our first game I want to play Elden ring really we’re going straight to Hard Mode yep all right let’s get our unboxing we’ll get it all kind of laid out here the whole stream today is brought to by Ridge thanks Chase he’s got this Elven ring it is man I am pretty excited so one of the things now we’ve got frame view running on here obviously does frame view work frame view works just fine wow I’m actually kind of surprised also it’s worth noting that we’re running the latest beta drivers from Qualcomm they improve both performance and compatibility supposedly so we might run into some beta but this should also oh no wait did we fail already first one tragic did you know that was going to uh meanwhile on my PC I mean she’s a little she’s a little slow but she’s launching she’s launching now one thing seamless Co-op does remove easy antiche and seamless Co-op is kind of the best way to play this game so that might work I think modding games is beyond the scope of our little Adventure here but seamless co-op in Elden ring is kind of just like a requirement okay you can you can try it if you want however it should be noted that generally speaking our methodology today is not going to account for registry tweaks or or driver hacks or anything like that if it work if it work if it don’t work it don’t work we’re just going to launch the game wow Elden ring finally launched for me it’s not running great but it is running I must be logged in download files dang it oh boy I do have a login I don’t know Alex next game I think we’re going on to the next game here big F for qualcom right out of the gate yeah that’s oh that’s pretty rough okay Dan do you have any requests via merch message we’re on chewy today oh it’s chewy all right chewy is gonna be handling our merch messages thanks chewy all right someone wants to see Starcraft 1 or Age of Empires 2 Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition we have installed let’s do it yeah Okay Age of Empires two Definitive Edition do you want two or three no they asked for two two all right Age of Empires two boom here we go Dan do you have our screen cap up y okay let’s see how we do here are they are they coded in some way so they can see which one is which yeah so the one that Alex is using is above him and then your one is above you are you kidding me oh no no you can continue you can wait so this is a weird thing these the GPU and the qualcom at times shows up as having no vram okay Alex here’s a weird thing the GPU in my Intel Arc system apparently shows up as not having the right amount of vram all right well we’ll both just we’ll hope for the best hey that’s promising yeah this scen is beautiful that one’s not bad this is beautiful Samsung killed it it’s almost like Samsung knows a thing or two about screens yeah all right you can click remember older game you can actually skip stuff okay now the question is are we going to play multiplayer have you ever played Age of Empires 2 no I think I should be clicking learn to play but n we’re just going multiplayer let’s go for it okay I’ve done this before I’m going to host a game I’m going to host a game uh okay Lobby type unranked players two here we go visibility yeah I’m just going to make it public and then you’ll just have to like find it really fast well but then everyone on the stream is probably also going to try and do that oh yeah that makes sense do do you want to make it yeah private maybe okay I’ll make it private and the password will be that all right did everyone just see it no okay good cool all right I created a Lobby find custom game all right we got this what what was it called uh Linus Tech tip secondary this is working flawlessly so far though I think you might just have to type it in I’m I’m sorry I should have really renamed this to something not horrible uh oh game ID game ID uh you have enough Tad three two don’t say the whole thing out loud the password is not short Linus you guys hey should we have a running tally how hard would it be to do a running tally of successes versus failures for our Snapdragon X Elite chips so far we appear to be one for two uh I am going to change the name all right yep I’m I’m so sorry this is this is painful this is this is just going to be part of the process today though folks okay create Lobby one versus what sorry one uh it’s it’s one for two so far well as long as Age of Empires actually ends up working Snap Dragon versus in uh just Snapdragon out of games we’ve tried on Snapdragon oh okay got sorry it’s one out of two yes oh wait I’ll just make it public but I’ll just have a password yeah that’s easy okay cool create Lobby so it should just be called that yes did it work huh okay well you guys will have to let me know in the chat cuz I’m sure at least hey you found it nice we got this oh did they see that okay well it’s too late now ha okay civilization man what should I pick you guys I’m going to be the Koreans they always win at video games here we go uh what what am I doing you know what no I’m going to be the Huns I like their horsey uh you got this Alex uh be on team one oh the same team yeah there you go okay Alex it doesn’t matter doesn’t matter are you sure yeah I’m pretty sure going to be the Vikings okay all right select team two are the Vikings meta compliant I don’t uh I’m ready close G okay here we go let’s find out if it actually runs outside of the menu also whoa your FPS brother um you be emulated oh wait hold on hold on she’s picking up she’s picking up all right 77 91 okay I got uh how many villagers how do I use this I doing some villagers I have never played AOE 2 I have played one I assume I’m supposed to to harvest whatever the crap this is and probably this okay I’m harvesting a thing now I think yeah you are nice dude cut down this tree okay I’m going to assume cut down the tree oh God no that’s not wait am I able to oh yeah there we go there we go what can I do with my llamas you have llamas I have llamas oh dude I have llamas you K them or you send them out as Scouts oh no way how about both all right Mr llama you are going how do I zoom out oh I don’t you’re going over here sick I’m going to murder this llama I totally did he’s got like a Shepherd staff and everything and then he’s just like boom dead Alex you’re going to get wrecked sorry brother I sure hope that I do this looks like a game where you kind of need to know what’s happening oh I don’t know what’s happening I’ve never played this game oh yeah so if you if you lose there will be there will be no excuse sir have you played any Age of Empires game before what I actually have I actually have played an age of Empire that’s that’s a huge Advantage right there that will that will be a significant Advantage but I haven’t touched Age of Empires since the computer I was running it on was period appropriate ah so it’s been a minute I’m gonna found gonna need more of this you found gold yeah I a bunch of it actually how’s it running how’s your frame rate uh I’m looking at 7077 FPS sometimes it gets up into like 80s to 90s I would expect quite a lot better uh I am easily pinned at my refresh rate and I think I probably have vsync enabled because I suspect that’s the default I’m just going to have a quick look here show Advanced options here we go oh no vsync is not on uh it may be frame rate capped in some other way though okay do I have any Idol villagers is there a button to to see that oh yeah no there is a button uh I don’t make another one how big is this map uh not very big I don’t think I able to see the thing I found a relic hey hey did you you guys looking at him right now you’re screen peeking who screen peeks like that I’m sitting right next to you here brother well I want something to happen well stuff’s happening I’m exploring I’m exploring I’m exporing to I’m going to find you I’m going to find all your stuff not if I find you first not if I find you first Dan wants us to wrap it up what Dan we’re having fun no fun allow no we’re gaming we’re Gamers yeah go for it yeah exactly what are we thinking for the next game oh yeah Dan do you want to check some merch messages and see if people have something that they want to recommend for us all chewy today sure we we already have 20 requests 20 requests for games good Lord we are going to have to get through these a little faster uh the next I blame Dan for not stopping us the next one I doing here someone suggesting Deep Rock Galactic oh that’s a good game super cool game rock and stone rock and stone I really need to go and play that again I played it when it first came out and enjoyed it and have not touched it since me too oh man I um I may have wasted all of my food on making villagers and my villagers don’t seem to be really paying off to the extent that I need them to pay off here ah I didn’t even realize that I could like build guys yeah that’s how they get you how do I how do I build a person uh oh at the Town Center oh I see one of your guys I think uh I don’t know what you’re talking about is he going to come and try and take all my gold or something I don’t know what you’re talking about why would I take your gold when I can take your llamas okay don’t be at that that’s just awful killing my dude he was you took my llamas no those are my llamas well they’re my llamas now bet you didn’t think of that can how do I build stuff where did my guy with the horse go oh he’s way up here got him dude come back here no no no you don’t you don’t even need him you don’t even need him he’s a he’s a he’s a chump see oh man it’s all like llama found it’s not your llama once it’s been found oh dude you can totally like take possession of animals and then just command them to go places well that’s super handy that’s exactly like real life all right I think what we discovered is that it runs yeah it runs fine yeah this is is not running as well as Intel but at the same time but it runs all right all right we’re going to call that we’re going to call that a victory for me uh can you start logging those as well Dan uh who who actually wins the games what are you saying what what are you saying no that’s hacks I am victorious no that’s hacks what for Alex wow Viking Victory when a game playing as the Vikings got the achievement biased judges here all right what’s next Deep Rock Galactic is not installed dang it give me a minute here that’s fine give us give us another one in the meantime yeah yeah uh Tanner can start to queue up some of the some of the ones that uh he cues up on the other drives that we’ve got uh someone wants to see factorio factorio that we’ve got yep all right split screen Dan y here we go oh yeah I can see the preview right there oh we should start launching at the same time so that we can see what loading times are like somebody else asked for power usage as well you want power usage you’re not getting that I don’t think the tools for monitoring on Snapdragon X are um working yet yeah if you’ve noticed in the CPU section here it says it’s at 0 degrees that ain’t right yeah I can guarantee you the CPU is not at 0 degrees now I have never played factorial yeah I have no clue how this works um multiplayer so yeah host new game sure I’m going to browse public Games host a creative PVP I guess yeah do it wave defense actually server name oh man username okay are now authenticated all right let’s go oh crap I just joined someone’s game uh well that is not what I meant to I have no idea what’s going on you died I died already what just happened open the server browser here we go wait oh No Escape Escape quick game yes there we go okay cool okay okay so the server name is ye okay with uh four e nice nice QR s t UV uh nopey try again all right I got you hey there we go join game okay it’s me versus Alex factorio I assume it’s the same password no oh it’s the other password that you can guess it is okay got it yeah nice okay what’s your frame rate 60 same as mine y curiously we are locked at 60 that’s how factorial works oh that’s how Factor oh my God are the physics tied to frame rate no everything UPS is tied to frame rate but in a really complicated way okay so it has to run at 60 FPS so that basically means if you don’t run at 60 FPS you’re in like big trouble then yes okay cool it has to run at 60 FPS must run at 60 FPS average okay well hey you are so that’s good start round I I mean I guess I don’t even know what’s going on right now I have no clue uh okay uh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what just happened that’s me oh oh it’s w oh oh it’s WD okay so can I like attack or robot I’m going to put my construction robot uh here oh yeah oh yeah I got a construction robot I think okay I picked it back up uh I found more construction robot wait oh no they’re all here this cannot be mined okay I’m going to mine oh yeah I can mine what the heck okay hey I got iron or do you have any iron ore boom I guess I’m winning then yeah we’re on the same team oh a Cooperative game oh it’s a Cooperative game well then we’re both winning yay fantastic I mean do we need see much more than this this seems to be running fine plus 20 stone awesome uh and yeah I I can’t say for sure that once we had an enormous you know sprawling base and a bunch of automations and stuff that it would continue to run fine but it I think it’s going to run fine on a basic level seem to work okay what’s next hit me Chewy if you also have like merch messages to throw at us while we’re playing games just like regular ones that’s good all games yeah um someone wants to see a switch emulator sue you uh okay uh that sounds like too much work can they ask for something that’s on Steam yeah yeah anything on Steam is going to be a lot easier for us we have about 300 games pre-loaded from Tanner and he’s ready to download more so I don’t think you could show we may on an exception basis show occasional things that are not Steam games I see a lot of people asking for doom doom abs absolutely which one yeah I guess do you want Doom or Doom Eternal well we should start with doom all right all right let’s do it okay screen’s up Dan shoot I forgot I wanted to start launching at the same time uh if you guys have any other like regular merge messages you can also send those in to chewy so that we’re not just sitting here awkwardly yeah or we we can do stuff we’re not that awkward yeah I’ll open up a Red Bull nice you’ll have a drink nice and then everyone with misophonia can get really mad there I fixed it there we go okay I believe this is a game that didn’t really work before Oh really and now with the new driver update does did wait they specifically called out Doom uh they specifically called out Doom Eternal oh okay this is not Doom Eternal it’s also like pretty similar in a lot of ways oh wait what is this it’s Doom I thought this was like OG Doom no this is 2016 Doom people are probably asking for OG Doom but also we can just I just I I never played this I thought this was just like uh uh like what what did it show up as oh no it just showed up as Doom okay well at any rate fine sure do you we want to just fire up the campaign yeah okay arcade mode we’ll play the UAC yeah all right what do you got 34 FPS we’re only in the menu though well that says 35 this says 60 so I don’t know what to trust oh interesting that’s yeah that’s weird yeah yours wow is like kind of messed up uh I am going to turn on my in-game performance monitoring too and see if maybe there’s a disparity there as well oh they’re mostly agreeing now okay then I am not going to worry about it oh this is that’s um that’s not the kind of frames that you need to play this game oh we should make sure our settings are the same too yeah okay let’s have a quick look here all right 1080p SMA okay vsync off ter can we start there yeah okay vsync off uh what do you want smaa uh I think I’m just going to turn anti-aliasing off really oh come on you need at least FXAA just fast fast antialiasing okay motion blur off y okay and then switch to Advanced yeah blah blah blah blah blah oh my God Advanced overall quality uh medium sure okay I think that’s pretty that’s pretty reasonable yeah okay resum I I have 40 FPS okay oh boy how are you doing I am doing better than you performance uh I got them the int ones you want you want the Doom built-in ones that’s yeah I’ve got anywhere from around 60 mid to here let’s pop down here I think supposed to hit this uh this thing right I forget oh wait I was doing something I’m seeing at most like 40 I forgot about this game Alex I completely forgot this game was a thing what how I just did do maternal has been a thing for so long that I just I don’t know I just I just forgot about this game this is so bizarre uh anyway what are your frame rates uh 40s yeah that’s pretty rough not going to lie okay but what watch this watch this I’m going to I think I can make this perfectly playable okay it’ll be a little bit lower than what you’ve got I mean dude you’re getting like half the frame rate of what I’m getting yeah but we’re grading this on a does it work ooh no I mean there’s work and then there’s work and to me look H they don’t have to win but I expect them to be kind of comparable especially when you factor in that Intel is not even the performance leader in this space right so if you’re not at least close to Intel for those of you tuning in now we’re doing Qualcomm Snapdragon ex what the heck versus Intel Arc Alchemist and the reason that we’re not using AMD is that we ran into some capture issues on the on the AMD laptop outputs uh that is not a capture issue what’s going on with Alex’s right now that is the game yeah that’s a being super weird issue okay Alex on the point I was trying to get to real quick there is that we’re not really focused on performance but we still do want to see a reasonable showing in terms of performance so yes launching the game is a lot better than not launching the game but we want to see it run with a reasonable degree of quality for us to really call it you know very compatible I’m having issues oh my goodness what is happening right now press space to yeah well I died for one okay Alt Enter I mean is it just the Classic no no okay I mean performance is still what it was before around 40 FPS yeah and that’s at 720P oh that’s unfortunate cuz I’m at 1080 and I’m getting Not Butter smooth but very playable frame rates should we switch over to Doom Eternal sure cuz yeah this is um yeah it didn’t scale at all with the settings I got 45 FPS 1080p medium to low 720 I’m going to say this I’m going to call that a pass but the next time one’s borderline I’m calling it a fail sure does that seem kind of fair because really what I’m interested in is the compatibility layer yeah it’s the it’s the arm to x86 64 emulation that I’m mostly focused on here something like oh yeah it’s not full screening properly that they can fix in drivers as they continue to refine things I mean we gave Intel a lot of time to get their their Arc drivers in line and they still aren’t they still aren’t so qualcomm’s got a fair bit of Runway before I’m going to start saying like hey you guys need to get this together in terms of game compatibility but it worked yeah the compatibility layer worked but the next time we see Behavior like that mm chewy what’s up um someone wants to see Destiny 2 because their antiche can be a little finicky all right why don’t we do Destiny 2 next have a look at that right after do maternal here I’m having fun so far yeah they want to see the screens more Dan whenever you can show screens I’d say just default to having having the screens yeah mine’s doing a lot right now oh wow your screen’s super exciting yeah wow yeah uh giving you as much screen as possible okay let’s give it the old alt tab by the way people are getting triggered by you not having full screen steam what just maximize them okay or do nothing or do it you know what just Burger King it okay people are saying run Vulcan Vulcan and Qualcomm right now not the biggest of friends yeah guys that is not a good that will not go well okay I say I say we give a game maximum one relaunch for our experiment here and remember guys this is not meant to be scientific this is not meant to be that we turn every dial and and tweak every knob and push every button to try to get things to work this is can I just game and Qualcomm and Microsoft have been very upfront that these are not gaming machines and you know they don’t expect it to be a perfect gaming experience but no go ahead can someone in the chat put in what the launch option is to force direct decks in Doom Eternal yeah appreciate you guys but there was enough gaming messaging featured in their marketing that we feel this is a valid thing for us to test and if we get through enough games and you guys get bored we’d also be open to you guys throwing us some other app applications that maybe we could try out uh oh is my float plane chat not working I don’t think my float plane chat’s working I’m going to fix that there we go okay I’m just going to try again no we have not tried cyber Punk yet thank you for asking that’ll be a matter of time don’t worry guys we’re we’re on it we’re on it uh chewy do you have any merch messages for us sure someone is asking if we’ll ever make a square bit set like all Robertson probably not heck yeah do it given how many people complain about them being included at all I don’t think it’ll be happening soon what would a square bit set even be aren’t there only like three that you need yes it’s mostly just one at some point in the in the distant future we would love to be able to offer like individual bits like make your own pack but right now we’re we’re not there yet hm I got further this time uh yes um well good job and before you ask yes these are the beta drivers that are supposed to fix this so I have tested Doom Eternal in my testing of these laptops one time it worked oh oh you’re teleporting sorry continue story time please one time it worked but when enemies would get close to you they would stop being enemies and turn into big fuzzy balls and it was actually really funny really it was also completely unplayable do you have any screen cap of that I don’t know oh that’s a shame that sounds really funny I wanted to see if I could change stuff and then when I changed some things it just never opened again oh all right I think we’re going to call this a fail Dan okay all right sorry do maternal you’re done you’re done Bud uh right here we go this is the problem that I was having before Oh failed to allocate video memory total allocated that tried to allocate a bunch actually that’s not even that much yeah no that’s that seems right but this is the problem that I was talking about where sometimes the GPU of this shows up as having zero video memory and it just causes games not to work at all yeah okay Destiny 2 sure Destiny 2 uhoh okay guys battle eye battle eye is not going to work are you sure I am not sure but I am pretty sure easy anti-che definitely not but maybe batt a eye maybe battle eye what what is it that the kids say bet it has successfully installed launching game okay cap they say that too I installed way faster than you I failed to start battle eye service wrecked okay for context I’m on the in machine okay what just happened are you kidding me right now uh but it’s I’m not seeing a whole lot happening yeah I I called it I said cap that means lie it does yeah if someone says something and you’re like see Oliver’s nodding he knows oh if someone says something you’re like cap it means lie so that’s why if you say no cap that means it is true correct okay makes sense I mean why they couldn’t just say lie and no Li I in in French do they say Chapo maybe cascad you going to say um this okay it it stopped working let’s try again I’m also not having a lot of luck launching this we need to have an Intel fail counter as well uh yeah we might need ohy hey hey hey hey hey hey allow okay nice nice see it almost crashed but instead it was bungee jumping so it didn’t CR didn’t hit the ground sure uh why do I have why do I have two oh oh enter your birthday I mean sure yeah I’m I care a lot about this so perfect oh my God I have to hold it okay uh not now says it’s running oh yeah hey I heard a really funny joke recently after the uh the US presidential debate o is your refrigerator running yes good then I’m going to vote for it do you know what’s not running though Destiny 2 Destiny 2 on qualcom that is not surprising do you want me to give it one more go cuz you still aren’t even like open at all no no we said we said you get one relaunch that’s it that’s two is a fail dude what are we at right now we’re at four out of six why is it lus wins chewy what people want maybe change that to Intel Intel no you wanted a game win counter no no we don’t need that that’s confusing it’s yeah no I’m just by default I’m joking I was joking um I think dark Rock Galactic could be ready okay uh okay this is going to be our first drive swap oh boy wish us luck guys all right safe eject hold on I just need to sign out of um I need to sign out of friends so that people don’t keep adding me uh okay uh mine’s not running great by the way if you have my screen up you can see yeah it’s really nothing nothing special in terms of visual quality but it’s it’s running wow that’s hot I actually don’t know how to very very hot how hot is that you know what forget it it it launched the game definitely launched um all right temperature sensor unavailable contact Google what is this crap this is the only reason that you buy a pixel 8 Pro goe contact Google what a bunch of jerks Ste she’s speaking of arm processors that don’t work no I’m sorry Qualcomm actually makes like good stuff on mobile I would much prefer my phone if it had one of those oh yeah sorry tan that’s really hot that is it’s warm she’s toasty boys I’m actually going to just leave this over here with you because I’m not going to load games up onto these two drives oh sure okay all right here we go theoretically Tanner will be able to just drop new games on these drives and get us equipped with them rapidly Deep Rock Galactic it’s installed wow oo directex 11 or 12 I guess it doesn’t really matter on this I’m going for 12 yeah theoretically it shouldn’t matter okay I’m going dx12 as well actually I should have done dx11 cuz then yours would look worse mine would look worse does this game look better on dx11 no just Intel Arc can’t handle dx11 oh okay that’s fair how you doing over there looks like it’s doing good oh that looks promising actually yeah I have a black screen but that’s like way further than we got in Destiny nice okay they both look kind of butt right now in terms of frame rate I’m getting four FPS in one in the uh opening cinematic here oh I loaded faster not barely Intel for the win here okay man freaking modern games man like what on here is actually play the game this tiny little button in the bottom right I get it you know my brother’s over there got to eat but like this this is working this is working what is mine doing what are my settings at I don’t know I’ve got an unskippable cut scene so good luck me I guess get wrecked all right uh maybe turn off the max FPS okay overall quality yeah maybe just set it to I’d set it to like low low yeah yeah you’re not going to do much better than low uh resolution scale at 25% though uh 100 yeah yeah i’ go 100 let’s let’s see what it looks like apply changes this didn’t apply is there separate apply changes at the bottom H okay oh yeah there we go I was going to say that didn’t help at all but now we’re running at 85 FPS this is actually great all right okay I’m going to set it to the same thing as you so it was uh full screen 1920 x 1080 right let me verify that but yes and then you used FXAA and overall quality was low right f AA overall quality is low I am in windowed full screen windowed full screen okay I I’ll use windowed full screen as well then okay yep I’m set to the same thing as you and I’m on just like a little tutorial Mission here hm my space is a little less busy than yours though which could be a bit of an advantage for my system let’s see if I can get some yeah cuz in this little room I’m getting 120 FPS and then out here it’s dipping oh but it’s dipping less than before how do I invite ainus in this might have to finish theal he might have to finish the tutorial uh I I don’t know I don’t know if it matters that much 200ps as long as we’re getting an approximate range I think it’s pretty clear that I am going to be running this game better yeah but that looks very playable yeah you can definitely play Deep Rock galactic on this and you’ll you’ll be fine needam uh I believe these accounts are steam friends but I’m offline because people kept adding me uh and it was disruptive it was popping up in the bottom right okay Deep Rock Galactic I think we’re calling that a win yeah we can call it a win for Qualcomm cool that’s kind of freaking awesome yeah the game looks even not not bad at low yeah like that seems fine all right some nice Reflections cool all right what’s next chewy please test Marvel Spider-Man Marvel Spider-Man is that a steam game is that on the other one that’ be on your original drive all right all right this actually works oh that’s not what I meant to do dang it my bad that is now off yep uh okay do you have the login uh details for that handy uh I do yes okay cool thank you that was % my bad all right uh can we make sure that we’re not seeing our screens cool thanks Dan all right I got this there you go do we have any merch messages that aren’t game requests that we can talk about while we figure this out yes I need the uh code oh the code I’m so sorry yep I can get the code I’m so sorry that was my bad you want one yeah hit me hey lonus I’ve seen you dailying this smaller backpack in a few videos any thoughts updates release time uh yeah I we are working on a a smaller more stylish version of the backpack um I actually had it with me for my trip to Taiwan and I came back with probably about this much feedback for the team about things that I would need to see changed before that can be a so that’s going to be a minute before that comes out um there’s just a lot of it it looks really great but there’s a lot of usability problems that are worse than just you know oh well this isn’t a you know a a backpack for Linus by Linus you know like there’s there’s just problems with it that are not acceptable uh like it’s really difficult for example to open up the pockets enough that you can actually reach down into the bottom of the bag so we have a lot to figure out did not all just show up I think I just got to add the drive there we go all right Spider-Man which one remastered or Miles Morales uh I think it’s Spider-Man remastered right I believe so okay let’s go for it ready all right 3 two 1 launch 3 one except Ben do we have our total counter how how Snap Dragon do oh no install graphics card blah okay okay seems fine I mean mine’s still trying to launch so I think you’re still ahead of me I haven’t even seen the little launcher thing there we go oh hey we should make our settings the same uh 169 FSR 3 sure yeah yeah why not I mean it’ll work on qualcom which is kind of cool AMD apparently found that out just like in the Press which I Funny um Dynamic resolution scaling off right sure okay quality vsync off okay does that all look good uh yep all right let’s do it will it work here we go here we go here we go here we go oh loading times look very acceptable we’re only in menu but your frame rate’s higher yeah but we’re in menu or cut scene rather chewy want to hit us with the merch message uh your opinion on external GPU Solutions and compatibility in 2024 I use an R RX 7900 XT over USB 4 and it is a mixed experience don’t do it we need we need new gen uh Thunderbolt for it to work more better uh it looks like Thunderbolt 5 if they’re actually using gen four lanes I think it is yeah Thunderbolt 5 uses Gen 4 Lanes by four um and I think that’s going to unlock I’m not even concerned at all about that like I’m every time that I’ve used it just simply hasn’t worked really okay no I’ve definitely had experiences with with it working I’ve had it working I guess I should say but it’s the sort of thing where you unplug it and plug it back in and then it no work also speaking of not working this is currently at 7 FPS oh um yeah friendly new game friendly sure okay and then start all right display and Graphics one sec sure this clearly needs some help I mean you’re running at the same settings as me Alex I don’t think you’re I need some help oh okay well you can I’m I’m turning on Dynamic resolution scaling at least no no no no we can’t I now have 9 FPS no no no you go to Graphics go to the graphics tab though you can go to the preset man I’m on high and looking pretty smooth okay fine we’ll go to low oh wow okay that helped a lot well yeah no but like when you see 7 FPS you think it’s just not going to work I went to low and now it’s at 60 all right you ready to start uh back fine start anyway external Graphics Solutions probably the smoothest one I ever saw was that MSI one that just had a PCI slot at the back of the laptop and then you just slid it on top of this docking station that just had a GPU in it yeah or I guess no hot spot how many legs has your spider got there brother did they see that yes nice wow that was something that’s that’s the same thing that I was saying in Doom where stuff sometimes when it would get a bit close to the screen would just turn into like a big fuzzy ball I’m officially a Flying Spaghetti Monster believer now uh curiously you’re actually getting higher frame rates than me sometimes but your 1% lows are consistently lower yeah they’re not great so your delivery consistency is lower even if your FPS average does peak higher I’m seeing a load of tearing as well uh do you see that visually on the computer no in person there’s no tearing here there’s no tearing good good good yeah I’m going to finish this thought about external go oh there yeah there’s some funky stuff for sure mhm okay well now that’s the it’s there’s a Multiverse yeah Venom he’s interacting with the m it’s the hair physics is the hair it’s the hair physics I like how it’s the hair freaking out and the Shadows are freaking out too oh my oh but he puts on the thing and it’s fine yeah oh my goodness when we’re out on the street and there’s just random NPCs all over you know what I wonder if basic NPCs will have less yeah maybe and it’ll just be like a like a you know a hair helmet and it won’t matter well we’re about to find out Fray interesting anyway they seem they seem fine egpus okay XG mobile pretty okay overall more bandwidth than Thunderbolt which was nice oh hold left shift to swing here we go um but definitely had its issues Thunderbolt 5 okay I’m excited for Thunderbolt 5 and then uh we’ll have more bandwidth and it’ll hopefully be good but maybe not did that stutter for youex yeah this is this is I’ve had better experiences for sure yeah I’m only theoretically you know actually okay yeah I’m at a solid 30 I’m at 1% lows of 30 ooh yeah oh can I grab onto the helicopter I want to do that yeah I don’t know man I think that uh I think this is going to be I think this is going to be that second half of an L for Qualcomm here remember how I said the next time we had some weird Behavior they were not getting a full W sure cuz that hair is funky oh we should go down we should go down to Street oh yeah to the street yeah so let’s I’ll have a look at what people are supposed to look like well this gu over here yeah this looks like the same park oh yeah did we manage to find uh oh yeah here we go here we go here we go okay cool let’s find someone who’s not wearing a toque so the people seem to be fine yeah you got to find someone who’s not wearing a hat though there there was someone without a hat over here I think oh oh okay uh yeah I don’t think that that’s how they’re supposed to be rendered that is not good uh that is super not good to be clear I’m not saying that there’s any intent there um hat but that’s not good okay yeah find someone without a hat the the Shadows seem to be a problem okay I found someone with hair okay this this person has hair their hair’s fine hair’s fine okay hair’s fine so as long as it’s helmet hair it’s fine but this person yeah uh uh yeah uh uh let’s move on I’m calling this a fail Dan it’s not a outright fail you could probably play the game but like okay hold on is that Fountain physics right I already closed mine but this does not look right oh oh that’s interesting so that’s that’s something y so it’s having trouble loading in the farther away version of the ass oh W look down the ground oh yeah that’s not great yeah there’s no way that’s right yeah that’s probably not supposed to be that we’re calling this a fail yeah okay what’s next chewy that seems like it’s a driver update or two away from being fine we got Rainbow Six Siege Rainbow Six Siege let’s do it oh it’s not installed do not have that yeah I don’t either okay Tanner’s working on it what’s next yep Tanner’s going to get that one going split gate split gate okay I also don’t have that only 15 gigs though how how long will that take let’s see maybe that’ll be really fast uh oh I’m kind of curious to see who has faster download speeds yeah that can be a m CPU performance can be a major bottleneck when downloading are you both on lmg uh let me check yes yes well yours is a lot faster than M I doubt that this is a CPU bottleneck at this point though I suspect this is just my Wi-Fi card not although you do have receiving as fast an Intel Wii 60 should be about as good as it can get but maybe qualcomm’s more better not scientific not a scientific test but Alex is definitely downloading the game at Double the speed that I am and this is too slow this is going to be 20 minutes so uh splitgate uh Tanner we’ll get you to load that one as well it’ll be seven on which is still too long give me one here I’ve got these downloaded already I just need to transfer them over okay no take your time we’ll we’ll do other ones in the metime do do your thing do your thing all right cool okay Chewy hit me uh Ratchet and Clank Ratchet and Clank a rift aart all right got it okay uh oh you need to get it I need to get it buy it instead all right fine is it at least on sale hey it % off let’s go will you do that should I just hit play and see what happens uh sure we’ll be able to save ourselves 40 bucks or whatever if it immediately fails the last Sony one worked though sort of I mean sort of uh I have no idea what the security code is on this card uh is procurement standing by to help me hey procurement they got us wait did this do something no uh did it did it just close what what’s this blue thing task manager oh so it is oh it’s got a new icon uh maybe we don’t need to buy it see if intel runs it no no no I’m sure Intel runs it I don’t need to spend the $48 if I uh don’t need to okay oh well I’ll tell procurement never mind then y That’s a fail okay what’s next hit us chewy uh Psychonauts o Psychonauts oh that’s not installed either okay tell tell you what uh we’ll switch over drives here right now because I think I’m good on that and uh we can get some of these games that we’ve missed sure um that’s okay that like take take your time maybe just add add this one to it but chewy give us give us another one we have like a few hundred games installed how do we keep missing okay okay is I don’t think my drive’s installed what’s on the go here oh wait mine is and I don’t have psych so okay yeah yeah there they are yeah okay uh gigantic Rampage Edition yes we’ve got it yeah we’ I’ve never heard of this before okay I still need that code then cuz I don’t own this game but it’s $12.99 let’s go last four digits uh oh uh accounting needs blanket approval so that we can buy games what yes I think we’ve been through this if I ask for something it’s approved mute you globally all right you’re back live let me just get that okay they’re they’re getting me the code in the meantime that’s promising yeah uh it’s not full screen but it’s promising to be full screen at some point um okay got it thanks Dan want to show Alex’s screen yep back live so this is game 11 yeah uh yes all right is it working uh I hope so what’s it called again gigantic Rampage Edition here we go yes okay uh how long does it take to launch this launcher it was pretty quick for me okay is this a I should be oh yeah there we go alt huner worked great perfect for those of you who are new here we’re taking game requests we are launching any game that you guys recommend to us through merch messages on both a Snapdragon X Elite laptop this is the uh what was it the Samsung Galaxy book Edge 4 book for edge book for Edge sorry excuse me pardon me and then we’ve also got an Asus viob book s this is running a core Ultra 7 155h so we’ve got the fastest Snapdragon X Elite processor versus Intel’s best of realistically last gen but it’s the only thing you can buy still until they launch their current gen so current gen yeah it it’s definitely current gen you don’t get a new one for a while yes and is it even intel if they don’t make it and we chose well okay that’s a whole other thing so tsmc fabbed a lot of parts of the new one anyway the point is we are not using AMD because we had some issues with capture and realistically the point of all this is not performance per se where AMD has gaming performance leadership but rather just does it work at all with the arm2 x86 64 emulation layer that’s running on these snap Dragon laptops so here we are gigantic Rampage Edition 1 2 3 signing in great modern gaming is so painful sometimes I really love it when you have like two hours with a group of friends and you get to play installation and download for two hours yeah okay I’m going to go with Becket all right I Am Lord canosos all right oh okay there’s a lord noos bot oh settings yeah sure I guess we could go into the settings menu video vsync off oh wow it defaulted to, 1600 by 900 I’m going to go with 1920 by 1080 Graphics quality I I think it could handle this on high yeah it does seem to be doing it yeah high high on forx save and exit y okay cool let’s call that good okay I have 60 FPS I don’t know if vsync turned off I don’t think it did especially because this display is 120 HZ H so this may be frame rate locked in some way right now I’m going to put it on realistically Alex I think we can just look at at our 1% lows do you want to just H hop in dude this looks pretty darn similar yeah okay I’m going back to vsync off I’m getting 1% lows in the neighborhood of like 40 to 45 FPS and unlike some people I’m actually playing the game got him okay I’ll follow Becket [Music] this is looking like a win to me like not a win in the sense that it’s running better than on the Intel system but a win in the sense that it is working which was not a given when they announced these processors I I was not expecting the experience to be nearly this smooth yeah this game is running great 1% almost dead Dead locked H supposed to go oh back here or Dead Heat that’s the word I was looking for okay oh I am seeing some dips for you that I am not experiencing on my machine oh yeah that’s the O 15 so it’s not as smooth but if what you wanted was to play the game at all you are able to play the game at all and honestly I didn’t even notice those dips like we saw them in the thing I didn’t see it with my eyeballs all right right I think that’s a win I think that’s a win yeah all right what’s next uh I think you guys should have Gary’s Mod Gary’s Mod all right Gary’s Mod hey five bucks oh I already launched it’s all right whoa why do I have so much stuff in my shopping cart what just happened uh no no I don’t want all the what just happened yeah why was there like $300 worth of stuff in there that was close uh no guys I will add stuff thank you really do appreciate the proactiveness but no I I I will I will do that thank you very much okay Gary’s Mod launching here we go okay this is going to sound kind of crazy I have never played Gary’s mod this is also gonna sound kind of crazy but I also haven’t see I would have thought Gary’s Mod would be like a thing you would well I thought the same with you yeah like I’ve opened it before and I was like what do I do now yeah all right fair enough it seems like the kind of game for people that have more time than I do o wow why you got to why you got to throw shade like that on our viewers you guys going to take that uh okay so start new game I guess sure black grass oh oh my game is running up the wrong settings one moment please back to main menu okay I am at 1920 by 1080 check your resolution here hold on apply that’s weird um frame rate limit boom 300 yay okay yep ADV is that helping cool uh high low high reflect World medium enabled none trilinear disabled disabled enabled none we good yes all right cool uh find multiplayer game should we both join the same game sure uh I don’t know uh Clone Wars role play seems to be really popular dark RP dark RP what Dang It Star Wars role play um is it okay does anyone know trouble in prob uh is everything just going to be terrible okay let’s do Prop Hunt oh that’s that’s there you go prop okay Prop Hunt I recognize where’s Prop Hunt prop Hunters h no just Prop Hunt I think wait what prop Hunters yes yes yes prop Hunters okay uh yeah the top one here okay okay we’re both going into the same game quick or else people might start joining yeah yeah we’re on it we’re on it also is a good test because you’re GNA have to download stuff from the server one gigabyte of stuff I downloaded it a lot faster than you oh wait oh yours is going no yeah I’m completely wrecking you right now oh wait what what what oh I’m at five of 150 five I was just looking at the progress bar yeah my progress bar progressed many more times than yours already I’m still downloading Muffler Alex I’m getting some graphical glitches from you do you see those no it’s looking great for me it looks weird for you oh little CPS that might just be capture yeah just capture it looks fine on here oh yeah weird yeah that’s that’s not happening on mine lordy mine is taking forever I’m at 10 of 155 do you have a merch message that’s something other than a game MH hit me hello L my job puts me at a desk but back issues make it hard to sit or even stand at a desk I’d like to use a VR headset to create virtual monitors so I can lay down what headsets would be best oh man Apple Vision Pro is the only one that I can realistically recommend as a virtual monitor and even then I don’t think I it’s it’s not great you may legitimately be one of the few people that I would with a straight face say maybe you should look at one of those like reclining workstations like we’ve checked uh I forget the brand names but uh there was one that we looked at a little while ago that wasn’t super overpriced because it didn’t have any Motors or anything it was just like manually configure it once and then kind of lock it in place it wasn’t obudu it wasn’t the CLE clevis or whatever it was it was like the one we checked out in between those ones I think I know scorpion chair and that’s it yeah that one that one was a meme poor Elijah now has a back that works like yours after sitting in that chair so man that stuff back issues man they’re a they’re a life Cher I don’t really know I don’t really know what to tell you uh chewy we got time for another one I’m this at 64 I’m downloading ducky player model I’m at 116 getting wrecked here’s Wi-Fi it does the thing good do you think we’ll do you think we’ll finally see a proper competitor from AMD in the high-end graphics cards next year no the Scuttle butt and we’re close enough to launch that the Scuttle butt is probably reasonably representative the Scuttle butt is that AMD is not even going to have a high-end 8,000 series and that they’re refocusing any engineering resources that would be used to build that on maybe having a really good showing for like 9,000 Series uh which kind of makes sense if you consider that that’s when the current gen consoles will be due for an architecture refresh and that’s where their investment is going to sell the most chips because right now I think amd’s market share in the desktop GPU space is like it’s been plummeting 10% which doesn’t really makes sense to me because as far as I can tell they’re as competitive as they’ve been in the last yeah they’re five years the cards are like perfectly fine okay but here’s the question Mr perfectly fine do you run one no I wouldn’t and that’s exactly the problem I I did that whole using it for a month thing and it was like mostly good why I have to install more stuff progress bars after progress bars yeah see this is 66 this is the PC gaming experience man this is what I’m talking about this is what I was saying I don’t have enough time for Gary’s Mod go to private no no no we got this we got this this is like theage experience yeah this is play the game and this is what have like every time a new server this Gary’s Mod we don’t make the rules okay Chewy hit us with another one if you guys are wondering how to leave a merch message all you got to do is head over to LTT store.com do we have any promos running or anything like that right now uh I think it’s a retro screwdriver retro screw screwdriver is that on promo uh no it isn’t I don’t think so it’s not anymore no but we do have retro screwdriver right here you should still get one they are great we have our GPU uh GPU crash Tower brick game our non-infringing our non-infringing Tower brick game uh I guess that we could play some Tower brick game while we wait for this to happen it’s a little messy cuz the bricks fall all over the place like other games that um we are not infringing on but basically you know every one of these is a little I mean yeah it’s probably better to just bring up you know I’ll just bring up the site that’ll be better and then you’ll actually be you know you need to take one out now well oh yeah hold on I’m showing the people you want to go to my screen real quick hey there we go GPU crash Tower game crashes just like the real GPU Market there you go so each one is individually laser engraved on I believe it’s anywhere from five to six different surfaces there are some where the GPU that it’s inspired by doesn’t really have anything on the one side but most of them are engraved on all six sides which by the way is why it’s expensive I saw a lot of kind of silly um speculation that it was some kind of influencer tax or something but I responded on Reddit about this like look go find a laser engraved Christmas ornament on AliExpress go ahead okay see how much that costs now multiply it by jeez the number of surfaces that we laser engraved times the number of pieces yes it’s expensive but it’s really cool I like it and it’s not it’s I don’t think it’s expensive for what it is when you consider how much individual handling each of these pieces SC don’t take my word for it though like I said just go go find an example of something that is lasering you are totally not allowed to brace yourself on that brick what you cheater yeah cheater so I’m a bit of a I’m a bit of an agent of Chaos in this game in case you’re wondering it appears that way yes oh no oh that’s what happens I just I just go for whatever is the most solid looking thing and uh and hope for the best how’s my game loading doing good Lord oh you’re not even through the first bit no man that’s not great I’m really not how’s yours coming along I’m at about 500 out of 606 but maybe there’s more after that we’ll find out soon any who we have lots of other affordable stuff you can get on LTT store.com we have a lot of our t-shirts back in stock now they’re just $20 uh there’s some pressure on me to increase the price of our t-shirts I’m going to try and pull a Costco hot dog here but I’m not sure if I’m going to get away with it so they might go up at some point if you want to pick up a t-shirt now might be a good time uh chewy do you want to hit me with a merch message what is the current upgrade or replacement path for the standardized machines at LTT ooh that’s a good question Dan would actually know that better than I would he works in that department Dan what’s going on with our standardized workstations I believe they’re getting completely revamped right now we’re looking for some Partners I think we’ve got new gpus that are coming in but we’re also investigating laptops and docs blasphemy well most of the company uses Google Chrome as their entire job yeah I get it apart from the engineers I think we have A4000 is the standard for the engineers uh video editor are getting 390s 13900 K uh probably 128 gigs of RAM but for most of the company yeah I mean maybe apart from the writers who just get test benches with whatever they want everybody uses Google Chrome I know Luke only uses Google Chrome yeah all of the writers have been telling me that they want qualcom laptops now that makes sense yeah and so we’ve got like loads of docs that we’re testing too we have standardized monitors so you know doc two monitors nice powerful laptop you’re basically good to go yeah I get it oh man cringe Tomo Como in float plane chat says get everyone a Samsung phone and just use decks I mean man who no wait who whose uh Intel upgrade were we doing where they were using decks was that Matt I don’t know I I think so I’ve used decks a little bit and it it wasn’t a good time yeah yeah was Matt I mean he was dailying it dude what yeah that was that was his that was his desktop computer was a a deck do I told you everybody just uses Google Chrome it’s fine one thing that I saw was wild uh the guys at PS sound in Germany they do like sound system installations the guy Ed Samsung deck for his car infotainment so he would plug it in and then had a big screen I I don’t think that would be legal at all here oh my God I took an Uber recently oh well okay I took an Uber recently here where buddy was just watching like uh some like Bollywood show like just watching a a movie on his phone and the wildest thing about it was that I wasn’t even really that phased because I had just come back from Taiwan where half of the Uber drivers had video on while they were driving yeah there it’s not illegal so it’ll be people that have like four or five screens me and Andy we arrived in Japan and immediately just found a car meet and went for a driving a guy’s R32 Skyline and he had just Top Gun playing on four screens it was the most incredible thing that has ever happened okay so your Wi-Fi absolutely Crush inates my Wi-Fi you’re in you’re in game and I’m still at number two out of 606 for assets to download here how’s it running are we going to be able to run oh oh oh are we going to be able to run Source two games ises that hsni Miku I mean that makes perfect sense well it’s only nintend that’s add right can they hear you okay you got to talk into a mic or not at all you’re yell uh are you are you going to move at all are you going so far I think it’s only Nintendo that has actually tried to dmca and take down all the mod add-ons every other IP is still up so people just have whatever God it makes perfect sense why do I not have F2 to change teams what I’m wondering about is just where my the the thing that tells you how many frames you have is frame view where did that go I do not know oh yeah mine’s not showing up either I mean just just tell us how just tell us how it runs maybe try F2 to change teams there you go okay the round is waiting for me to load in is there sound from the game going to the live stream no no okay that’s good probably yes how do I voice on how do I turn into a prop select prop with e e I’m pressing e and nothing’s happening oh all right I’m a box now okay you’re a box so what do you do you you hide yeah okay I’ve never played prop Hunters before I want to be a tree can I be a tree I can’t be a tree I don’t think so I don’t think that’s a prop can I be a water bottle you should be something smaller oh no that’s going to be pretty conspicuous L more Health you have I oh so you can move around while they hunt you oh I’m getting shot at uh oh yeah you’re dying you’re dead I died what that was it you didn’t hide yeah you wait wait oh were you at was he out of time oh well I I definitely know how to play this game oh my God if anyone’s stream sniping right now this this guy’s hiding right here okay how’s it running it seems fine I think why don’t you spectate the seeker can you do that just click yeah look for the Seeker change teams Hunters oh it’s going to make you wait man uh yeah they thought they thought of that makes sense oh there we go there we go okay cool how’s it running it seems fine it seems like it’s working great which I would really hope well yeah but the the demandingness of the game is not what dictates whether it’s going to run on a you know an emulator essentially right yeah I’m definitely seeing some hitching that I wouldn’t normally expect to see in a in a game this old and this light and there’s some weird kind of flickering I just don’t know if that’s like whatever is happening here or the qualcom of it but either way you got completely killed on the Wi-Fi test there I I really did I’m very close to being in game I think I can join the next round and then we’ll we’ll compare them and then we’ll call it here this looks like a win for Qualcomm this looks like a game you can play do you have de console uh uh yes let’s see if it works oh yeah there we go oh yeah 70 80 90 really inconsistent though to a degree that I wouldn’t expect on something like this yeah it’s hopping around a lot is that showing low and high I don’t think so but yeah it’s going from like 60 to 120 like it’s going to be kind of tough it’s all over the place actually all over the place oh that looked reallyy hey lonus are you able to check if splitgate finished downloading cuz I noticed a few minutes ago Alex’s finished downloading as well or someone’s did so because I was running in the background while you’re trying to download the assets oh yeah okay so you’re okay oh yeah no oh I think that I canceled mine wait did it just is it possible that that’s because this this says it just completed at 403 oh is that why you got so destroyed in Gary’s Mod m oh could be but hold on it was it wasn’t even touching Network for a long time though this has just been dis activity also it’s still slow so I don’t know what to tell you are you even going to make it into this round uh how long do I have I have one minute yeah I might make it I’m at 814 of 1400 Lua files I’ve got this come on buddy I’m going to make it okay let’s let’s not go too hard on Intel’s uh Wi-Fi performance there then come on come on apparently yours was also downloading though ah so yeah yeah I do have it installed now so that makes sense yeah cool come on starting got 18 seconds I feel so much tension right now come on come on come on come on come on 14 second 12 come on the add-on Fallout desert Jay failed to okay uh Lua started Lu started three two come on fully connected I’m in I’m in uh I’m in hello okay I’m wait no I’m not not spected oh damn it F2 function F2 F2 come on come on F2 no did I miss it yeah wait oh I have to wait before trying to change teams again I clicked spectate dang it uh this isn’t working as far as I can tell how how do I I do stuff oh I’m okay I’m a Hunter I joined Hunters am I allowed to nope all right what I can do is spectate though and my game is your FPS is way better definitely running way more smoothly I am seeing weird glitchy Behavior though so that may just be down to these character models being random and you yeah yeah that’s still happening yeah so oh and it did just dip to 70 FPS there yep I died cuz these are probably not super optimized models too yeah you know what I’m calling this a win I’m calling this acceptable for welcome you can play this game and it doesn’t really seem any glitch here than anything that I’m experiencing over on my side yeah all right all right ala four all right nope F10 F10 yep what I did it all right what’s our next game split gate split gate here we go downloading ah PC gaming why are we applying an update we just installed the game it’s an update lightweight antiche lightweight antiche guess we’re going to find out if that works flying update so far we are neck and neck our necks are right next to each other’s necks uh chewy got any merch messages for us when arm inevitably comes to desktop do you think we’ll see sockets retained or anything new like cam on desktop motherboards I would be absolutely floored if qualcom created a socketed CPU yeah I think that if we see Qualcomm on desktops it’s going to happen slowly it’s going to be a slow frog boil we’re going to see something like a like a minium style you know Puck PC and it’s going to be like you know oh yeah well you know we couldn’t put a socketed you know CPU in there and socketed Ram because you know it’s it’s basically a laptop we have a fail oh unable to load anti-che components this driver has been blocked from loading whoopsy Doodles sorry splitgate rip more like see you later gate okay all right what’s next farming Sim 22 what was it called farming Sim Farming Simulator 2022 let’s go ready all right and quick we’re getting through so many more games than we did on the Intel stream yeah actually it helps that they’re so quick to test yeah wow are we only batting about 500 so far what it has to be more than that no o yeah then isn’t Intel 12 of 13 I thought there was one that it couldn’t do uh inel we didn’t test one so I’m going to like include that it would be 12 12 no I think it probably would have launched it I think I just didn’t buy it it Ratchet and Clank yeah oh not Ratchet and Clank I’m thinking um okay options uh 1080p I’m going the wrong way you better believe it 1080p I think we can go medium come on it’s farming simulator farming simulator is a heavy game is it really I think so all right well it shows you I’ve never played it before so go easy on me here okay V SN off yeah I’ve also never played it frame rate limit field of view I want uh like 90 9 okay oh my God L got click a thousand times uh no he he told me low oh what oh sorry oh sorry that changed all your stuff again a dang it yeah I’m sorry my bad think off he said it was demanding so I switched it back to low yeah Field view 60 is fine well you just don’t want to click dang it yeah exactly your banana let’s go 72 field of view 72 degrees split the difference uh okay Advanced graphic setting space Oh uh well that was fun what oh wait did it launch relaunch automatically oh okay okay that was by design that was by Design okay did you go into advanced okay TAA all fine uh this all seems like pretty normal stuff I just want to make sure that it’s not resolution scaling texture resolution blah BL blah yeah this all seems the same okay apply okay we ready yeah uh do we go multi oh do we go multiplayer sure bail stacking mode competitive bail stacking sure I mean right okay continue join custom match or here I’ll create a match yeah okay uh my match is going to be called this and my password is going to be this and my internet connection is going to be DSL 16,000 heck yeah no we’re going to go we’re going to go Lan H use UPnP no max players to all right okay theoretically you should be able to find my game well give it a second please wait connecting to server please wait for game to be created oh can I request a game am I am I allowed to request games I think so like that seems kosher right yeah okay I’m requesting slapshot rebound because you still haven’t tried it even though I told you to try it I have not tried it I know you haven’t tried it I could tell I could tell because of how non-committal you were when I said you should try it you were like yeah sure so now I can force you to try it it’s really fun Slap Shot rebound strong recommend okay okay yeah sure whatever okay waiting for players here we go come on come on hey there we go y that was quick okay he’s loading in so far everything seems to be working as I’d expect yeah this is truly gripping content so how it’s looking right now are you willing to give up half your games for double the battery life you know what’s crazy though okay I’m going to go full politician and I’m going to just start talking without addressing the fact that you’ve asked me a question at all okay what’s crazy though is we were having a very similar conversation around the steam de deck and I am surprised at how many people were willing to just go for it even in its fairly hobbled State back when it launched and seeing how much it’s improved over time if they can achieve anywhere close to a similar amount of improvement dude um this could be viable yeah no though no yeah no is my answer oh I absolutely would easy on a laptop oh that’s true because then I could just play the games that I play on my laptop on my laptop and just not play the games I don’t play on my laptop yeah oh you’re not wrong like I’m giving up way more games by using this every day like this can play more cuz this has old Intel in it here we go time to stack some Bales competitive bail stacking do I just drive into it uh I mean kind of appears that way so I I have it on my thingy how do I make it go up I’m I’m guessing that’s what I need to do uh okay show input help oh what well how do I F1 do I just no ler weight I’m a little surprised we’re not both in the same field v no that didn’t do anything no that’s not what I wanted help us out guys F1 uh accelerate select camera your vehicle where where are the rest of the inputs wait oh oh I figured it out m it’s mouse mouse up and down for some reason no way uh okay all right up oh uh okay wow this is oh I got one this is very manual uh I also have one um what’s the opposite of riveting oh my God wait hold on a second this is the gaml that people are paying to see hold on the fork maybe right click uh no right click doesn’t do it oh my God the fork is left and right oh my God I have two Bales smooth how’ you get two Bales they’re also perfect dude why is my tractor not going to the right why is it not going to the right you know in the Esports version of this usually they’re playing with the Xbox controller for this section uh I mean that makes sense what did you just say I said in the Esports in the Esports scene for this this is the section where they use the Xbox controller it’s 3v3 German Farm Sim okay that sounds extremely like a thing that’s real that sounds extremely extreme is how that sounds to me oh I lost my bail oh my goodness I just flung the bail off the tractor how are you supposed to tell if it’s at the right level Jeepers Creepers okay all right you know what I’m still kind of in this like he’s only got two Bales on there two you say yeah yeah you heard me it’s three yeah three loser Bales why is my tractor not steering look at my wheels do you have your stuff like all the way on the Ground Forks I got stuff on the ground oh are my Forks all the way on the ground I don’t think so I mean they might have been oh yeah here we go oh no no no gosh darn it gold dang it I okay oh yeah I got three I got three here we go boys here we go oh we’re in the game now we’re in the game oh yeah here comes number m M Here Comes number four let’s go how many you got Alex Oh balls oh no I tipped the whole thing I just almost did that too but not nearly as bad as you no I can tip it back I can tip it back oh yeah oh I dropped one oh dude I tipped it back I tipped it back okay does this game work yes okay I guess do we even look at performance I’m getting like 72 I am getting a lot more than that until clearly has the edge for performance in this one so the game seems to run fine but you’re definitely giving up some performance to emulation all right what’s next oh right I had my request we are playing slapshot rebound here we go this game rebound is an absolute wait no not slap oh no no no no no uh Slap Shot rebound is actually a blast too but uh tape to tape tape to tape oh my God it’s $2 uh you’re on the primary though just get it oh I mean it’s not installed uh that’s fine it’s small all right small boom okay so excited guys this game is so fun it’s it’s a Rog light hockey game with like no rules how does it compare to the Rog like wrestling game I have not tried that I haven’t tried it either but apparently it’s really good okay oh crap there’s a tutorial games with unskippable tutorials should be banned no maybe you can skip it I think you might be able to skip it games that don’t accept alt f4 and games with unskippable tutorials should not be allowed I actually agree with you though that should be someone’s platform running for government alt F four for everything no one skipable cut scenes okays a PA button yeah and Elden ring has a pause button skill issue I saw that’s a big controversy right now someone asked for a pause button and people were like mad or something like yeah game should have a pause button like I have kids like if a kid you know bust their leg open or something what I can’t pause my game you got to be kidding me that’s maybe Elden Ring’s just not for you then that’s not a difficulty question that’s just like kids are part of the difficulty that’s basic functionality wear armor as well H that’s just stupid that’s just stupid how am I doing here Noob you had children oh why did it drop to 22 megabit per second I wonder if our WiFi is what’s struggling the Wi-Fi is probably the problem I think our Wi-Fi is struggling in a big way right now yeah it was I was getting like 300 and then it just like kind of stopped mine is downloading at a whopping oh no there it goes y she’s going now oh yeah mine just started going too okay want to hit us with a merch message actually I have an idea while we wait for this to load sure we have a bunch of other stuff here that’s not gaming to test oh sure like just just a whole whack we do yeah we do oh God okay do we want to try some of that oh my God I just saw the pile Oh oh wow oh wow oh wow I mean oh wow sure let’s grab something all right okay where did Oliver go I think he assumed we didn’t need him and left yeah that’s pretty fair is fair we we didn’t move for a really long time Oliver okay I think Dan is new Oliver okay we have a printer so we’re going to try a printer apparently yeah so we have an HP laptop and an HP printer one would presume that they cooperate oh okay I mean that’s generous okay my understanding is this is a relatively modern printer the desk check at uh 2734 e complete with starter setup cartridges uh TR color in black um dang it Alex okay are we just going to do it back here yeah do you have enough Zoom for this down okay I guess that’s what we’re doing then and this was the moment everyone when the video went completely off the rails what is it the Deskjet uh 2734 e yes sir is there supposed to be a power cable or something full camera uh okay it just takes a regular figure8 camera or power cable anyone figure8 power cable uh there’s a thing here I don’t know what this means there’s a USB port but there’s a thing so if you want to use Wi-Fi don’t plug in USB maybe I I don’t know I don’t know what that means but I definitely need a power cable uh Tanner do you mind trying to find a figure 8 power cable please I’ll do my best okay cool supplies this is going really great supplies and support uh what theoretically it should just work I guess right like if it doesn’t have a driver download then I would think you just plug in seamless setup HP smart app okay what is HP smart app HP smart oh sure oh I don’t have to create an account oh my God set up a printer oh my God it’s a whole portal oh dear uh okay well here yeah uh it’s the 2734 e 734 e allinone printer yay next please here we go switch to a mobile device computer install HP smart thanks Tanner Microsoft Store dang it oh boy quality cable I bent it back into shape there we go just going to power this on what are the odds this is what I’m doing very fun what are the Vegas OD sorry about that something went wrong oh well that was quick HP smart get okay here hold on let’s let the people see srinking angle up there you go come on here’s where all the actions happening Oliver oh oops I clicked something well that was a oh dear um HP smart is installing hey nice well that’s progress yeah okay meanwhile I have powered up this printer open HP smart is working that’s look bed neat welcome to HP smart except all uh should we just should we just plug it in via USB like if I just go get a cable can we just plug it right in well let’s just see what happens set up new printer yes searching for printers riveting stuff I know well uh now we now we have some dead air as we just search for printers hey Tanner do you have anything interesting to say at the moment uh no all right well thank is here hi there oh found it set up no way continue connect printer to Wi-Fi I mean that should just work right you think Wi-Fi passcode okay yep we’ll get that oh wow this is this is having a little um freak out over here though no just just let it do its thing error three exclamation mark flashing lights everywhere so unhappy right now do we need printer paper uh I guess yeah I guess so I mean we have that we need ink cartridges I can tell you that much yeah we we presumably need all of that is it the oh network is unsupported the network is unsupported uh because this doesn’t support WPA 3 I guess oh here you go oh no that’s a whole thing well we talked about that in in Tanner’s Wi-Fi cracking video okay well that’s fine have a cable right okay how about now it made a sound I mean that’s something sounds are good uh uh yeah no thanks okay so just go into the go into the printers thing it might have just like detected yeah there we go add device okay it added a couple of network devices so our Epson upstairs in accounting was added you know this isn’t working but what we can do let’s let’s just go to accounting can we just add that well this still might work you unplugged it you didn’t even try to install the driver Alex I mean that was something yeah but then this comes up oh this module is blocked from loading into the local security Authority what the heck does that even mean I don’t know oh look at that what driver unavailable Oh weird but the other one says it is there see there’s two instances of printer oh okay weird well what happens if we try to print then well I think nothing because it says driver error I mean I guess we can find out yeah go to not can you print in notepad can you print from paint oh yeah you can print from paint my sisters would know all about that co-creator oh lordy okay and what exactly is that supposed to be a printer okay well we’ll have to max out the creativity on this one come on AI all right I mean that’s a printer is a printer yeah I don’t know if oh there we go that’s pretty good looking printer I don’t know if it looks anything like what you drew but yeah go ahead and drag that in I guess or do you just click it yeah there we go file print yeah we got this print oh wait add a yeah is it just not there at all yeah just driver error oh okay um well if you have a Epson e58 series you can’t use it or you might have to do some voodoo magic to get it to work I’m not going to guarantee it’s not going to work but it sure as heck isn’t going to work out of the box and I have no idea what’s going on with this whatever the whole thing X um all right well printers it failed let’s play a slap shot whatever the heck okay sure tape to tape well Alex if the goal was to kill time you definitely succeeded Oh Lordy hope you guys are enjoying the stream uh chewy do you have a merch message for us I am buying this bottle for my wife after she tried to steal mine what is one thing your so took from you that you know you’ll never get back um what one thing youro took from you that you know you will never get back uh yeah yvon took my uh actually Ivon used to take a lot of my merch but the thing that I’m most upset about is not LTT merch which is easy for me to get replacements for but rather um a piece of YouTube merch that’s like the most comfy house coat that I’ve ever encountered I got to use it a few times and then it was over and now it belongs to her I don’t think this is working what no tape to tape no tape to tape oh I’m so unhappy tape to tape is awesome and I will never know no no it’s fun here look this is tape to tape everyone it’s really fun okay I’ve got the uh the M shagy Brothers here okay I forget the controls actually I haven’t played in a little while boom but you can throw your stick and you can just hit people like anytime you want it’s awesome oh so it’s kind of like um oh what the heck was that one called like the the street hockey one um street hockey one or not like street hockey but the the one from like let’s go Carlos chos for the win take that ref get over here anyway tape to tape really fun there’s a campaign uh there’s a lot more skill to scoring than what I made it look like there I got a little lucky on that one NHL hits that’s the one that I was thinking of okay great game I have not played that uh but there’s like lots of different abilities and stuff and then you can power up your characters as you go through very Rog light style what was the other game that you wanted to play uh I don’t think there was another one I actually wanted to play I just misspoke unless you mean Slap Shot rebound yeah oh wow hit the post uh yeah Slap Shot rebound we don’t have to play it’s really hard all right like extremely difficult to wrap your head around with controls you’ll basically just be flailing around it’s hilarious which is cool but no we don’t need to do that all right uh next game all right what are we doing uh let’s do a drive swap Drive Swap sure Drive swap 10 Drive swap baby dri currently in use uh try again it give me that message the first couple of times but then it won’t I’m just going to exit steam also at at some point lonus I do have some friends who are real into NHL 94 who will beat you at it really yep oh they probably will I played a lot as a kid but I have barely touched it as an adult but yeah I’m super down still saying it’s use have you tried not using it I have in fact all right uh hello there well unlike some people I know how to eject a drive here’s your drive it’s very very hot uh which where is my new one oh sorry it is in front of the ridge oh that’s right we should probably do a quick shout out for the ridge oh yeah we have a whole mid roll from them oh do we Okay uh what do we say hey look at that yeah thanks to the ridge for sponsoring this live stream they just released their uh oh do we need are we going to get close-ups do we have uh we we should get close we can get an Oliver right quick Oliver is prepared he’s prepared or preparing he’s going to be prepared soon and then we’re going to talk about the ridge in the meantime I’m going to get this drive installed I’m going to try to get mine stopping still is not working I say rip it out rip it out yeah all right that’s coming from you Goodbye Mr Drive wow that’s hot all right is Oliver ready for Alex to Vanna these for me yes all right thanks to the ridge for sponsoring this live stream they just released their Island time and Voodoo green Series so we’re going to talk about them we all know the Ridge and their minimalist wallets they can hold up to 12 cards and still have room for cash with either a money clip or an elastic band and those are included in the Box you can just configure your wallet nice Alex you got this he’s he just unboxed he just unboxed their keyh holder one-handed they don’t only make wallets uh they’ve also got these cool cases to keep your keys secure and in a small profile so they don’t jingle jangle every time you take a step they’re made with the same materials as their wallets and both qualify for their lifetime warranty you can check them out at the link in the description to see what Ridge has to offer hey look you can you have a bigger island one a bigger island one where did it go yeah it’s right here is that the island one it looked different oh yeah no there were two Island ones yeah there’s another one where’s the other Island one what happened to the other Island one Alex where did it go I swear we are not Mandela affecting you the the island the other Island one does exist yeah I blame Chase uh no no don’t worry Oliver you can’t move the camera around like that the poor people are going to get I anyway the point is you can get 10% off your entire order and free shipping by using Code Linus at checkout oh I got it Alex found it thank you Alex there we go look at this it’s actually really cool right Wicked there we go Oliver got the focus super cool wow and that was when Ridge and all other sponsors decided they would never sponsor one of our live streams again no no really we’re usually more organized than this JK usually it’s less but this this is good uh okay what are we what are we doing next given how this went the last time actually that’s true yeah that ended up getting like 3 million views or something so oh I meant last week when we tried to do this stream and it just didn’t work at all oh that right yes that was worse okay what’s the game that we’re we’re doing here uh let’s finally do Rainbow Six Rainbow Six let’s do it is it in front of me it is well Rainbow Six come on okay I believe I’m going to find it Rainbow Six Siege here we go H yeah not Vulcan that’s for sure all actually on this one it might be fine sorry I forgot I’m on in yeah on that one it should be good all right let’s catch up those of you who are just tuning in we are comparing game compatibility between a regular x86 laptop in this case an Intel Cor 7 Ultra 155h core Ultra 7 bloody hell I can never remember Intel got it wrong on one of their random guidelines Pages they have it in like two different ways nice it’s so confusing they have a whole video coming about that anyway it’s it’s less confusing than X1 80100 though that’s true um Intel set the bar for confusing branding and Qualcomm was like I see you there I can beat it so I’ve got a cor Ultra 7 155h in front of me and Alex has one of snapd dragon’s ex Elite uh Snapdragon qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite chips and we are comparing to see which ones manage to run games and which ones do not so far Intel has run all of the games we’ve thrown at it you can see that in our little counter down here which we would expect I mean we’re not trying anything that’s so heavy it wouldn’t run it we’re trying things that are would either run or not depending on compatibility meanwhile our Snapdragon system has run 9 of 14 that’s actually not as bad as I thought we were doing did you include tape to tape cuz that didn’t launch yeah didn’t happen at all Dan what did you include tape to tape in your account uh I don’t think so okay then it’s 9 out of 15 yeah we’re closer we’re closer to 50/50 than we’d probably like to be now it is worth noting both Qualcomm and Microsoft reached out to us when they heard about this stream we’re like um uh they’re not gaming laptops um so it is worth noting these are not gaming laptops that isn’t their primary purpose but given how much they’ve talked about the compatibility layer uh given how much they’ve talked about gaming in their marketing we think it is fair to at least try games on them and see how they go and also remember double the battery life yeah I mean we’re not trying to sell it to you we’re just trying to point out that every platform has benefits and has drawbacks now is that an Intel Intel fil right there I don’t have up play or Ubisoft connect excuse me so it looked for a you up play it looked for a Ubisoft connect install and realized I don’t have it so you are going to have to install Ubisoft connect probably unless you have it already uh do I have to log in here uh it prompted me to log in yeah and you just logged in yeah I tried I tried my personal account uh do I have an account in this Ubisoft connect is running please close it what okay hold on a second what okay I do have it okay that’s bizarre okay okay well I am I am logged in apparently let’s try this again Rainbow Six Siege play all right uh you can show our screen uh don’t show mine oh don’t show Alex’s you can show mine all right I believe Alex I believe there was a problem authenticating the ownership of this product Oh no do I have to log into whatever the LTT Benchmark you play account is that’s tied to this Steam account uh oh who cares game yeah there’s a reason that I don’t play games that have to use other launchers um I don’t even know so what I need our secondary up playay account uh okay I got it you’ve got it yeah oh okay okay I got it now we just need to wait for mine to fail ah uh no just just show our faces yeah you can show our faces for the time being please do not show the back no I’m not going to yeah that would that would be less than ideal all right uh do we have a merch message while we’re doing this any updates on the p and screwdriver uh soon that was the least confident soon I’ve heard in a while yeah well we I did did I did I tell the people about the the discovery that we made about the standard for bit sockets no I I did tell okay not on this stream anyway so we discovered something um as it turns out nobody is compliant with the standard size for sockets and bits ah yeah cool so the standard is that your bit is supposed to be the right size and your socket is supposed to have some slop to account for manufacturing tolerances on bits but instead it’s the other way around where the bits are undersized and the sockets are right sized ah um and everybody just did it wrong and now the industry is kind of stuck with that ah so we had to make a call on whether we wanted to do it properly and risk our driver not being compatible with other people’s bits or the other way around so basically we’d risk incompatibility with other people’s stuff not because we did anything wrong but because they did it wrong yeah or we had to choose whether to do it the deao standard wrong way to ensure intercompatibility so we ended up having to retool some stuff to do it the deao standard wrong way cool yeah so that’s annoying anyway I’m launching Rainbow Six Siege now I’m still just waiting cool oh oh wait unable to find you play yeah there’s your problem okay so hold on I went to I went to install it and found out it was already running so see if it’s just in your system tray yeah there it is yeah blah blah blah bad lie uh oh now it’s probably going to get mad there’s no way this is going to work battle I service updating launching game there are so many games that I’d love to try still okay why don’t we do why don’t we do a blitz of just steam only games here so that we can get through quite a few in the next little bit Psychonauts uh well we’re going to finish trying Rainbow Six Siege real quick detecting system configuration okay that’s something for what it’s worth mine is still trying to launch oh my God it’s just doing battle ey now thing is they’re all laptops you know all these machines are laptops they’re not oh uh powerful can I show both screens yeah yeah you can show our screens now I might have a game no way no way okay can’t full screen it but skip there you go dude how are you launching faster than me mine is still detecting system configur I I started launching this game minutes way before he did the security update has been restart now okay sheesh okay hit us with the merch message any updates on when backpacks with a double layer bottom will be available uh uh I do not know at this time anything else NOP all right cool okay Escape skip cool start setting up oh Lordy man thank you Ubisoft when did launching a game for the first time become this 12-step process oh it’s painful dude you are running circles around me right now it’s that multicore performance warning you are running an unsupported video driver meanwhile warning my system is below the minimum requirements cor I couldn’t even connect to the server confirm okay I don’t want to tutorial wow this is so annoying look at this I can’t I can’t click here okay I I can’t see what is below this stupid error message in order to change anything here ridiculous well yeah what the crap yeah how do we get rid of this oh oh there’s an X finally an X came up wait yours doesn’t have an x no oh this is amazing and these settings are not game settings these are just just like you play settings oh do you need to shift tab to get rid of it or something oh no that’s steam okay I don’t know okay display oh my God my security update has been downloaded I guess I get to restart my game now yay gaming windowed full screen apply it didn’t do it alt entered not working cool what about borderless windowed that did work cool are you guys just enjoying watching us share in your pain because this is what gaming is like now this is horrible field of view 90 yay apply changes please don’t require restart okay Graphics I’m going to medium all right well why don’t you go ahead and just jump in Benchmark fine I can’t get rid of this warning brilliant please update your driver for Optimal Performance you know it would be optimal if you get this out of my way ooh 26 that’s not great but she’s we also appear to have Wall hacks I mean this is a benchmark it’s a benchmark it’s probably fine it would be really funny if you had wall hacks on Qualcomm yeah the the anti sheet exemption won’t last long like can you normally see those people those are your allies those are your fellow operators I think all right I haven’t played this game but I I know enough about it it’s not doing bad no inconsistent frame pacing for sure o but you also set it to medium sure are we going down to low this is looking like a low kind of game to me uh well hold on hold on I’m going to x out should we try and get in a game now uh well I wanted to see what what were you running at that was 1080p low or medium I mean that was 1080p medium yeah okay so 120 htz vsync off yeah all this all this seems good did you change anything else you set field of view to 90 yeah okay was that it y okay and then Graphics yep just medium when was that Medium what about we put them both to low well hold on a second hold on a second yours is at medium it was at medium cuz I just want to see what my Benchmark looks like let’s see how my Benchmark does all right I’m starting the Benchmark too then we can compare that way okay wow that’s quite a bit higher that is quite a bit smoother es oh oh Lordy yeah that’s not close sir yeah that’s it’s not close at all with that said the game is running without any obvious horrible behavior that makes it unplayable yeah this to me looks like a pass even though our emulation performance hit and or our onboard GPU performance hit compared to Intel’s onboard GPU is they’re pretty similar when they both work from what we’ve seen like the Intel igpu qualcom and amds are all pretty much neck and neck just Intel’s not super consistent and qualcomm’s very inconsistent yeah I want to hop in the game I want to see if this is usable at all all right okay do you want to go down to low I’m going I’m going to low yeah all right well I’m going to low too boom now we’re both low can we do like a private match I have no idea cuz I really don’t want to like join a game beginner challenges uh play tutorials wait beginner challenges mine is is locked you can only play the tutorial can I why don’t we call it on this one and do some quick ones because we saw the benchmarks it’s probably fine yeah it’s probably fine all right sure all right we’re calling that a pass even though the performance kind of sucks and it’s pretty pretty pretty jittery okay what’s next uh other drive if we want to you already switched yeah we’re back to our our OG dri the games yeah you’re on drive two which is yeah I’m on drive two yeah that’s good Psychonauts Psychonauts let’s do it I know that one was asked for Psychonauts one uh yes okay I’m going to close you play in the background oh that’s smart okay here we go my knots are psycho boy game was unable to create the direct 3D device I’m sure device is going to run though um that was a pretty quick fail come on this is the worst like this game almost definitely would work if it would just let us start it yeah mine’s already launched this is a great game by the way well F I love Psychonauts I’m not going to get to play it well not on your laptop anymore yeah no okay uh what’s next valheim stardew Valley stardew Valley all right sure you can play this on a Tesla it better be able to play on here well you can also play cyber Punk on a Tesla depending on if you got the Tesla that was after the ones that didn’t play cyber Punk but before the ones that didn’t play cyber punk what yeah they stopped putting AMD gpus in them so they just were like oh yeah that thing we talked about a lot you don’t get that cool also did you see that uh it’s official as of I think last week they’re admitting now that Hardware 3.0 can’t do full self driving ever nice I really like how there were a whole bunch of articles of being like the EV Market’s tanking everything’s so bad nobody likes EVS or wants them but when you look at it nobody wants Teslas yes the the whole EV Market grew except Tesla sales dropped by like 12 13% and then another five the next quarter yeah and that’s enough to bring down the entire market right even though like Hyundai Kia bunch of other people are having more sales it’s pretty funny do you see vws planning to double their ID Buzz production no yeah I I want one so bad that thing looks hot they bought rivan which will be interesting yeah speaking of things I really want I know someone who had some ruy in stock and who is pretty happy right now I imagine yeah anyway uh Co-op sure I’ve never played stard Valley you’ve never oh this is one of the best games ever I’m going to host okay host a new Farm okay uh name uh what’s his name chat for first person that says something oh goodness don’t let them do it come on chat Jim Farm name uh LTT store.com nice favorite thing uh screwdriver like we’re going to skip the intro I would also settle for like a normal sized brick that just has a USBC that I could just plug into this it thanks Tanner oh no I selected cat as my preferred animal what cats are awesome they’re not as good as dogs oh agree to disagree okay okay I’m hosting a multiplayer game how do I get you in here invite code that connection failed nice uh let’s see if I did not manage to touch type it oh God where’ it go oh no oh no friends only invite friend are you my friend no I’m not your friend oh darn well I am but I’m not logged into that show invite code oh wait let me hide it show invite code oh I showed it oh okay well maybe I can beat them let’s see if I won I think I won yes I got it y okay what do I do which one new farmer I guess okay okay all right we’re both in we got this unnamed farm hand all right it seems to work what’s my name uh let’s see let’s go back um Ike okay I’m Ike the lady and my favorite thing is I like iking oh I just I moved this rug uh well that’s good oh okay WD sure no problem I got parip seeds I got uh me too uhhuh good all right let’s go see mayor Lewis uh oh oh oh my God the Farm’s a mess uh yeah this is horrible because how do I put the parsnip seeds down just put it in your inventory I can’t I can’t it oh yeah there we go okay how do I can I if I right click it is that doing something leaves are coming off it what are yeah pick pick up a tool there you go a bit a b a bit a I fight you I don’t think PVP is a thing oh okay that makes sense well it’s running it is running so running this game is a thing that seems like a win yep okay we got another pass have you experienced any weirdness or unusual behavior solid 60fps heck yeah all right what’s next ano 1800 that’s another you play game uhit it’s in steam or wait we’re already logged into you play though but you don’t own it or wait but you logged into the Ben account we’ll see let’s see I love Ubisoft so much have you played ano no oh okay all right we’re in my terrain now turf turf a Turf a kind of terrain yeah I guess so that and surf Turf and surf yeah in uh in Taiwan the they had like the menu when we Google translated it and it translated surf and turf to land and sea Critical Strike it’s a good move I recommend using it when you want to win all right come on Ubisoft it’s it’s trying that’s what I get for closing you play in the background merch message yeah you got anything for us chewy I’m also going to start installing valheim cargo pants update I don’t know you could you can ask someone on the team oh wait wait no I do know I do know those are in production which means that they should be like weeks away as opposed to months away and I’m very excited about them because those cargo pants are awesome and I really like them I once again absolutely killed you with just opening Ubisoft yeah why are you able to launch things so much faster than me cuz his computer’s faster like it just as far as benchmarks go is a faster computer yeah but like by the okay if this game runs I’ll be pretty impressed technically it is optimized to run on like mobile graphics and stuff but when you crank it up it can it can be very demanding as well also valheim already installed all right press any button to start the game uh just do a scenario scenario scenario whatever I’m sorry I’ll drive my car drive my car begin car off the roof uh begin SC yeah yeah synchronizing your Sav the cloud bloody hell what is this thing doing go faster are you hot or something like I don’t care about Cloud saves right now just launch I guess do you have high performance mode I guess do I have high performance mode we haven’t even checked that yeah performance wasn’t really the point today I’m going performance Mode best performance okay best performance I don’t think that’s going to make yeah I don’t either set sale wow my game did not finish launching I’ve got 50 FPS but she’s chugging oh wow those 7% lows yeah okay like I said about the game being demanding when you zoom in it can be pretty demanding depending on how how much like pedestrian activity you have and stuff like that so I wouldn’t necessarily overthink that yet you can skip this these are skippable I believe yeah there you go yay okay it seems to be working Return of the relics okay options uh hello l l l low this all seems fine uh the one thing you’re going to want to change in gameplay is where is it camera go down yeah thanks what what the crap I thought it was in gameplay no I’m pretty sure it’s in gameplay what are you looking for in controls uh there’s a thing that allows you to zoom the camera farther out which can also be quite demanding and is a just game changer for control increase camera distance there it is restart required yeah it requires you to restart which is the stupidest thing ever meanwhile I still how’s Intel doing over there successfully launched this game which is sort of mind-blowing to me there here it is here it is here she goes come on it’ll restart it’ll restart yeah it’s reliable like that oh man there’s so many things people want us to play in [Music] here uh no no give it a sec give it a sec give it a sec yeah all right all right and my game is long launched yay go team Intel it looks great I will change some settings now this is awesome all right 1920 x 1080 hey there we go and I’m not even going to try direct X12 because even though I’m on Arc and that would probably be better it’s dx12 I tried launching it in this game many times or I tried um setting it to direct X12 many times and I’ve had problems every single time like it just won’t launch I have to go into the game.ini file and like change the thing is really frustrating okay so vsync is off did you change your settings in here at all nope oh okay well uh I think it was all like that like it was all just low okay I’m just I’m going to set it to low I’m going to turn off vsync and then okay okay let’s see oh yeah you need to restart yes I do so we can at least see if this works yeah you can do some stuff what am I doing well you got to zoom out so you can actually see anything yeah there you go okay I have no idea what this scenario is so yeah cool you’re definitely going to need to settle an island first arrow keys uh I mean yeah you could do that I usually just use the mini map to move around so I’m getting 60 FPS here I’m getting suspiciously 60 FPS here yeah do you have vsync on I don’t know you do on the right goodbye please don’t require game restart nice that was close okay yeah build a trading Trading Post to settle on an island you got to go get your ship3 go find an island oh my God Escape there you go uh just select your ships there you go and just go get yeah set sale okay what scenario did you do here what no no you can’t set that island is settled sir you’re going to have to go find a okay okay what what was it called uh what What scenario are you in I don’t know I I just clicked the thing seriously um I think it might be that one I don’t know it doesn’t matter I’m just going to I’m just I’m apparently building a damn so fine okay you’re going to have to find an island that does not have a settlement on it what the crap is this okay so go over here I guess it’s fog but you’re not at War so it’s just fog all right bu come over here we need to find Island but not any of the islands that have been settled apparently yeah don’t worry you got this I really don’t know that I do I I think this game might be running about as well for you as it is for me oh wow maybe even better maybe even better that is pretty cool I do have occasional I you have occasional lows that are kind of bad too it it’s looking the same I’m getting 66 68 I might be beating it while I’m just in Open Water right now yeah uh still that’s that’s probably not going to help you much to be in Open Water like I am pretty impressed how do I man I oh there we go okay a water pump I found an unsettled Island honestly this seems comparable enough that I wouldn’t be bothered yeah this looks like it’s working great by the issues that’s freaking awesome all right okay you can play ano 1800 we haven’t tried at high details or anything like that but you can definitely play the game that’s a win yeah what’s next valheim valheim let’s do it I’m not closing you play this time because then I might have to launch it again that was painful uh Play valheim Here We Go I mean that was quick that’s promising yep good Lord was that ever quick I’m going to catch up I can feel it I can feel it in my bones maybe nope oh oh what was that oh no oh oh there’s only three games games that I play this is a whole third of my gaming repertoire yeah every time I see him pop up on Steam it’s like playing valheim ooh that’s not good oh not good not good sir all right I’m going performance vsync off okay oh man oh I can’t do it more like fail Dragon uh start that’s tragic uhoh third try no no I’m going to try it using Vulcan what that’s not going to help it’s definitely not going to help sorry brother yeah this is big sad right here all right I think that’s one for the fail tally Dan yeah all right you should have our screens up like as much as possible ah sadness did it crash oh it’s definitely doing some crashing things well should we try the other game that I play yeah so far Elden ring noo valheim noo the only other game that I play is rocket League oh boy this computer dang it uh it’s on the account though so you should be able to launch it even if mine needs an epic game store account or whatever well I just mean like it needs to get installed oh it rocket league is 28 gigs now I guess so oh man it’s on the other drive it’s on the other drive drive drive swap let him oh yeah I haven’t Drive swapped yet yeah let him try rocket League while I wait for my valheim world to create this is a freaking slow laptop Alex like I’m wonder how many performance sces does this have only like four or something I’m wondering if this thing just needs a restart or something at this point because this is painful 16 total I forget how many are what which is really annoying I think it’s four course oh wait yeah you can tell because of the stop it you can tell because they have hyperthreading at least in this generation they did so I have 22 threads total which means no six of them are performance course no excuse you got six performance cores you should be working yeah I’m finally loaded into this world so wait do I want that one or this one this for me oh neat hi Vance what can I do for you leave something in there weird I feel cold not as cold as Alex yeah big sad so what are you going to do just just like carry a gaming laptop with you as well when you travel or you can just like play the games that work yeah but which games of your games you play work that’s your problem right now uh we’ll have to try like Hollow night oh my God you can only play so much Hollow night though that’s true silk song’s never going to happen Dan my fists improve skill get over here neck boom fist skill improved now I will jump and I will run and jump all right do you want to try rocket League I I may not be able to try rocket league but I’m very sure that it’ll run on Intel Graphics go ahead and launch it uh because this one I might need an epic game store account and I just don’t dealing with that oh I apparently have it on this account already if you’re not familiar rocket League used to be on Steam and then epic uh bought the developer s something pionic yeah cionic and made it epic gam store exclusive but if you already owned it on Steam then you can have it in your Steam account and it’s free so there’s a bunch of Smurfs now and crap like that it’s great oh yeah the game has only gotten worse cool with time I love it when that happens yeah thank you epic games you know who actually did a great job of acquiring a game and not screwing it up who Facebook look yeah you heard me what did they acquire they acquired beat games maker of beat saber and they created uh or not created they they allowed uh in Steam they allow you to select a beta path mhm that is just the version of the game that all the mods are for and then it just never updates they recognize that I’m not going to buy new song packs I don’t care about new features and I just want my to work and so I just select that beta branch and it just works cool it’s awesome so they can have all their microtransaction Tom Foolery and I cannot care about it and we can just mutually agree to exist in completely separate Lanes oh you have to do the tutorial seriously you should use the controller okay well in the meantime why don’t you get your settings dialed in I think they’re fine enough I’ll just go to play offline exhibition sure oh I have 1% lows of like seven okay she’s a little she’s a little choppy this is a game where frame pacing matters a lot that’s one way of um yeah what’s funny is I’m having some issues of my own over here I’ve run into this a fair bit in rocket League especially on portable gaming devices where are my resolution options oh yeah I’ve had that problem too uh you just stop the game and then start it again well that’s really annoying yeah are you on high quality I’m on quality frames per second uncapped all right uh render detail quality uh yeah okay antias saying off uh I think I have FXAA on oh okay low or medium or high uh low okay apply okay this is really obnoxious I really really don’t like this um please just let me change it okay I guess I get to relaunch the game which takes forever on this machine man I forget what the issue I used to have with all the time on on portable devices was right right right right right it would let you set the resolution but it would look like trash do you know what I’m talking about no where it would obviously be running at like 13 that resolution I dude I ran into it so many times so frustrating okay is this playable I just own gold that was my fault though yeah I don’t know the the pacing is really hard like I’m missing some stuff where it’s just like I just missed it I don’t know what that was like I you’re right like a frame was missing there that’s that’s just how that happens sometimes okay never mind then that was just a pinch on the kickoff okay I don’t know it just looked like I didn’t really see exactly what happened though yeah like at times it’s just like it looks mostly fine but it feels really bad if that makes sense okay well mine’s working now so let’s have a look at what the relative performance is like it was playoff line exhibition and then did you just well if you’re in we can Just One V one now I think oh my God yeah okay fortunately the competition today is who gets the best frame rate not who uh scores the most goals so private match uh yes create land match okay sure create match uh name Alex password this sure cool I’ll see you there loser at frame rates and definitely not score can’t use this password did people figure out this password no youer nice oh crap I jumped well and I’m dead so how are you doing a lot more frames yeah that’s a lot a lot more frames yep yeah get wrecked son okay I am not g to let you do that this time oh you did it you boosted sense I did not boost I forgot about that it’s fine I’m just going to boost the whole way and then surely you will not be able to do anything about it except that I suppose stop it stop it no dang it okay I’m really bad at Rocket league in case that wasn’t self-evident I’m also really bad at Rocket shut up there’s degrees of really bad look you’re going to score right here no I’m really not that’s the problem wow you aren’t what a dick oh man absolutely brutal absolutely brutal no okay you should be up like 5- Z by now based on how bad I am at Rocket League I’m gonna blow him up oh I missed how did I miss I’m upside down I don’t know how to flip back around I think we’ve seen enough this is actually like not too bad okay so what it was just having more players in the match that was the problem maybe I’m going to score this time for sure dang it I mean that counts as a shot on goal is that how easy I am to defend I’ll try to just you know I’ll just boost more no I missed oh no no really there’s no Rage Quit hey but that’s one game that runs even if it’s not a perfect experience so you have something you can play y okay what’s next chewy uh I think we get uh lus to do a drive Swap and then we can do crisis I do have crisis okay you know what I’m trying for the eject without closing steam things are getting real now boys here we go boom is this just going to come right up for me I believe I believe here we go here we go here we go here we go uh uh it’s on oh oh oh oh nice wow that was really smooth so you want what crisis You Don’t Own It crisis the first yeah uh okay how much is this going to cost me I’m not going to pay a lot for crisis one guys 10 bucks wait included with what uh okay I’ll switch accounts I own it on my personal account I think I own it too nice should I just fire it up and see what happens I said go for it good night Tanner good night have a good Eve we’re on our own now boys uh merch message yeah you got anything for us hey D how powerful you guys think this switch two is going to be over under versus steam deck Z1 extreme Ste steam deck or steam Z1 extreme equipped handhelds I think it’s going to be pretty similar to the steam deck in terms of raw grunt actually um I think it’s Amper based the rumors are that the hardware has been basically done for at least a year um and which kind of make sense if you consider Nintendo’s priorities right Hardware versus gaming experiences I think if anything they’re sitting there letting this thing cook for as long as they need to let it cook to deliver on like an outstanding library of games that compel people to upgrade from the Nintendo switch one um all of this is based of course on that rumors are accurate and that switch to is essentially just going to be a SQL switch um I think that the per the real world performance of it is going to feel better than it actually is though because it’s going to be Nvidia based if everything that we’ve seen is accurate so that means we’re going to have like much better upscaling than than we’ve seen on the AMD powered handouts that we’ve had so far I I don’t know I’m bullish on switch 2 I’m actually kind of excited for it Oliver’s napping which is fine we didn’t end up needing a camera operator for much of today sorry Oliver wor about it hey look the next time you’re having a day like one of those ones we had in uh at computex um you know you can think back to this day and be like ah that wasn’t that bad was it sure I think my Game just crashed on do you need to restart to full screen no huh that’s a that’s a negatory have to have tried it like you can’t build a laptop and not have it run crisis is there a game to load like I know it’s not a super popular game uh it’s super not a super popular game Alex I really don’t think they tried this what they have to no they don’t have to someone at Qualcomm has to have asked will it play crisis and the answer has to be yes I really don’t think that either of the things you just said are true though someone there has to well we know someone at Intel did mine’s working do I try to full screen it again unique username in float plane says I agree with Alex yeah well we’re going to find out I guess I’m on all medium right now uh yeah just turn off motion blur that’s the only thing I changed oh yeah gross yeah and then under Graphics uh yep that’s it just full screen cool full screen well full full screen broke it last time let’s see if that’s repeatable H yes okay so going full screen causes the game to go away so that’s something we have learned that now for sure uh Hey chewy do you know if this can be skipped no idea because mine’s almost done let’s see what Chad says but we’re gonna have to sit through Alex’s now which is annoying uh oh what YouTube chat says yeah this game is broken this game is broken and apparently no this cannot be skipped well let’s find out Nvidia and Intel yeah Core 2 extreme let’s go I guess I could have YouTube chat yeah it’s tolerable sometimes oh I definitely have Flo plane chat thank you no no problem I’m here for you man my frame view has just disappeared a while ago that’s interesting uh yep you get to sit through all of that yay I love unskippable intro cinematics they are great I know have YouTube chat thank you Eduardo for saying your mom yeah so that’s YouTube chat for you uh chewy do you have any merch messages for us go ahead and hit us feel free to just jump in if you feel a LOL finally getting my hands on a o to screwdriver what collabs for schemes might be coming soon or would you like to see for the screwdriver or other merch items oo I don’t know I mean noctua was the only really obvious one to me what’s funny is the the subreddit actually predicted both the nocta one and the Retro One oh um how did they get retro I don’t know like noct was easy like of course we’re going to do that they predicted them after we pitched them internally but before we actually finalized our plans to do it oh both of them do we have a mole I mean that’s a possibility I hadn’t actually considered but yeah I I maybe what do they G Karma yeah yeah don’t forget about stock in Reddit okay I’m going to try to relaunch frame View and see if I can get that to work hello frame view are you going to low plane saying that Elijah leaked it I don’t even think Elijah yeah I don’t think so yeah that that does not check out float plane chat good try though yeah they’re all saying it’s Elijah oh man why is this I like how completely dark this is too with YouTube compression this is probably just not even a thing uh no that’s normal Well mine’s nothing but like yours is probably not a game right now can they see anything y okay yeah I’m falling Now by Parachute um failed nice which is good that’s what’s supposed to happen yeah how’s uh yours doing do we have any confirmation that it is actually rendering anything yet I think it is yeah it’s just really dark okay I’ll meet you on the beach then cool seven days later here we go ooh okay hey she kind of she kind of pulled it together a little bit there yeah all right fell out of plane yeah this appears to be working as long as you don’t go full screen and you’re okay having that bar at the top yeah that’s fine you’ll forget about it pretty fast I mean it’s pretty annoying it’s an OLED panel so you’ll just have crisis dx10 burned permanently into your monitor that is that that is not a sales pitch sir that’s it feels fine actually like this this feels good yeah let’s wait till you get on the beach I’ll meet you there there we go his shoot failed we’re a few seconds out yep can we go see the turtles there’s Turtles here right um I think so you know what’s actually a really good play what Far Cry Far Cry 1 it’s still good I believe that yeah and if you play it on a modern processor it’s really hard I you mean I didn’t realize until I was on like the third last level or something there’s one that’s like a driving sequence level mhm and there was the segment I I couldn’t get past like every time no matter how quickly I like sniped everyone in Tower no no matter how perfectly I played it I couldn’t get past it I was like dang I beat this when I was like you know 15 or whatever like I you know like yeah I’m playing on maximum difficulty now but come on man so I looked it up and the AI tick rate is tied to FPS and this was a game that absolutely crushed every computer when it came out so I’m running this game at like six times the expected difficulty in terms of like how quickly they notice you how quickly they aim at you how quickly they fire um the fact that I got that far actually I was I was pretty and I um and I actually noticed after that single player playthrough like I dropped into a couple of multiplayer games and I was like oh man I’m like I’m trained up brother anyway yeah it’s a good game still okay Sor what’ you find are we are we going go up the beach a dog dog I can pick it up that’s not a I pick it up oh stop I found a dog wait where’s my turtle why oh my god turle oh there’s my turtle I got him no he’s coming with me I put mine back in the sea where he belongs okay here we go I can run with my turtle maximum run uh the game gets bright later chewy no I’m saying on the FL it looks like Alex’s G yeah mine just looks way brighter oh really oh weird yeah they look the same in person guys that is yeah that’s not right no in person mine looks brighter what it does look at it if you’re in a completely different place where there’s light just a second let me catch up no it’s just overall yeah hold on hold on exact same spot no we’re not in the exact here here here here here watch watch this watch this what dang it what are you even doing you’re trying to throw a turtle at him yeah but I don’t know where the turtle went oh my God that’s not going to work oh right I forgot this game’s actually really hard so you need to actually fight a lot oh crap this bothered me okay you know that was feeling really good until I started fighting oh does she chug uh something just doesn’t feel right once you start shooting I don’t have any Frame data so it’s kind of hard to say I could also just be bad that seems likely Okay jump on mine here we’ll just switch spots real I’m I’m definitely dropping frames but it’s like not very often oh this is awful okay yeah play it on there and you’ll be like oh yeah wow yeah no no you’re I think you’re just compensating with gamer skills over here cuz this is really bad yeah like this is night and day this is a completely different experience right now technically I think we kind of have to call this a pass by our sort of definition of does it run at all but this is what I would consider to be kind of a half fail like I’m playing this game with chug tastic frame rates with a giant white bar across the top cuz I can’t full screen it properly L yeah I I think that’s a half a fail but we’re not due for it to be a fail so we’ll call it a pass but if we come across another half fail then that’s a fail yeah for our fail tracker all right cool I think I’ve had enough of that okay what’s next city skylines one and or two you can pick City skylines all right City Skylands yayay what do you think what are our odds here I think it’s going to do it yeah for mature people wait I thought that’s a game you play oh yeah I play this loads yeah well I did play it loads right okay and then the second one came out and it was actually like kind of awful and then I just stopped playing oh did they lose you they it lost a lot of people there were more people playing City skylines one than there are people playing like one and two combined after the launch of two I believe that’s pretty rough one again yeah cuz it’s the absolute worst kind of uh sequel where they add in a bunch of nice things that make it hard to go back to the first one but it’s broadly just broken H are they still working on it are they going to get there there we’ll see there still is time but I don’t know that I still have faith o uh I’m just going to play anyway oh I mean wow you were able to Jump Right In pretty easily uh do we just go new game uh is there like scenarios or anything like that I are there scenario if I go to new game choose scenario oh there are scenarios see I think I have some DLC stuff in here so we’ll find out what uh okay where do I see scenar new game yep CH scenario perfect yeah okay you don’t have any of them oh perfect well sweet why don’t you pick something I have how about fix the traffic oh do you have that no it says buy oh go to choose map oh balls oh yeah just choose map choose map okay we’ll just find something do you have is there anything that that’s already got stuff built on it oh wow there’s so many expansions yeah there there’s a lot of expansions uh well we just want to know if it runs right so I don’t know Cliffside Bay uh sure sure start they really want to see Minecraft yeah I just saw a bunch of Minecraft as well God but then we need the Minecraft launcher come on you guys you’re killing me here I feel like Tanner did get Minecraft we have Minecraft dungeons on the list uh no I don’t think we’re going to do Minecraft dungeons okay well I’m getting some fpss I also loaded into the game before you which seems to be a bad sign cuz normally I really don’t unless yours is going to crash wait wait for it wait for it I’m G to make a road it’s going to go here come on oh she’s in she’s not fast let’s look at the settings mine looks bad options Graphics e mine’s not running at 1080p yeah mine wasn’t either don’t think apply that looks way better okay but what frame rate are you getting [Laughter] 30 oh yeah it’s like 30 but it’s really not it’s struggling I don’t know if it’s enough to call it a fail well especially like this game you don’t really need a whole lot you take that back now the issue though is that like you’re just on an empty Bay right now yes the second you actually have a sizable City like dude not cool yeah probably won’t be great I don’t know if it’s enough for us to call it a fail but I don’t love it yeah Alex could Lo up a scenario yeah I guess I could just sure why why don’t you do that because it’s clear that it’s running fine on mine there’s no emulation so there’s no reason to expect it to not continue to run well let’s do our old Benchmark this one’s really heavy oh okay so this is worst case scenario you’re asking a lot it is the whole GTA map in City skylines okay come on dude you can do it you can do it I don’t think it can do it it can do it I don’t think it can do it it’ll do it and then it’ll work for 16 hours or whatever without a charge I don’t think I believe you you it’ll be great and now we’re testing it has better batter life than a Macbook not this one we actually haven’t tested this one specifically but but the HP did HP did yeah pretty impressive I wish that HP was just slightly better what’s wrong with it the screen it’s 300 its peak brightness and it’s just not enough it is like a low power one watt panel which is why pretty cool it’s so great one watt it yeah something like that what yeah that’s also why this thing has so much battery life right super low wattage panels that’s his dragonfly that he always nerds about yeah I’m sad that I’ll have to not use it for a bit oh this isn’t bad at all I mean I wouldn’t describe it as great well but like this is like pretty normal like you have a big city you expect her a chuggy chug this is It’s Working okay this is actually fine I mean it’s not great no this is great this game chugs hard dude your 1% lows are four FPS it’s 13 that’s actually fine for this game in a city this big all right like look at this thing massive I mean that is pretty cool if Alex says it’s good enough then it’s good enough for me okay one sec it wasn’t simulating uhoh no fine it’s uhoh it chugs at times but I would say it is playable like let’s throw down a road here sure maybe a whole highway too steep not enough money dang it yeah I apparently have negative $34 million cool all right well I guess I can’t put down roads so your cities run just like a real City yeah go deficit but uh it’s working okay I think this is fine okay let’s call this one a pass then yeah all right what’s next Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas let’s go we have it yep sweet oh God NET Framework 3.5 here we go Oliver I think you can probably just call it yeah I was talking with that I’m off in like two minutes all right see you later have a good night thanks city planner plays is in YouTube chat says LOL better on this team deck to be honest I don’t not believe you can your steam deck do this um notepad what are you even what are you even doing I’m using a real keyboard okay and yes it can I mean you have to plug it in but yes it can it’s not the same uh okay are you launching Fallout what was I doing oh yeah Fallout New Vegas yay we have it I bet you’re still going to beat me to launch oh God we’ll detect your video hardware and set options accordingly ultra high quality let’s go yeah ultra high quality is 720p okay also what kind of random number is 15 samples for an isotropic filtering actually you know what I want to do next Skyrim oh what’s it going to detect ultra high okay here’s what I settled on uh 1080p 415 HDR no vsync get your vsync bottom left there we go and then Advanced oh God yeah this cell seems fine yeah view distance Max just making sure yeah yeah yeah this all seems fine okay all right here we go plan on Ultra play on core Ultra boom got him oh man yeah where did frame view go I don’t know it just disappears sometimes it was in the last game where did it go I’m open you back up good luck I don’t think it’s going to come up dang it sometimes it does take a minute let’s good to new uh let’s see we both have continue maybe there’s a benchmark or something would continue continue I’m continuing all right I’m hitting continue no valid save game found nice no I appear to have had one uh okay oh and did it crash it crashed uhoh uhoh what is mine doing is this oh okay uh yes I’m starting a new game can I skip this nice all right apparently that’s normal sure nor all right it crashing oh it’s aest game that’s fair so I’ll just go to continue again uh sure yeah actually let’s just go to new cuz then we know that we’ll be in the same spot sure I’m going to pause you can skip this it’s an old enough game that here uh a ah no Fallout New Vegas no dice yeah everyone’s just saying this is New Vegas problems I don’t know mine’s working it is working on yours yeah sorry guys guys all right I want to see Elder Scrolls Skyrim all right let’s do it this is a game special edition or the other one uh special edition okay Ultra quality hell yeah Ultra nice uh TAA yeah okay Skyrim sorry this is a game oh this is the kind of game where if you can play Skyrim you have hundreds of hours of fun on your laptop hundreds of hours of just installing mods yeah can you have hundreds of hours of cheese rolling down a hill that is the best video that this channel has ever uploaded oh come on why is my mouse not showing up did my mouse die I I think my mouse might have run out of battery while we were working on this well but it the light should be going off exactly and it isn’t I should have a charging cable uh oh here you go oh what a guy uh I’m just going to go to continue sure and I will probably be on the cheese Rolling Hill oh my God I’m not all right that explains why my mouse wasn’t working before man I have to start a new game why do I not have mouse and keyboard yeah like it’s actually just not working at all okay so it’s not just me maybe maybe it’s not that my mouse wasn’t charged oh okay I’m going new game I hate controllers except for the games where they’re really good I did try moving the touchpad guys it wasn’t working either I don’t know what’s going on here oh please let me skip this how you doing over there that looks playable not great yeah at times it’s kind of gross but you’re playing at Ultra quality yeah are you going to block it all or you just going to I I tried just going to take it like a man there we go can I take a sword you know how do I get my menu I don’t think that the experience is materially better on mine Alex yes I’m outdoors and that’s probably impacting performance a little but I’m in the sort of I’m seeing lows that are in the 30 FPS range I’m seeing highs that are in the 40ish FPS range yeah that sounds pretty similar this seems like a pass to me yeah I think you can play Skyrim knock it down a little it’ll it should be fine cool yeah well that’s awesome all right what’s next oh I got some pheasant tasty Street Fighter 6 um I am completely locked okay here we go yeah yeah yeah desktop yes yes yeah that was weird do we have Street Fighter okay well my mouse works Street Fighter 6 update install on five oh you don’t have it oh wait six try try clicking update there okay yep we’re good to go all right let’s see what we got what’s our tally at oh yeah I feel like we just had a a couple fails in a row but we did get Skyrim 14 yeah 14 to 25 actually because this will be your 25th so if this passes you’ll have you know 15 to 25 which about 56% wow I don’t know I don’t know what I expected if they had not talked about how great the emulation was and how seamless it was and how gaming would be a thing I think I would be blown away that this many games worked but after they talked about it I feel like I’m more disappointed I feel like this is exactly what I expected like half of the stuff exactly 60% 60% okay I’m going to agree I think this just completely comes down to expectation management for me yeah if they’ said yeah not they’re not gaming laptops don’t you know you’re not gaming on them well they did say that and then well yeah but they also talked about you know how great the gaming is yeah yes so if they had just not mentioned it at all and we’ve been sitting here doing this stream and been like what you can play games on these things man well they did say you can play games from this list of games that you can play that is true whereas we are not adhering to the list of games that you can play will anyone ever adhere to that list of games no they’ll want to get other stuff working of course okay what am I what’s supposed to be happening right now hello oh man if you press start then you can skip it can I yeah oh look at that beautiful all right uh how hard is it to just one in jump in I just want to jump in fighting ground what am I looking at what is this you just need a faster laptop oh my God okay yeah go to the right to the fighting ground there we go all right heck yeah uh oh there we go wait what you have to do a tutorial oh yeah there you go uh sure I’m just going to Button Mash I have Street Fighter experience classic type let’s go okay what are you looking at for performance uh it’s saying 30 and 30 uh oh am I beating you what what do you mean beating me oh oh in terms of frame rate yeah I think they’re both locked at 30 it really does look like it’s locked at why would it be 30 I don’t know is there something this game at 30 is there something arcadey about 30 not it’s in slow motion ah I thought that was just because of the tutorial probably is normal attacks oh my God I said I had Street Fighter experience jumping do I press a no I press up cool I did it okay okay success lordy uh do you have any merch messages for us I I think it’s running fine though okay no worries I’ll just have a look at regular chat whyb will perform a medium attack nice frame rate is capped yep impossible Street Fighters All About It FPS okay we good come on give me 60 FPS okay yeah me kick sweep the leg sweep the leg anything under 16 of fighting gam is unplayable yeah oh my goodness there finally are you almost through yes okay oh my God [Laughter] block come on come on unskippable tutorials ban them okay we good come on wait did I not block successfully oh my God okay I successed this is painful yeah oh I got hit I’m clearly the kind of idiot that this is designed to prevent from showing up in multiplayer and bothering everybody I missed it again I’m so bored game don’t make me do this okay there we go nice I’m not the only one I’m just going to spam it oh man a oh okay oh no they’re saying please lower the settings I don’t think it’s the settings I think it’s just this oh man okay he’s going to try to throw me I’m going to am supposed to do get the block not jump over yeah low block low block what do I low block I I didn’t read the thing I clearly should have all right success you just have to press down and left right as he’s about to hit both of them special moves I’m dying right now I am dying okay I’m going to see oh wait next guide nope throws all right can I get through this next guide all right oh my God all right next guide that yeah just just start spamming next guide I’m in special moves now wait you can next guy oh oh nice oh my god oh no next guy oh no this game is painful this is unbelievable oh I hit return oh no I’m about ready to ult F4 level two special arts no I’m going to make it okay the drive cage oh man this is painful you are throwing so much at a new player that they couldn’t possibly possibly hope to retain all of this and if you have someone who already knows this stuff you are bothering them so much yeah I’m Al four yep all right I think we’re done here you know what I’m calling it a pass this is The Game’s problem not qual problem okay what’s next Halo 2 Anniversary through the uh Master Chief collection we might have to do what’s it called mods and limited services so M MCC anti-che disabled I’m going I’m going to try it just normal just for fun yeah okay Halo 2 here we go I don’t know if we’ll get Halo 2 we might have to do reach I believe this only installs with reach and then you have to go into the game and install them manually oh that makes sense and then you load it up and then your one friend didn’t actually download it and then you just end up playing reach anyway so relatable okay easy anti-che no problem how’s your easy antiche going over there can I play this on arm 64 I’m guessing have we tried an easy anti-che game yet yep yep yep rip okay so what if you disable everything yeah let’s see it’s nice that they give you the option yeah straight in cool wow launched faster than me a I love Microsoft so much fatal error oh no well it looks like you don’t need to do that anyway oh all right nope forget about Master Chief Collection should we show them infinite while we’re at it I mean that’s not going to work it’s going to be a real lengthy one here yep CPU not supported goodbye okay I’m not counting that as two though I’m still we’ll just say one okay what’s next hell divers 2 hell divers 2 I can tell you how this goes this one has avx2 required oh it also has a game guard whatever that is is it are we even going to make it past game guard we might make it past game guard oh you can bring up the yeah I don’t know well actually I do know I know exactly how this is going to go yep oh boy must support ABX instructions to run this game okay goodbye okay oh this is rough dude do we have hollow okay what’s next cyber Punk cyber c punk do it all right update cued going in I realize I don’t technically know for sure I mean this is Arc right like we’ve given them some passes just like assumed it’s going to work but doesn’t work on everything that is true hell divers 2 work on Arc I mean this all seems to be running completely and fine yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah how cyber Punk coming along continue with out would count play I think this should be fine really cyber punk I think so I would be pretty impressed with that all right come on you can do it I believe in the Snapdragon I think cyberp Punk has like an in-game rendered menu like Tomb Raider does um actually no does it no it doesn’t never mind I lied I helped thank you oh yeah hell divers is running not great but it works yeah it’s chuggy chugging for sure yep okay that’s a pass for Intel all right video it does have a benchmark Graphics what are we at low low low low low uh that makes sense yeah run Benchmark let’s see what happens merch message oh yeah you got anything for us are the flannels ever coming back maybe probably not though we should make new flannel um what would you change uh no pockets on the front really yeah you’re not a front pockets guy no all sizes problem with the pockets is that they make you look fat really yeah oh okay cuz there’s too much material there and it makes it go straight out so if you look at a lot of people they’ll be standing and then the pocket just go like that what if we could do the pockets better or what about like every single other shirt you just don’t have pockets there you have a pocket up here there’s a pocket there you can have two pockets there even or you could not have pockets and you can just have the ones where you like show your nipples when you flip up the little thing all right we’ll get right on that one fantastic this is playing this is walking yeah it’s um it looks nice it’s pretty this is a pretty looking game at low like that’s one I saw some people saying online a little while ago they were like sounds credible sorry I saw someone and I got annoyed because they were like low settings in games look so great these days it’s so incredible you can do on low settings it’s like no that just means you can’t play it on older stuff like he’s not wrong okay I got a 18 FPS average yep you sure did Billy you sure did and that waset that was upscaling ooh I don’t think there’s can I turn anything down I don’t think there’s much for you to do like you are not going to uh there’s some stuff there’s some stuff here low off sure apply oh uh here I’m almost in the menu here let me get caught up to you and then I’ll set it the same Ultra performance no Dynamic resolution scaling cuz then like the image quality is changing all the time and we have no way of knowing exactly what is like what settings either machine is running at uh if you’re tuning in late there okay I’ll just turn it to off then we are running an Intel machine so that’s with a core Ultra 7 155h versus a Snapdragon X Elite machine so this is the uh Samsung uh galaxy book 4 Edge galaxy book 4 Edge man I’m going to 720p I was going to say galaxy book Edge 4 again and then over here I’ve got the Vivo book s from Asus these are somewhat price is comparable and what we are mainly focused on is whether our Snapdragon machine is going to be able to run the various games that we’re trying to play okay so mine default is a ray tracing low can you tell me what setting your settled on uh so I told it to full screen at 720p and now I can’t open the window again oh it seems pretty confused yeah uh huh well let’s just uh close that there let’s try again say bye cheery good night cheer good eve I wow Mine defaulted to some pretty higher end settings here uh let’s try this again I am going to try the steam deck preset I’m going to try it at 1080P and I’m going to see what happens I I am not really expecting this to run great you want to just run the Benchmark yeah yes I do okay well it launched again yeah that’s something it seems like qualcom has some issues with full screening games that aren’t the correct resolution that’s been a problem a couple times now again though that to us says GPU drivers and doesn’t say emulation challenge yeah necessarily and emulating games is what we’re mostly interested in today because I think GPU driver you know full screening that that’s something they can continue to work on man this really highlights what a nightmare it would be to optimize the platform for every game that exists like we haven’t even scratched the surface of all the games that people are asking us to run here in the chat haven’t even scratched the surface and that’s without people even Ming on us you know like watch watch my dad shower simulator or whatever like these pretty much everything we’ve touched today has been a legitimate game that people legitimately play in in not small numbers oh it’s doing it again this might be a fail this might be a fail also mine is crushing it in performance I’m running at steam deck preset which has a bunch of stuff at medium and like yeah yeah it’s very playable I think this might be a fail um do we give it one more try well remember we had one half a fail before uh so this is our other half a fail this is our other half a fail yep okay okay we’re going to have to cap this off at some point here how many more games do you guys want to do Grand Theft Auto 5 okay oh that’s a big deal yeah a lot of people play this game lot of content in Grand Theft Auto 5 are you going to try to launch GTA online or you just going to go GTA 5 just GTA 5 GTA 5 here we go I think we need to try banana as well that’s going to be your last one if you do that banana come on guys oh my God Rockstar launcher I don’t care care I don’t care watch how much faster I’ll install it than you no I’m done I’m done buddy oh there you forget it well never mind then wait I’m not done crud shoot I think you’re ahead of me no no I thought I was doing so well I was all cocky um oh my God I have to create an account who cares what can I just not apparently not I thought you used to be able to just not yeah Grand Theft Auto five that is what a bunch of jerks super annoying oh man I see the Rockstar account for LT Benchmark I see one for our third account and one for our primary account I do not see one for our well can you show me the one for sure sure I believe you can just use any of them oh really like I don’t think it’s tied to a steam account I believe they’re just like the two or three Rockstar accounts individually okay I’ll get it I’ll get her done this really highlights how many bloody launchers and accounts there are like we probably could have tested 50% more games if we hadn’t had to fight with up play and Rockstar Games launcher and various unskippable cut scenes tutorials oh yeah tutorials have been killing us I need an account verification number now this is so fun I love PC gaming see I do but I also just am so frustrated by its current state you know this is where people are always like oh you had the laptops for a week why didn’t you test 57 games on it and it’s like this it takes so long just to get into the stupid things no it is tied it’s tied I can’t uh Benchmark 3 is on that computer so just switch over to that oh sure I will do that ah how convenient please CL oh I’m working on it so dumb I mean yours is the more important one anyway so yeah full screen uh that’s a good size window settings Graphics yeah that’s the resolution that we want nice man changing settings in this game is so tedious I remember when this game was a critical part of our Benchmark suite and you’d have to go in you’d have to change all the settings then you’d have to like check them then you’d have to like like the game would relaunch or something I forget you’d have to go in all a sudden would be different again you check them again oh wow oh you guys you guys missed out uh they aren’t able to see it but uh epilepsy warning oh wait switch to the back cam epilepsy warning are you on the back cam yeah there you go uh I think that’s going to be a fail that’s not great all right uh cool uh okay epilepsy safe now don’t don’t show that again wait is your machine just like I I think she might be big mangled is she off uh alt tab does nothing wind key does nothing oh uh the laptop’s not coming up on um capture anymore I think it’s dead did she it restarted okay you can go to the back cam back cam quick quick quick she’s rebooting boys wow that was fun by far our most spectacular fail so [Laughter] far that was a good one wow that was exciting man this stream was waiting for some excitement like that hey thanks for thanks for staying tuned in you guys okay you guys got a couple more for for us yeah let’s see we’ve got Geometry Dash no probably not um TF2 War Thunder s days to die I think TF2 probably in the same category as Gary’s Mod though oh so that’ be kind of boring n we can do it yeah sure they’re embroiled in a bit of controversy at the moment yeah but I thought they’re I thought their player counts like spiking again cuz they banned a bunch of people yeah I think they got on the radar all right here we go my back everything working yeah you guys got capture for him y cool nice that was crazy oh is someone asking for Elden ring it didn’t work your game up the it is yes Alt Enter did not work I’ve seen a lot of people asking for BMG Drive should be give that a go sure uh how’s this going uh it must be able to play TF2 I would be pretty surprised right glad you’re enjoying the stream CL bigs I mean this is the kind of exploratory stuff that we we legitimately love to do but a lot of the time there’s no content in it so it’s like it’s tough yeah uh it’s like if Alex came in and was like yeah for the next two shifts for the next couple of days I’m just going to sit and launch games I’d be like okay like what are we what are we doing with that exactly and our TF2 ask comes with a merch message too if you want oh sure hit me hi Lon Alex and Dan first time with a merch message do you think we’ll uh finally see a proper competitor from AMD in high graphics cards next year oh we responded to this one earlier the answer is probably not oh sorry maybe you send it in twice with two different games that’s not good yeah I’m going to close this give her one more shots we do allow one to over but like it’s Team Fortress too I mean it ran Gary’s Mod just fine yeah TF2 has had a lot more updates than Gary’s Mod though and my understanding is that the game is like a patchwork at this point H this might be a surprising loss yeah I did not see this one I didn’t either I think we need to try halflife 2 no we don’t need to try halflife 2 if you want to try another Valve game it should be CS2 like when people play okay left for dead um I love left for dead but I do not think that that is a particularly uh relevant game today BG yeah we can do BMG NG rather no I don’t think this is working wow TF2 surprising l y all right do we have beam beam and G Drive heck yeah do I really have to buy this launch what is this again soft body physic okay yeah yeah yeah I wonder if it’s on like Benchmark 2 I’ll check it it’s also definitely on my Steam account nice is it fun not really oh is it interesting it is very interesting cool all right uh sure maybe I’ll just grab it then it’s on sale sure sure I think this has probably been the most requested game today what BNG yeah I’ve seen I’ve seen it a lot yeah so many people talking about it okay graphics uh can I get my resolution correct please oh displays up here I just didn’t even see it we’re going borderless apply display settings yay okay Graphics uh I’m going low so this would be very CPU demanding then yes okay but is is it using the CPU for physics computer or is it oh my God what is this okay launch not yeah just launch sure okay or is it is it using CPU compute for physics or is it using I think it’s using CPU oh okay so maybe you’ll have a rough go got him it’s thing she’s got 12 real cores what does yours have uh I think six performance cores and then then sorry what does it work out too uh I think it’s six performance eight efficiency and two low power efficiency or something like that okay uh no I don’t need online features right now continue okay what do I do uh I guess go to options first and let’s just make sure that those are absolutely broadly the same okay Graphics normal I went to low okay low and then display just make sure it’s at 1080p you bet okay oh it supports VR cool okay then what do we do I don’t know should we just go to a scenario yeah uh I have no context for any of this help me you picked up a controller so I assumed we were using a controller but my controller doesn’t appear to be interfacing with it is that expect oh my d-pad works ah brilliant okay uh what about litter Liberator with the Gambler 500 okay litter Liberator okay pick up trash that’s been left over the island The Gambler 500’s sick it’s a event down in Oregan and Washington and stuff cool you just go on a rally and by go on a rally I mean you pick up a bunch of garbage and then you get really drunk I really want to go oh and you’re supposed to do the rally in a car that’s no more than $500 oh is that like a lemon rally wow yeah it’s like a lemon rally I would love to do that I’ve always wanted to do a lemon race and I love rally so I really want to do 24 hours of lemons after the lemon race is their L party cool uh I think so I’m muting your microphone okay we ready to start she’s chugging oh wow that is not good uh I’m having lows of zero I’m having lows of 4 my my car is not oh it it came in I have a car now okay what do I do do I just hit it how do I how do I pick up garbage I don’t know uh okay do I maybe press oh that wasn’t it uh uhhuh okay so this isn’t really important though so let’s go on yeah this area right here you want to go by the C shirt yeah and now let’s just floor it into that building that’s right there a building you see yeah okay and then we’ll is there an eere I can’t I don’t know maybe a okay okay so yeah we’re in about the same spot hold on hold on I’m going back up a bit I’m going back up a bit okay okay which building are we trying to hit I was thinking that building although that isn’t a super exciting building to hit uh yeah we can hit any building you want yeah let’s just let’s just smack straight into that building the little one close one okay I’m ready okay here we go here we go here we go here we go oh my goodness this car is not very fast I am catching up all right okay you want to hit those pets that was kind of anti-am uh wow that was the least exciting thing that I have ever seen uh I think we can how about this oh my my C yeah my car is pretty broken so uh how do I I can’t believe you’ve done this I’m going to hit this stuff I’m going to hit these uh can we restart I’m going to hit these things yeah oh what those don’t move either what’s going on here no okay I’m going to try and crash a bit more spectacular oh my goodness I can’t get over this look at my poor wheel my I’m not in much better shape Alex yeah uh I think it’s time to restart but this does appear to be working I mean not well well your performance is poo poo my well what’s your like very good The Experience mine’s about the same great uh your 1% little half of what mine are not that it’s a competition except that it’s a competition it’s still a pass yeah we do have to give it a pass all right uh I want to try one more thing sure we’re abandoning this yeah okay what are we going to now uh I don’t know I just want to do something slight L more interesting sure I’m in a pickup truck now for some reason okay free roam grid map V2 grid map okay H how do I just there we go yeah main menu free roam on the left grid map V2 this guy right here yeah okay and what do you want uh let’s just do the center the center okay spawn I wonder what car we have I I thought there would be like a car selection bit oh you press R to restart I guess perfect Flawless uh okay okay so now what uh let’s hit something in a kind of spectacular way okay just drive straight sure okay so I have yeah pretty similar performance yours is a little bit better but not by much yep continuing to just floor it here okay I had a little bit of hitching there but it’s fine oh oh this now we’re going to yeah go big into the air nice nice nice now how much does a chug when you land oh not at all beautiful yeah might had a little bit of a thingy there that was usable yeah that was fun that was more usable than my car is now mine’s very broken still seems to work what did I leave behind on the ground here look like a bumper oh yeah it’s just a bumper and a spare tire yeah or is that one of my tires that’s a spare tire no it’s my spare tire I don’t even need that that’s a spare let’s jump again I don’t know if I can get enough speed to jump again I want to try and do a barrel roll I’ll sure try so what is the point of this game uh well that’s the thing it’s mostly just fun to watch things crash that’s why I was like it’s interesting but maybe not fun got it they’re adding more stuff so there is like a little bit of kind of structured fun but it’s mostly just like what happens if you jump a truck right yeah and now you know isn’t like off-roading a big component of it too yeah there’s also off-roading and you just have to like Drive normally or you destroy your car yeah there a little higher stakes and some other Sims got it I it’s lot of fun for like rally racing I think I’m out of gas oh yeah you are well how do I press R barrel roll oh my God I did a barrel roll nice I mean you’re missing a wheel but yeah that’s fine that’s a minor detail yeah look I can still drive okay why don’t we do yeah two more games two more games sure let’s see another couple suggestions were 7 Days to Die in War Thunder there’s some other ones that we’d have to kind of switch drives for 7 Days to Die we got that we have War Thunder as well I was concerned War Thunder might require counts okay let’s do seven days to die yeah maybe we’ll just do that one on Alex’s machine did I see this say ah we’re screwed yeah no easy anti cheat you’re done you’re out yeah R 64 CQ not supported okay here’s one what about like a jackbox game oh yeah like just you know yeah exact exactly I happen to have party pack seven so sure count seven days yes oh yeah seven days I mean we didn’t know it was easy antiche we’re not trying to just like stack up easy antiche games or anything we’re not trying to make anybody look good we’re not trying to make anybody look bad we’re just trying to get recommendations from you guys and try games that would suck oh apparently you can disable easy antiche on it uh 7 Days to Die Play Oh launch without easy anti okay okay this isn’t a fail yet then we should probably try Minecraft H yeah we really should like the biggest game ever yeah it’s also a fantastic game If we’re honest so should we end it with Minecraft then sorry should we end it with Minecraft let’s end it with Minecraft Minecraft Java yeah we know guys were’re working on there’s other ones no there isn’t no just Java I mean is there a Minecraft other than Java no they exist all right I’m in actually okay uh uh is it letting you interact with it call it 18 to 34 did it it it maxed out at 720p for some reason that’s weird wait what what is it what are these resolutions I don’t know if this is this laptop’s fault uh okay well let’s just oh oh oh boy well is it back oh it’s not looking good that’s the same error that we had in m in uh valheim 7 Days to Die might be a fail I’m afraid all right why is Windows updating to install the Minecraft launcher it’s doing it on mine too it did it really fast for what it’s worth do you want to try launching a jackbox party pack yeah while we wait cuz this is the kind of thing I could actually see playing on a plane you know you got your seatmates you fire up a jackbox game you’d have enough battery life to basically play the whole damn time I don’t know it’s working just bring like a little Linux box yeah put it in the overhead bring a little Wi-Fi thing conect gock oh is it Cloud hosted yeah is it Cloud hosted usually the lobbies are Cloud hosting interesting I live service game I could be wrong there could be a way around it I just don’t uh what do I even I don’t even know what any of this is quick lash quick lash quip lash rather quip lash sure okay uh play play can you play by yourself or will it just tell you you’re the saddest person ever you’re getting a lot more FPS than me uh yes wow join uh people join oh no we’re playing with them yeah stream join oh God there’s our codes only one lob code at a time I’ll show it for a little bit all right uh Chase they like me better they they haven’t seen mine yet just go back to uh just click Start and then we’re just going to end it we don’t want actually people to see stuff see stuff well they’re just GNA we don’t actually want to play the game because they’re just GNA give really dumb answers oh yeah yeah that’s true I was concerned about their names mostly got they they pick their names good good good how do I start what what stinky lonus not cool guys not cool all right how do I start it says press everybody’s in to start the game but I don’t see oh okay oh there we go yeah sure so yeah maybe just show us and then we don’t have to worry about whatever the people say yeah I’m doing that it is working I’m not showing what’s on the screen okay murder on the high seas what is mine doing is mine is mine working hello wrecked points are divid up based on vote percentage so show no mercy oh no yeah it’s just giving me the instructions I’m actually ahead of you ha gotcha oh yeah you are uh write your answer on your device now okay I forget um I forget what the question was it’ll it’ll show everyone who’s playing on their tab okay but I’m not going to show it cool okay I mean this just seems you can show our screens for now no not in a minute yeah okay wow your performance is poo poo M oh mine is right now too oh yeah I have so many more people in the audience cuz I showed yours first this is playable though yeah this is fine this is a win okay I’m out I want to see their first answers oh god well I am going to get Minecraft downloading in the meantime oh yeah I can Minecraft Windows is updating why is Windows updating oh and seven days to die is still open I believe the reason that it upunch is now of the Xbox Microsoft oh my God it just locked my stupid if you enter your Microsoft account password twice wrong Minecraft launcher it locks you out and I think it actually forces a password reset too it’s extremely inconvenient that is extremely inconvenient all right 18 seconds to see what the people have done was any of it horrible or can we show it on the screen we will see soon oh I am I am very inconvenienced right now Alex and very frustrated why did I even try to type it I should have known better what these two people joined and they didn’t even submit something come on guys to protect you we have temporarily locked your account okay these are boring wrecked I ala Ford Windows is updating okay so can I do minacraft on here uh no you have to download the oh wait this so still doing stuff oh so I don’t want stupid yeah yeah Java Edition that one good oh yeah Java Edition okay yeah install so what’s this doing I’m just going to close that I’m going to try to recover my account nice uh merch messages yeah do you have any oh there’s a couple more incoming here that I missed let’s see any plans on branching out like this again and if so what are you excited about doing next uh they like the car reviews and the dash cams oh I mean if you like the dash cam video I mean it’s funny that printer we actually have because we wanted to do like a dozen way PR round up and see if there was any decent printer um and we didn’t get to it CU it was a lot of work and overwhelming so we want to do things but sometimes we don’t get to do them I know Alex is very passionate about Car Projects um I bought an intake yesterday the economics of making a YouTube video or YouTube channel about Car Projects can be very challenging yes um I I I mean I’m sure you saw Big Time launch so I reached out I haven’t heard back from them yet but I reached out to try to become a sponsor a sponsor yeah cuz I mean look I know from us doing the math how challenging what they’re doing is um I wish them nothing but the best and so if anyone who is associated with big time is watching right now and wants to try to get their attention like for the screwdriver or yeah yeah I’d love to be their exclusive screwdriver provider even not exclusive you know what I don’t even care I I’m not even going to ask for exclusivity let’s just uh let’s just say we’ll send screwdrivers and maybe some sponsorship dollars and you guys can use them if you like them how about that but I’m super down I’m just getting a spinning wheel on Minecraft no way no Minecraft do you know the account info this this seems like a Windows problem not a qualcom problem yet TR PR a little uh do you want to do that you could also try just giving it a reboot like the Windows store um I like the machine because if it’s if it’s doing like a Windows update or something like that maybe it’s a little confus ulated oh it says play now oh wow what is this that’s Bedrock version this is bedrock why does it say Java and Bedrock if I’m in Bedrock where’s actual Minecraft so uh Bedrock seems to work you want to put my screen up yeah uh so this this is a Thing If you go to games they probably install them separately on the Xbox store I think that’s how it works keep showing your uh L got a merch message here hey so I have my wardrobe basically LT is there any update on the pants oh uh we are working on it uh soon they should be on Route pretty quickly um I believe they are already like in mass production now okay I just reset my password and it is not letting me into my account with the new password so I think I give up for now because this is just such a piece of garbage that because you playing the demo uh doesn’t have Game Pass it’s not going to work oh yeah this account probably doesn’t own Minecraft yeah probably not I mean you managed to launch the like yeah but no one cares about Bedrock well kids do kids play Bedrock Al no yeah yeah they doic yeah that’s the one you can play on iPad and stuff any of the kids that are cool are definitely on Java okay so you are you are the decider of who which kids are cool now uh what does your son play Java exactly well I mean it’s not that black and white is all I’m saying he’s a child and he plays Java he also uses a c Ultra cool yeah he he knows what he’s doing he’s like installing mod right he’s kind of a nerd so there’s that my kid right like what do you expect let’s try a Minecraft launcher again uh something grandom says open Minecraft launcher there’s a demo for Java oh starting installation open Minecraft launcher what even is this they wrapped the game in a launcher now and it’s very confusing it does allow you to install the various versions in one place which is kind of nice I Googled open Minecraft launcher and it’s just all results for how to like open the Minecraft launcher so that’s not helpful I no no no I I’m I give up on this machine I’m over it now that my account’s broken waiting for install to begin okay whatever uh merch messages uh it’s going to take a while not really mostly just asking to play games no I am Bedrock player I’m sorry for you blocked oh my goodness you guys what they’re trying to say is if Al get my float plane chat keeps crashing I think it just maxes out just maxes out Minecraft launcher yeah you got to buy it there’s your problem yeah we’re still just waiting for install to begin I okay go there though all right go back to yeah do you have to buy it for the install to begin though like is it prompting you to buy it I could try something yeah do you want to try something sure come try something chase and I’ll talk about the ridge yeah yeah they sponsored this stream today with their uh it was Voodoo green yes yes with their Voodoo green and uh I think it’s called Island yeah Tropic tropical is it cold Island whatever they have cool new yeah tropical yeah tropical and Voodoo green and you can get them like with carbon fiber in a green accent or just green and you can get it with like flowers or like little parrots and other more flowers and little huts and stuff and sailboats and they’re a Vibe and you can check them out you can use code Linus to get 10% off and free shipping we’re going to have that linked down below oh installer arm 64 four oh what for this one oh no way yeah okay we’ll do that one sorry no way keep keep keep anyway should work more info run anywayz yep that’s how you know you’re getting the good stuff yeah yeah oh man uh Canadian English yep y um uh oh well we don’t have any oh my goodness of java so you have to go get Java well this is convenient it is but yeah we’re working on prism launcher guys we’re on it oh my gods oh my god oh yeah do we need to install Java yeah what are we on Windows uh windows architecture arm arm 64 is that just this one yeah arm yeah okay any uhoh yeah it might not be uhoh available all right uh try x64 I guess all right sure yeah oh that seems like a long shot we’ll give it a shot it’s okay okay we’re just going to install to see if it works we’re going to install x86 Java sure whoever said play cyber Punk we did yeah it worked okayish okayish we gave it half a point half a point you can have half points adds up to one point I think that’s what we did I’m Prett sure we’ve been counting sure oh someone asked for steam VR steamr yeah no I I did bring a headset over here in our in our bin of crap to try no I also brought over a racing wheel detected it where would that have installed I have no idea yeah that’s that’s rough not the desktop that’s for sure Fu jeez yeah I’m not sure it’s probably in hey Alex have you ever played satisfactory uh I have not played satisfactory there it is oh we found it the refresh we found it yeah okay um who has an account uh I do don’t show this I mean I have an account I can’t get into it okay I’ll do my account I also have an account okay let’s see uh I’m already doing mine all right am I just straight up not able to get into my Microsoft account anymore this is good it doesn’t even matter because I have to do a code what else are people saying City skylines 2 we tried number one they work just fine uh they want us to play calculator I can verify that that is known good Skyrim played that it works okayish uh I I am seeing a fair bit of satisfactory requests valheim didn’t work whoever asked for that I am just straight up locked out of my hot mail account now which is super cool okay well it’s getting the assets so hopefully it works I guess should we tell people to stop asking for stuff we’re drawing Minecraft as the finale yes that’ll be the last big one chair what what’s up with the chair oh yeah that’s fun it’s part of the rug now okay I resetting my password again come on you know you want to do it you good thing I think it’s just taking a while because those files are like it has to get them Microsoft servers uh Gary’s Mod we tried it worked mostly tape to tape we tried it did not work at all yeah that was a bummer yeah it’s a good game and I wanted him to try it and now he’s not trying it uh Master Chief Collection just straight up didn’t work at all right n that was a mess yeah [Music] oh hey Dan do you want to put the thingy up uh sure yeah let’s see where are we yeah that sounds about right this ISS the moment of truth will we have the Minecraft proper Edition will it be 18 of 34 you can even load up the log do you want to load up the log uh how way you can view it if you right click on the 1.21 and the the launcher there yeah do you want to do this yeah maybe it’s if you go edit yeah you can see what what it’s doing right now so it’s just stuck loading uh oh uhoh yeah I don’t know yeah I’m going to look at their compatibility list and see if it’s on there that’s fair I mean In fairness because we had to get a Java from a third party and it might not like it in fairness you did get bedrock going yeah Bedrock did work so maybe that could be a half a point I know how you feel about Bedrock but a lot of people do play Bedrock yeah look I know I don’t know I booted it up once and then saw that it was all microtransactions and was like what I don’t know what mine is doing right now because I own Minecraft and it’s prompting me to buy it so I just can’t even right now Microsoft is so great yeah this is do I own this game and do I have a subscription what are you talking about yes I own this game how many I I have dungeons too I played it with my kids so this one might be half a point you go to someone in the chat there’s a way to get like an arch 64 version of the yeah this is I’m not we’re not going to get Arch 64 whatever that’s that’s beyond the skills of most average Minecraft yeah this is not looking like it’s going okay In fairness the skills of the average Minecraft person is like pretty high cuz it’s so nonsens to get like the simplest of mods working that’s fair enough actually still we’re not saying conclusively it doesn’t work we’re just not saying conclusively that it does that is for sure and also In fairness we couldn’t get it working on our Intel system either because Microsoft are buttheads yeah it doesn’t know that I own it for some reason all right are we finishing with banana last game last game here we go all right yeah I need to get it yeah believe it or not it’s not a super um big download shocking I’ve heard that there’s hours and hours of gameplay okay ready Oh no you’re yeah you’re still getting it okay I’m ready let’s see what we get is it going to work oh it’s maybe with unity that’s actually not a good sign oh can you full screen it settings full screen oh res oh my God it crashed what no way you can’t play Banana can I not play Banana here I am earning bananas and you’re not even earning bananas wait I’m clicking oh there we go I can play Banana a my old man carpal tunnel I’m going to pass you no you’re not I’m overow it I think I did it did I do it I definitely did it ha all right but can I change my resolution um no I get one siiz banana nice all right I thank you guys very much for tuning in to this stream um I don’t know how often we’re going to do stuff like this but I enjoyed it I learned a lot I think what do we end up with 17 and a half out of 34 games 18 and a half 18 and a half out of 35 with banana 52.85 7% all right in conclusion All Things Considered damn that’s a lot more than you can do with an M silicon computer yeah right and you get the battery life yeah are you willing to give up half your games for double the battery life it’s all about the framing right yeah like if your expectation is like oh yeah I’m going to like game on this machine or whatever like yeah no you’re going to be pretty disappointed it’s even in the ones that got a pass the performance often was donkey ass mhm uh we’re late enough in the Stream I figure not too many people who are undedicated or watching uh but if you if you if you frame it as this is a super energy efficient laptop that I’m going to do work on and I’m going to do mostly things in Chrome yeah and by the way there are some games that will run yeah you can play balers Gate 3 we didn’t test that but I can tell you that has an arm native version runs great yeah I’m I’m I’m honestly kind of stoked I saw Wendell uploaded a video I think either today or yesterday where he was mad about something about Snapdragon X Elite so I’ve got to watch that still I don’t know what it was um but what I suspect is that Wendel’s expectations are quite High um reasonable but High I expect Wendell expects things to be done properly and I suspect not everything was done properly um having like CPU temps and power info would be really cool yeah yeah that should be that should be done but I’m I’m pretty stoked I think the I think the month-long challenge with these is not going to be that painful n it’s going to be fine not as painful as uh the setup and execution of this stream guys this was way more difficult than you probably realize uh thank you team for making this happen and I will see you guys later
AMD, building, competition, CPU, game development, gamers, Gaming, gpu, how to, Intel, pcmr, review, unity, unity game engine
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Alex Lorel
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