Now like her of smoking The video went viral, an old tweet from his mother. Geeta I say It has resurfaced again. A Reddit user shared it. A fan had shared a picture of Kriti smoking for her film ‘Bareily Ki Barfi’ and had clarified that it was just for a film, so people should not spread false allegations. Geeta Sanon replied to her and said, “She has always been against smoking and used to ask people around her to quit smoking.”
Earlier, Kriti had said during an interview with Mid-day, “I was always a non-smoker and I continue to be like that. I only picked up a cigarette because my character demanded it.”
Meanwhile, when Kriti’s smoking video went viral, fans came out in support of her. Many said that it was not that big of a deal if she was smoking during her vacation. Some are also angry that people are recording videos of celebrities without their knowledge or approval.
On the work front, Kriti was last seen in ‘Crew’ and ‘Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya’ last year and both films performed well.
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