As the FDCI India Couture Week 2024 reached its fifth day, the fashion show continued and it was ace designer Rahul Mishra who showed his magic on the runway. He represented his new Nargis collection which was all about combining his signature elements with a touch of sparkle. From fruits to flowers and birds, the embellishments and embroidery in the Nargis collection highlight Rahul Mishra’s love for nature. The collection featured vibrant hues, sequin work, property thread work, bugle beads, Kundan, nakshi pitta Work and more. Actress Lisa Ray made sure to do justice to the collection by owning the runway in an exquisite gown. She donned a delicate ivory and gold-hued sari dress that came with gold floral appliqués. Paired with a corset-bodice blouse, the look was a solid ten. She opted for a sleek beauty look with a neat ponytail adorned with red roses and her dewy glamour was perfect to complete the outfit.
Read also: Malaika Arora ruled the ramp in a dazzling, structured black Siddartha Tytler Lehenga At ICW 2024
Before presenting Nargis at the prestigious event, Rahul Mishra shared an Instagram post about his latest collection. In the first image, an artist can be seen working on a fully embroidered sleeveless piece. The next video showed floral embroidery done on georgette fabric. A black sequined outfit and a few other pieces with floral designs were also highlighted.
Not long ago, Emily in Paris Star Ashley Park attended the Vogue World Paris event in a short Rahul Mishra dress. The little dress was selected from the designer’s Fall 2023 Haute Couture collection, “We, The People.” The wrap-around corset dress by La Lune made Ashley look gorgeous. The structured sheer dress was crafted to resemble a flower, embellished with shiny silver detailing to add sparkle. Its strapless design, paired with a plunging V-neckline, exuded unmatched drama.
Ashley Park wasn’t the only one who stepped out in a Rahul Mishra creation at Vogue World Paris. Preity Zinta also said yes to the designer’s ombré gown for the same event. The strapless ensemble featured shades of silver, gold, brown, orange, black and lime. The body-hugging cut made it stand out. Preity looked sophisticated and elegant with minimal makeup and her hair down.
Rahul Mishra never fails to impress fashion fans with his designs.
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