CUBA! Here’s What Surprised Us Most: Safety, Food, Money, Cigars, Cars

Unveiling Cuba: Surprises and Insights from a Unique Journey

As we bid farewell to Cuba, a country that defies expectations at every turn, we reflect on the myriad surprises and cultural revelations that shaped our journey. From the vibrant streets of Havana to the serene countryside, Cuba captivated us with its complexities and contradictions.

1. Beyond Cigars: Unraveling Cuban Culture

Arriving in Cuba, we anticipated a nation cloaked in cigar smoke, yet discovered a different reality. Cigars, once ubiquitous, now symbolize luxury reserved mainly for tourists or those working in the tobacco industry. This shift unveils Cuba’s evolving socio-economic landscape, where traditions intersect with modern realities.

2. The Myth of Cuban Style: Fedoras and Afro-Cuban Influence

The image of fedora-clad locals in white attire isn’t mere fashion; it’s rooted in Afro-Cuban religion. Initiated into Santería, practitioners wear white for a year, influencing the island’s sartorial charm. This cultural richness adds layers to Cuba’s visual tapestry beyond tourist postcards.

3. Contrasts in Transport: American Cars and Russian Contraptions

Amongst Cuba’s iconic vintage American cars, lesser-known Russian Ladas ply the roads. While the former steal the limelight, the latter quietly weave into everyday life, revealing Cuba’s diverse automotive heritage beyond Instagram snapshots.

4. Economic Realities: Tourism and Profession

In Cuba, economic paradoxes abound. From doctors earning less than $100 a month to physics professors hosting tourists for a better livelihood, the tourism industry offers financial opportunities surpassing traditional professions. This dichotomy underscores Cuba’s economic dualities and challenges.

5. Currency Quirks: Peso vs. CUC

Navigating Cuba’s economy means grasping its dual currency system—local pesos and the convertible peso (CUC). Once seen as a cost-saving tool for locals, both currencies now coexist in everyday transactions, reshaping visitor expectations and local financial strategies.

6. Culinary Revelations: From Pizza to Cuban Sandwiches

Cuba’s culinary scene surprises with its accessibility and diversity. Italian influences permeate menus, offering pizza and pasta delights at every corner. However, the Cuban sandwich, though beloved, owes its fame more to American visitors than Cuban origins—a testament to culinary cross-pollination.

7. Connectivity Chronicles: Wi-Fi and Social Interaction

In a world where Wi-Fi is ubiquitous, Cuba stands out with its limited and controlled internet access. Wi-Fi hotspots, marked by bustling crowds glued to screens, reveal a society navigating between digital connectivity and cherished face-to-face interactions—a rarity in our hyper-connected era.

8. Safety Surprises: Navigating Nighttime in Havana

Contrary to initial apprehensions, Havana surprises with its nighttime safety. Despite appearances, locals and seasoned visitors attest to its security, encouraging exploration beyond daytime confines while urging caution with valuables.

9. Toilet Paper Tales and Everyday Realities

Dispelling myths, toilet paper scarcity remains a relic of outdated travel advisories. Cuba’s evolving infrastructure ensures basic amenities are readily available, dispelling preconceived notions with practical daily realities.

10. Reflections and Farewells: Cuba’s Lasting Impression

As our Cuban adventure draws to a close, we depart with newfound insights and lasting memories. Beyond the tourist veneer lies a country rich in history, culture, and resilient spirits—an experience that challenges preconceptions and leaves an indelible mark on our travel narrative.


Our journey through Cuba transcended mere exploration; it was a voyage of discovery and understanding. From cultural nuances to economic realities, each encounter reshaped our perception of this enigmatic island nation. As we bid adiós to Cuba, we carry its stories and lessons forward, eager to share our newfound wisdom and inspire others to explore beyond the surface of travel destinations.


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