As the FDCI x India Couture Week 2024 reaches its sixth day, we witnessed the unveiling of exquisite designs by Jayanti Reddy. Jayanti’s eponymous luxury label celebrates femininity by combining elegant and classy silhouettes. Today’s latest collection was fronted by Aditi Rao Hydari. The actress looked absolutely stunning in a glorious contemporary gold gown. trash The Bollywood celebrity took center stage at the collection’s presentation. Aditi strutted down the runway in a gold-embellished ensemble consisting of a long-sleeved blouse with a plunging neckline down to the high waist, finished off with a pleated detail over the torso. palace-Classic flared trousers in the same style, which together looked modern enough to be worn almost as a pantsuit.
Along with it, she wore an oversized choker and a larger-than-life pendant. Aditi’s stylized beauty look included her dark hair, straight and tucked behind her ears, with bronzed cheeks, muted eyes and deep wine-hued lips.
According to a post shared by FDCI on Instagram, Jayanti Reddy’s collection is a tribute to India’s regal past. Her designs feature ancient motifs and traditional textiles that are reminiscent of India’s opulent craftsmanship. Nizami The designer’s work is a magnificent presentation of traditional embroidery that reflects the sumptuousness of Hyderabad’s royalty. The rich tapestry of colour, culture, couture and poetry is truly a sight to behold.
Jayanti Reddy showcased a combination of contemporary silhouettes and youthful energy in her signature pieces. Her unique craftsmanship includes hours of meticulous handwork. In addition to eye-catching zardozi embroidery, has also experimented with I have to and beads to add an extra dose of drama. Their collections embody the motto where past meets present and heritage merges with modern.
Jayanti Reddy’s designs at the FDCI India Couture Week surely surprised fashion aficionados.
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